Personal Opinion of:

185 13 29

Why? WHY?
Bliv: My annoying yet lovely ex girlfriend. I think we can safely say she's better at cooking than Raven (I'm sorry baby but I think we both know it's true) a good kisser and can dance pretty well. Meh. I dunno, she's a good mate and she's nice so yeah. Bliv and I are cool.
Vin: Valiance, dearest, I once had a crush on you. Only marginal. But alas my heart and yours was stolen and we could never have been. Mine, by the prettiest girl in the multiverse and yours by THE DARK, DARK RIDER. Or saber tooth tiger as we like to call him ^-^
Raven: Raven, my love. You are my soul, my entity and my entire fathomable universe. I love you with everything we have created together and everything we will create. I love you with every once of love I have and I will always love you. Til death do us part.
Sci: Sci I, I love you. I love you as a sister and as a friend and you're one of the most lovely people I've ever met. You're beautiful and I think you should see that. x
Skye: Despite the previous chapters WHICH WAS FORCED UPON ME! I HAD NO CHOICE! you are really lovely, you're clever and pretty and Erskine's a very lucky man. And that is truth.
Chi: You, my dear are funny, kinda evil in your questions but generally really nice. :) Have a muffin.
Tala: Despite your pure evilness and the grim reaper of my future existence you are really nice, really kind and funny and generally a really nice person to be around. So you too may have a muffin, just please go easy with your questions because it hurts my face.
Lia: Lia' so nice, like... Bless her. Lia, you're so pretty and happy and smiley and generally a really nice person so um, YAY! Hope you're settling in here well and hope everyone's treating you great :) x
I think that's it...

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