Typical Teen Romance [8]

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            After the last class of the day, I was heading towards my locker when I felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around my shoulders. I smiled and looked up into his icy gaze, which right now were anything but icy. He smiled back at me before dropping a quick kiss on my forehead.

Blushing I looked away and mumbled, “What was that for, Z?”

He chuckled and tapped my nose lightly, “Well one, I like making you blush and two, ‘cause I felt like it.”

I rolled my eyes but smiled all the same, “So are we still going to hang out? ‘Cause I gotta call my mum,” I put air quotes around the word mum and continued, “to tell her. She needs to know of my whereabouts.”

He looked at me confused and replied, “I was thinking we could go to my place, Derk is gonna be there with Eve and I believe Eve said something about taking you out to one of her favorite places with me and Derk.”

I raised an eyebrow but didn’t question it. I continued walking to my locker and pulled out my phone, dialing my foster mother’s phone number.

“Yes, Anne-Marie?” Said the bright, cheerful voice of my mother.

“Hey Mumsie, was just phoning to say that I’m going to my friend Zane’s house. We’re going out with his older brother and his older brother’s girlfriend, Eve. If you need me for anything, just call and I’ll get Zane to drive me home.” I paused and thought for a moment, “OH! And if Anna-Belle comes home complaining I was being rude to her, tell her I said to shut her big fat mouth. She was the one who was being a bitch to me first.”

“Anne-Marie! Watch your language! I will speak to Anna-Belle when her and your brother get home. But go have fun with your friends and be safe please hunny.”

I smiled and did the typical ‘I love you’s’ and hung up. I opened my locker and started pulling the stuff I needed out of it, throwing it into my backpack.

“I didn’t know you lived with the oh so famous wonder twins, Anna-kins and Oli-kins.” Zane said from behind me, causing me to let out that unattractive squeal yet again.

“Bloody hell Zane! Stop scaring me!” I turned to look at him with a scowl while he had an eyebrow raised. “But yes, I do live with the wonder twins as you call them. They’re my foster siblings.”

“Foster siblings? You’re in foster care?” He looked at me shocked, kinda looked like a fish if I say.

“Yeah. Shit happens in the past and this is where I am now. No biggie.” I shrugged it off and grabbed his hand, “No c’mon. I wanna get out of here.”

He pulled me towards his car, still confused and shocked and opened the passenger door for me.

“Tell me about why later, okay?”

I nodded and looked out the window, keeping silent for the rest of the ride. I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes. After a while I heard Zane clear his throat. I looked over at him with a raised eyebrow, “Yes, good sir?” I smirked softly as he did too.

“Well it was really quiet so I thought we could hook up your phone to the stereo since we still have a half hour of driving,” He smiled that smile that always took  my breath away.

I laughed and took my phone out of my pocket, plugging it in to his stereo. “You won’t mind whatever I put on, right?” I asked with a small smirk watching to see his reaction. When he shook his head, I went to my Cher Lloyd playlist and put on Grow Up.

He raised an eyebrow and looked over at me, “Cher Lloyd? I didn’t take you as the type of girl to listen to her...” He trailed off and blinked. “One Direction?”

I looked at him and cleared my throat awkwardly. “Of course I like Cher and 1D…Just not like creepy obsessive level…” I looked away quickly before he saw my blush. He laughed and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel to the song.

I smiled to myself and started singing along to the song. I watched Zane as it came to the rapping parts and smiled more as his eyes widened in surprise. I continued to sing along and laughed as the song ended. “Didn’t think I could do that could you there Zane?”

“So not only can you sing but you can rap? Marry me!” I laughed at his response and patted his shoulder sadly.

“No can do, my friend. I don’t think Mother would like that too much,” I replied. He sighed sadly and slowly pulled into a driveway of a very large house. I blinked and looked up. “Holy crap…You live here?” I looked over at him to see a small smile.

“Yeah I do. Now c’mon, we got a busy day ahead of us.” He jumped out of his car and waited for me at the front of his car. I smiled and walked over to him, taking his hand and walking towards the front door of his house.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2012 ⏰

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