COD Ghosts?

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This dude has some good questions!
Okay my opinion on COD Ghosts.. Well.
Firstly I thinks the critics have given it a hard time. It's a good game, the graphics are brilliant and the audio is great.
In this version you can also have the choice of worldwide multiplayer which can also be stretched to optional female characters which
I though was good as I didn't really realise that before.
My only problem was the plot.
Okay, good scripting and everything on Stephan Gangham and Tom Clancy's part but I don't think the plot was quite as deep as it had been
Before in the other games? That's a bit harsh though.
Oh and also..
WHAT HAPPENED TO RILEY! The poor mutt was overplayed! I loved Riley.
Okay highlights: I loved the underwater mission that was amazing, the graphics were sweet. Oh and the space bit too, awesome.
But I think there were ways they could have improved it a bit better, I mean they're kinda sticking a bit old school when they could add better features and
Things that we haven't seen before and not discarding others at the wayside.
Overall it's too good to be out down and it's a great game.
I don't really mind.

Thanks dude :D I enjoyed that.

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