Most embarrasing Christmas memory

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Ah, Christmas. My favourite time of year... *sigh* All of the snow and the chestnuts... Ah.
Moving on...
Ummm... OH YEAH!
Okay so during the war Dexter and I had what we like to call 'A romantic interlude' I'm sure you all know by now though..
SO anyway as it neared Christmas, Corrival decided to dismiss us all for a few weeks so we could see our family.
Me, having no family, felt a little rejected and so decided to stay at the camp that Christmas. However my boyfriend intervened and forced me to spend christmas with his mum and little sister (;D ) So yes. That was rather sweet of him.
So we had finished the first christmas dinner I had ever experienced in my life and had basically had too much sherry... Aha, you can see where this is headed.
So Dexter and I headed upstairs to his room where his mum had set out two beds etc.
His mother did not know until this point that her son was bi, I can tell you.
So er.. aha.. christmas time... mistletoe... wine... no children singing christian rhyme more intense moaning and then that intense pause as his mother walks in.
The end ^-^ have a merry christmas.

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