Most embarrassing thing Dexter has done?

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Oho... well.
There are a whole range of embarrassing things Dexter Vex has done over his youth, many including the birdbath incident, the time he learnt to drive a car, the fancy dress party incident, the time when he first started dating, the time when he was into men, the time when he became a hippy and oh so many more...
But I have a particular favourite.
It was the night of Halloween and Corrival was holding a party at his mansion. This, being a very large place, was literally the perfect haunted house backdrop for our scene. Dexter hadn't arrived yet but the rest of us had: Skulduggery in a grim reaper costume, Valkyrie in a black cat costume, Erskine in a vampire costume (much to Val's distaste) Anton in a Mummy costume, Ghastly in a Frankenstein costume, Tanith in a witch costume and Corrival as a lumberjack and myself as a werewolf.
So, yeah, he was late so we decided to conduct a little prank set for him ;)
He arrived at half ten, in none other than a mother clucking pumpkin costume.
(brofist to Bliv out there for going along with our prank and setting that out for him ;D )
So yeah, he was an angy pumpkin and was pretty ticked when he came in, the lights were dimmed and there was no food.
That was when a scream was heard from upstairs... Dexter 'ran' upstairs and what did he find?
A video played of him when he was four on a silver screen TV.
He was bloody furious. And to make it better we filmed it all and played it back at work the next morning.

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