Typical Teen Romance

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"Anne-Marie! If you don't get up this instant and get ready for school you're phone privligaes will be taken away!" I sat up and glared at the door. "It's Marie, Mum! How many times do I have to tell you that?" "I don't care! Just get up, you're going to be late." I threw off the blanket and walked to my iPod dock and turned it on, waiting for it to load I started thinking of a good playlist to listen to. I gave up trying to think of a playlist so I just let what ever I was listening to last start playing. Beautiful Soul blasted through out my room and I danced around and came to a stop in front of my walk-in closet and walked in, looking for something to wear. I decided on skull tights, short shorts and a grey tank top. I got tired of listening to the song so after I finished changing I skipped over to my iPod and changed it to Not Like The Movies. I walked to my bathroom and plugged in my hair straightner and started on my make-up; just simple black eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara. I look at my hair and groaned. A mess! I started brushing out all the knots and when my brush could run through it without being stopped by knots, I quickly straighened it. Walking out of the bathroom I grabbed a black hoodie, my Hello Kitty backpack and put on some black converse. I threw my school stuff  in my backpack, and grabbed my iPod and iPhone before running out of my room and down to the kitchen. I said good-bye to Mum and Daddy and grabbed my keys while running out to my car, throwing my stuff in the backseat while hopping in the front. I plugged my iPod in and turned on the car and sped out of the drive-way. I put my sunglasses on and sang along to Could It Be You. Pulling into the school parking lot, everyone stared. Oops! Did I forget to mention that I'm the new kid? Well I am so having everyone stare is totally not new. Anyways, I parked and grabbed my iPod and backpack and got out of my car. Keeping my sunglasses on I walked towards the main doors of the school and flung open the doors and started walking down the hallway towards the spot marked office. The whole way there everyone stared and I was happy once I got there so that the door could close on all the stares. I noticed a kind old lady behind the desk and she smiled at me. "Can I help you dear?" I smiled back and said, "Yeah, I'm new here and I need my class list." "What's your name?" "Anne-Marie Walsh" The lady smiled and printed out my list and handed it to me. I said my thanks as I walked out of the office and looked at my class list.

1st: Maths Rm 201

2nd: Science Rm 133

3rd: Art Rm 149


4th: Socials Rm 151

5th: English Rm 110

6th: Music Rm 204

7th: Gym 

8th: Free

I smiled and started walking towards my first class and then stopped. I had no idea where it was. Sighing I looked for someone half normal to ask for directions. I saw a group of kids that I would say were scene (so cliche I know) but I walked over and cleared my throat nervously. I looked at the guy wearing a black shirt, a hoodie and a skater hat and looked at him and stopped. Holy shit was he ever hot! I couldn't even remember what I was doing here until he asked, "Need some help finding your classes?" I blinked and nodded my head. I heard him say something to his friends and then he turned back to me. I watched his friends leave and then said, "Oh yeah my name's Marie." "The name's Jeydon." He said with a smile. I smiled back and said, "Now could you help me find my classes?" He chuckled and I handed him my list. He looked it over for a minute and then look at me. "We have all the same classes." I stared at him with utter disbelif. "Nu uh! Impossible." We stared laughing and walked towards our first class. We ended up being late and when we walked in the whole class looked at us. I finally pushed my sunglasses up on my head and looked at the teacher. "My name's Marie. I'm new and don't get mad at Jeydon for being late. I made him late." The teacher blinked at me and smiled while looking at her class list. "Your name doesn't happen to be Anne-Marie does it?" My smile faltered slightly and I nodded. "If you don't mind call me Marie." "Alright. Well my name is Mrs. Barkley. You and Jeydon can go sit in the two desks at the back." I nodded and walked to the back of the room. Sitting down I let the teacher go on and on about something in math when Jeydon tapped me on the shoulder. I looked over at him and he whispered, "Why don't you like people calling you by your name?" I shrugged and whispered back, "I just don't. Now pay attention before we get caught." He smiled and turned back to the board but I turned and looked out the window. That's pretty much how I spent most of my classes that morning. The only class I really did anything in was art. Finally when the bell rang for lunch, I quickly got my stuff and walked out of the classroom, not bothering to wait for Jeydon. I just needed to get out for a while. I was half running half walking down the main hallway when I heard Jeydon yelling my name, but that made me break out into a run. I burst through the main doors and ran to the field and hid under the bleachers. I sat down in the shadows and took out my phone. I went to the photo albums and looked at the one from the summer, only a few months before the accident that changed my life. I looked at the pictures with my real mum and dad and with my little sister. I never realized I was crying until I heard Jeydon say, "Hey, what's wrong?" I jumped a little and wiped at the tears. "Don't worry about it. I don't want to bore you." "You won't bore me. Promise." I looked up at him and sighed. "I supposed it would be good to at least tell someone about it besides my foster parents." He gave me a funny look and sat down beside me. "Whatda mean foster parents?" "My parents died last month. And so did my little sister. I didn't have any family to live with so I got sent to a foster family here in Beverly Hills." I felt him wrap an arm around me. "I don't want to hurt you by asking but, how did they die?" I took a shakey breath "A car crash. Some drunk driver ran a red light and they got hit." I started crying again but continued, "I should have been there though. I said that I never wanted to go out with them that night." I couldn't finish so I just burried my face in Jeydon's chest. The nice thing is he just let me cry and ruin his shirt. When my crying turned into sniffles Jeydon said, "Why don't we skip the rest of the day? Go out and have some fun?" I nodded and said, "But first can I go home and freashen up?" He smiled and nodded and stood up and pulled me up with him. We started walking towards the parking lot and I stopped. "Don't you have your own car?" He laughed and said, "I'll follow you to your house and then we can go in my car." I smiled and we started walking again and spilt. When I got in my car I put my sunglasses back on and threw my stuff in the back. I grabbed my iPod and plugged it in and put on Get Up And Dance and drove off and looked to see if Jeydon was following me. I pulled in my drive way and thankfully nobody was home. I grabbed my stuff and leaned against my car, waiting for Jeydon to get out of his car. When he got out we walked to the door and I opened it. "You can wait in my room and watch tv while I have a quick shower." He nodded and we went upstairs. I nodded to my bed. "You can watch tv while you wait. I'll only be a few minutes." He nodded and sat on my bed while I walked to my bathroom and turned on the shower. I closed the bathroom door and took my clothes off and hopped in the shower, quickly washing my hair and shaving my legs. I finished up and got out and quickly dried off and put my clothes on. I walked out of the bathroom towel drying my hair and looked at the tv to see what Jeydon was watching. I let out a giggle and looked over at him. "Why are you watching Gossip Girl? Last time I checked that was a girl show." I smirked at him opening and closing his mouth, trying to find an answer. I giggled again, "Jeydon you look like a fish. And don't worry, I know you couldn't miss an epsiode." I skipped into my closet before he could say anything. I grabbed my grey hoodie and peeked out of the closet to see what Jeydon was doing. He was laying on his back, hands behind his head with his eyes closed. A smile played with my lips as I quietly made my way back to the bathroom. I closed the door and plugged in my hair dryer and my hair straightner. I quickly dryed my hair and straightened it and then fixed my make-up and put on my hoodie and my wrist warmers. I skipped out of the bathroom only to run into Jeydon. We both fell over and I landed on his chest. I giggled and rolled off of him and sat up. "Oopsies! My bad," I said with a smile. He laughed and sat up and then stood up, pulling me along with him. "Ready to go now?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. I nodded and grabbed my bag and skipped out of my room, knowing Jeydon was following me. I left a quick note for my mum;


Went to the park with a friend. Iunno when I'll be home, but if I'm not home after dinner I went to his house for the night.

Loooove, Marie^^

When I turned around Jeydon had a raise eyebrow. "What? Never left a note before?" "Mumsie? Really? What are you, 10?" I glared. "No, I just don't like calling her mum so we came to an agreement that I call her mumsie." He laughed and pushed my towards the front door. Giggling, I went out to his car and got in the passenger seat. He got in the drivers' side and we were off. This is gonna be a fun day. 

Typical Teen RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now