Worst thing the DM asked me to do?

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AHAHA! Oh wow.. Okay..
One time we had a little bit of a run in with some nymphs down.. I think it was Austria way..
Anyway let's just say we were in a pub and there was this really pretty nymph girl that Ant had an eye on and she keep winking and biting her
Lip which I thought was a bit strange.. Anyway so eventually Shudder plucked up the courage to invite her to our table and they were chatting and it was cute and yada yada.. And anyway after a bit the two went off to dance.
So er.. Erskine came up with this amazing idea to spike Anton's drink with this weird stuff.. I dunno what.. So under pressure and everything I did.
Poor bloke.
He was out of it.. Completely, he kept yabbering out this weird stuff (stuff I'm not allowed to say in this PG zone) and it was very funny.
But then the nymph girl got a bit cross. And um.. Kind of attacked him.
They um, they get like that... And so the others were like 'dude you spiked it! Go sort it out!' So I did.
It hurt.
And but the next morning Shudder was majorly angry and hung over (no, you don't want to meet an angry Anton) with me and it was horrible and I got all the blame.
And I had to pay shudder back for all his drinks and *big sigh*
Miserable idiots.

The end ;D

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