Chapter 1

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(A/N): Hello! I don't think this story will be as good as some of others. Its my first time writing a reader insert.. Hope you enjoy it though! Oh yea, the picture is what i imagine the main character look like. Since this is a reader insert and i don't know what you all look like (obviously) i made that picture. I will update date it as needed to with the story. Although that is her main outfit. (Black t-shirt with a target on it, jean shorts, converse, and the sun-visor back-words with a skill and cross bones on it, her hair is black with a single red highlight, cyan blue eyes) Alright enough with me talking.. i hope you enjoy the first chapter!!

You live the forest just outside the main part of Achievement City. Skilled with a bow and arrow, daggers and a sword. You just about mastered playing the violin. You still go into the city to take lessons and you also give one early on Saturdays. You choose to do it early so could get back to the house you built in the forest to take care of your garden and a few animals you keep for food. The rest of the food you hunt for. Your house is surrounded by a fence you built with a torch and glow stone on it to keep the monsters away.

"Very good, Arrow." Your violin teacher says. Arrow is a name you gave yourself at when you first master archery, at the age of seven. "The King came in last week and asked if one of my students could play first chair for the first violins at a party he is holding. I think you are best fit for the job."

"You really think so? Im not that good."

"Your almost better than me. I defiantly think you should do it."

"Alright, ill do it. Whens the party."

"Next week, here's the music he gave me. Now i know how you get frustrated when you cant get a part in the music, so i want you to come in everyday until the party so we can work in on it together."

"Alright, can we start working on it now?" you ask.

"Of course. Oh i almost forgot to mention, after the you finish playing you will get to met the king himself. Alright lets get to work."

'Oh yay, i get to met the king' you think to yourself. You aren't the biggest fan of the king. That's one of the reasons you moved out into the forest. Not many know you are out there only 5 people know you are out there, they are your closest friends. Only they know your given name but they know not to use it unless they want to get slapped. The only person you let call you by your first name. That was King Geoff. He disappeared almost 5 years ago. That's when Mad King Ryan gain power and took the throne for himself.

You worked on the music with your teacher for an hour before returning to your home were you found Lindsay, Michael, Gavin, Ray, Jack sitting on the chairs you made in front of your house.

"Hey guys." you say walking up to them.

"Hey, how did the lesson go." Jack said

"Good. I'm going to be playing in the Kings orchestra for the party he is having next week. I get to met him after words. Oh the fun that will be.."

"Someone needs to take him out. Jack should be the one in power until King Geoff returns." Michael said.

"Arrow, maybe you can. You said you are meeting with him. Maybe you can find a way to poison him." Gavin said. Gavin moved here a few years ago. 'He still has that adorable accent.' You think to your self.

"That's a good idea. I could make a hidden pocket in you dress and you could slip the poison in hes drink." Lindsay said. Michael and Lindsay have been married for a few years now.

"That might just work." Michael said

"Wait wait back up." You said. "I have to wear a dress?! I was just going to put on a pair of black pants, probably my black jeans and nice shirt."

"Arrow, this isn't just any party. Its the Kings party! Of course you have to wear a dress!" Lindsay said

"Fine, let me put away my violin than lets go to the mall to get one."

That's what you did. They guys helped you pick out a nice black dress with small white poke a dots here and there with a red line that does around your body just under your breasts.

Lindsay took the dress home with her to tailor in the hidden pockets, two for the poison, one for a dagger. Jack went home from the mall as well. Gavin came back with you.

"Arrow can i hear you play the violin please. I don't think i have ever heard you play." Gavin said once you were back at your house.

"Sure. I have to practice for the party anyway."

"Oh and Arrow. The day after the party, im going to visit my family back home, i was wondering if you would like to come with him."

"I would love to Gavin."

You played your violin for about an hour and half. You would have played longer but you had to go out and hunt, with the party coming up soon the royal hunters will be out hunting and he need surplus of food than. Gavin volunteered to help. You two hunted for about an hour and a half and got just enough food for the next week. Of course you let Gavin take some home with home.

After eating dinner and showering, you practiced your violin one more time before bed.

Around midnight just before you were to change into your sleep wear you heard a strange noise from outside. You look out the window to see a man being attacked by a group of wolves. immediately you grab your bow and arrow and kill the wolves. You walk over to the man and help him up. Luckily he wasn't hurt.

"Thank you so much for helping me ma'am." The man said. "How ever am i to repay you."

As you look more carefully at the man you see its the king. Quickly you draw your bow. "What are you doing out here so late at night King Ryan."

"I was helping with the hunt, when i heard someone playing the violin. I couldn't help but stop and listen, they are magically with the violin, and i would advise you to drop your weapon miss."

"So you were creeping on my for the past hour. I was practicing for your party." You said tightening your grip on the bow.

"Miss, please drop your weapon. I meant know harm. I was just listening to the beautiful music you made with a beautiful interment."

You weren't listening to what he was saying, you were focused on something behind him. Looks like anther wolf. The wolves in this area are not the nicest.

"Your Majesty look out!" You said as you quickly re-aimed the bow to hit the wolf behind him. Look always you didn't miss you target. "Sorry about that Sir. There was a wolf behind you about to attack, couldn't have you being killed before for party." I say turning around. King Ryan ran behind you as let go of the arrow.

"Whats your name miss."


"Clearly that isn't your given name."

"No, its not. Its the name I gave myself when i master archery at the age of seven. I prefer to be called Arrow."

"Well than Miss Arrow. How can i ever repay for saving my life twice?"

With the clouds now out of the way of the moon you can see his crystal blue eyes. Which you easily got lost in. "There isn't anything you need to do my King." You said quickly looking around not to see a single guard. "My King were are your guards."

"I went hunting with out them. They never let me have any fun when it comes to hunting."

"If I may my King, my i make sure you get back to the city safely. The wolves around here really seem to like you." You really just said that as an excuse to be around him more. There was something about him that you really like.

After walking him about to city where its much safer and ever well lite you said good and run back to your house, showered and went to bed.

(A/N): Something i forget to mention before. This is based off anther story i read!!!! They will be alot of similarity's!

Arrow (Ryan Haywood fanfic) [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now