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Chapter Twelve | Only Yesterday

There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen. ~Rumi

I swung the door open. "I've been waiting for you to knock, but seeing as you never did, why don't you come in? So, we can talk." I said.

"Uh, yeah sure." Billy said as I moved to allow his wheelchair to enter the room and I close the door once he's inside.

I placed my arms over my chest and turned to face him. "What do you have to say, Billy?" I asked.

"I'm sorry." Billy said.

"I'm sorry too." I said.

Billy shook his head.

"No, Hehewuti, you have nothing to be sorry for. Chaska told me everything and I know you tried to come back to me but your father placed you in a deep sleep and only allowed you to wake up to come and protect our son. I can't believe we have son. That day when you left, you were pregnant. He looks so much like my grandfather. I should have fought to keep you by my side." Billy said.

"Billy there was nothing you could have done. We both knew that my father would come for me. But that's the past. Now, we can only move on and coexist for Chaska's sake." I said.

"What if I don't want to coexist?" Billy asked.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"Hehewuti I never stopped loving you." Billy said.


"We got a letter today

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"We got a letter today." Billy said.

"A letter?" Chaska asked.

"A...wedding invitation." Billy answered.

"Whose wedding?" I asked confused on why everyone got quiet.

"Bella and the bloodsucker's wedding." Jared answered.

"Is that why Jacob ran?" I asked.

"Yes, he's in love with Bella." Embry replied.

"Poor Jacob." I said.

"Yeah but Billy, Seth, and Sue will be going to the wedding." Sam said.

"Should we go after Jacob?" I asked.

"No, let him cool off. Hopefully, he doesn't come back until after the wedding." Billy answered.

"Hopefully, the leeches are gone before he comes back." Paul said.

"Why would they send an invitation when they know how Jacob feels?" I asked.

"Probably Edward's way of telling Jacob, he won." Leah answered with a shrug.

"I don't like Edward." I said.

"No one does." Charlie said, entering the house.

"Charlie!" I exclaimed, jumping on him.

"Hey, Hehewuti, glad you're back and everything but my back isn't working like it used to." Charlie said as he puts me back down on the ground.

I laughed.

"Nonsense you still look like you're great shape." I said.

Charlie blushed.

"Oh hell, he's blushing." Billy said.

"Where's Jacob?" Charlie asked.

"He ran away." Seth answered.

"What?!" Charlie shouted.


"Honestly, there's no need to put up missing posters for Jacob, Charlie." Billy said, groaning as I helped Charlie put up posters of Jacob around the tribe.

I giggled as Charlie stared at Billy in shock.

"Your underage son is missing and you don't think it's necessary to put up missing posters of him." Charlie said.

"Yes." Billy said.

"And yet Hehewuti is putting them up." Charlie said.

"Because she'a doing it to annoy me." Billy said.

"Not true." I said as I place a flyer on someone's windshield.

"Come on, Billy, I would feel a lot better if you put more effort in finding Jacob." Charlie said.

"Yeah, sure whatever." Billy said as he grabbed a stack of flyers from Charlie then when Charlie wasn't looking, he dumped into the trash bin nearby.

"Come on, Charlie, I'm sure we can put some up by the beach." I said as Billy rolled his eyes.

"Great idea, Hehewuti." Charlie said.


"And what about Bree?" Esme asked as we sat to discuss the plan for the Cullens to leave after Edward and Bella's wedding.

"Unfortunately, what happens with Bree isn't any of your concerns." I answered.

Bree moved closer to me as Esme frowns.

"Why can't I read your mind?" Edward asked.

"The same reasons why vampires' gifts don't work on me. I'm immune to all of it. Now, do we have understanding?" I answered.

Carlisle nodded.

"Yes, we do. Thank you for sitting and talking with us. We will make sure we are gone the day after the wedding." Carlisle said.

"Good, I would hate to have to kill you all." I said as I stood up with Bree quickly following suit. "Now, I have to go and Bree will be coming with me." I said.

"Okay." Bree said.

"If you change your mind about Bree coming with us, we'll be in Alaska with our cousins." Esme said.

"Mhm, yeah sure whatever." I said.

"Does Charlie know what you are?" Edward asked.

"Edward." Bella said.

"Yes, he does, he has always known. I don't know what you're trying to do but it won't work, Edward." I said, rolling my eyes.

"I've seen what the pack has thought about you." Edward said.

"Good for you." I said.

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