Typical Teen Romance [4]

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To my lovely sister, Melody^^ Who, for some odd reason, likes being called Kina:3 Luff ya Shishy!

After dinner Melody had to go home and Mr. and Mrs. K had work to do, so it was just Jeydon and me sitting in his room. I was laying on his bed and looking at the celing when I yawned and look over at Jeydon. He didn't notice I was looking at him so I had a good chance to check him out, I know totally bad thing to do with your best friend, but hey, I'm a girl. But as I was looking, it dawned on me that I could be starting to like Jeydon far beyond the best friend limit. My eyes widened and I just kept staring not even looking at him any more. I was so focased on my internal mind babble that I hadn't noticed Jeydon was right in front of me with a huge smirk on his face until he whispered, "Take a picture, love. It'll last longer." I shook my head and looked right into his amazing blue eyes. I swear I could punch myself for what I was feeling right now. I felt like a typical love struck girl. To tell you the truth it kinda pissed me off. I had promised no more love, not after last time. I heard him chuckle and noticed that I was still staring at him. I decided to play along, "Do those pictures include you naked or clothed?" His eyes went wide and he backed away. I started laughing and nearly fell off the bed. Jeydon glared at me and I looked up at him. "Jeydon I'm tired! How am I supposed to spend the night if I don't have any pjs?" He smiled. "I thought about that and I have an idea." He pulled a t-shirt out of his drawer and threw it at me. I picked it up and looked at him. "And now you're gonna throw me a pair of boxers?" He gave a slow sexy grin and shook his head. My eyes widened when I realized what he wanted me to wear. "You suck Jeydon! You have a sister! Why can't I borrow her clothes?!" He continued to grin at me. "You can wear her UGGS if you must." I sighed and got off his bed. "Where's the bathroom?" He pointed at a door I hadn't noticed. I walked over and opended the door, walking in. Sighing I took off my tights and shorts. I nearly died when I realized what I was wearing. Only I would be dumb enough to wear these, I thought to myself. I took off my tank top and put on the t-shirt Jeydon gave me. I giggled when I saw what was written on it. I gathered my clothes and walked out to Jeydon's room and sat on his bed. "I didn't know you eat souls for fun, Jeydon." He gave me a confused look until he saw his shirt. Laughing he said, "Don't worry I won't eat your soul. Yet." He winked and I laughed with him. My laugh soon turned into a yawn and I crawled under his blankets. "Oi! Whatda think you're doing?" I lifted my head and looked at him. "I'm going to bed silly! You should too." Rolling his eyes, he took his pants and shirt off, leaving him in his boxers. I quickly rolled over and felt the bed shift when he got in. I felt his arm wrap around my waist and he pulled me to his chest. My eyes were wide and inside I was screaming, "THIS IS NOT HOW BEST FRIENDS ACT!" But I got used to it and slowly felt myself falling into the darkness of sleep, I felt Jeydon kiss my cheek and he whispered, "Night Emmy." I smiled to myself, he gave me a nickname! 

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