Typical Teen Romance [5]

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Waking up, I looked around and started to panic. WHERE THE HELL AM I?! Calm down. You’re at Jeydon’s. Remember? You spent the night. Is that silly voice back? Whatever. I’ll ignore it again. Sitting up I looked down to the side I remembered Jeydon falling asleep on. Empty. Bloody hell! The boy leaves me alone in a house that I can’t remember anything about! “If you’re looking for Jeydon, he’s probably in the shower, love.” I looked up to the door to see Eve standing there, looking normal in her pyjamas. “Thanks, Eve. By the way, I love the look. Much better then when I first saw you.” Smiling, she walked away while I turned to the bathroom door. Now that I listen I can actually hear the bloody shower. Well…I feel stupid now. Getting up and walking out I realized what I was wearing and ran back into his bedroom. “MARIE! WATCH OUT!” Me being me, I didn’t register that yell until I was lying flat on top of Jeydon. With only a towel around his waist. Squeaking, I jumped off him and hid my face. “Oh Zeus! I’m so sorry Jeydon! I wasn’t watching where I was going. I just need my shorts and I’ll be outta the way.” Grabbing my shorts and throwing them on as fast as possible then running like a bat outta hell from his room. I fixed my hair as best I could and walked downstairs to what I thought was the kitchen. Wait to go, dumb ass. Make yourself look like a fool in front of the boy you like. Shut up! I do not like him! Now leave me alone! When I didn’t hear a response from the voice in my head, I came to the conclusion that I’m completely insane now. Shrugging, I opened the fridge and grabbed an apple, continuing to look around the fridge. “Walk of shame. Diggin’ the look there, M.” Squeaking, I turned to see Melody leaning on the island, watching me carefully. “It is not the walk of shame. I spent the night and he didn’t give me anything besides a shirt. And for your information, I’m wearing shorts.” “Oh, so you put the shorts on to make it look less like the walk of shame. But whatever. I ain’t judging.” Glaring at a now smirking Melody, I threw my apple at her. “For Goddess sake! It is NOT the walk of shame!” Rubbing her head, she shrugged and took a bite of the apple. “I really do think you’re a lying sack of shit, Marie. You totally are doing the walk of shame.” Letting out a frustrated sound, I yelled, “IT IS NOT THE WALK OF SHAME!” “Oh, so now you’re telling Mel that you’re doing the walk of shame? Tsk tsk, Emmy. I thought you were better than that.” Whirling around, I saw Jeydon leaning on the kitchen doorway. “I hate you both!” I stormed off, pushing past Jeydon who tried to grab my wrist but I yanked my hand away and glared over my shoulder at him. “I’m getting clothes from Eve and walking to school. Later.” I continuing upstairs, I walked to a black door which I was guessing to be Eve’s room and knocked. Opening the door was a boy with more piercings then I though imaginable. “Oh sorry. I thought this was Eve’s room.” He smiled and stuck out his hand, “I’m Derk. Eve’s boyfriend. She’s having a shower so how can I help you?” “I uh, was gonna ask her if I could borrow something to wear and ask if I could use a brush or something.” “Dammit Derk! You used all the bloody hot water! I’m go-“ She blinked as she saw me. “Oh hey Arie, what’s up?” “Hey Evie, I was wondering if I could borrow some clothes?” “Sure! I think I have some jeans and a t-shirt that you’d like. Derk, move so the poor girl can come in.” He moved out of the way and I stepped into the…creepiest room I’ve ever been in. Black walls covered in band posters, black bedding with purple and red accents, and a tall black wardrobe. I saw Eve pulling out black skinny jeans and a band t-shirt. “These should fit. And before you ask, it’s a BOTDF shirt.” Taking the shirt, I stared at it with wide eyes. “I’m so jealous! I friggin’ love BOTDF yet all I have is bracelets! Can I like, keep this?” I was still staring at the t-shirt when I heard a very girlish giggle. Looking up, I saw the sound came from Eve. “Yeah, you can keep it. I have too many anyways.” I ran and hugged her tightly, “Thanks Evie! You’re like my big sister!” She let out another girlish giggle and hugged me back. “You’re like my little sister, now go get dressed so I can fix that mess you call hair.” I smiled at her and ran into her bathroom and put the clothes on as fast as I could. I told Eve she could come in and when she did, she studied me for a minute. “Perfect! I know exactly what to do. Sit on that stool, facing away from the mirror, and I’ll do your hair and make-up.” Obeying to what she said, I sat and waited the long time that I knew I was going to be waiting.

~~~~~~AT SCHOOL~~~~~~

                Walking through the hallways to my classes, I could feel the stares. As much as I hate getting stared at and the attention it brings, it felt good this time. Eve had curled my hair slightly and put feathers in as well. The way she did my make-up is much better then I could ever do in my entire life. She put a little eyeliner on the top and bottom and put a little wing on the side, she also put a very light blue eye shadow on. When I looked in the mirror I didn’t recognize myself at all and for the first time in a while, I felt amazing. I liked this feeling, it was good. Walking to my locker, I saw Jeydon and Melody waiting for me. I froze and turned away and started walking towards maths. I was still mad at them, I mean they’re my best friends but they pissed me off earlier. I looked at the time on my phone and hurried to get to class. Walking into math I remembered that Jeydon has the same class. Grumbling to myself, I walked to my seat and slumped into it. I heard a very familiar laugh and looked up to see Jeydon walking into class. He spotted me right away and walked over to his seat. “Emmy, I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have said the things I did this morning; will you please talk to me?” I replied in a cold tone, “No. Class is starting so pay attention.” I have to say, I was sorry for the way I spoke to him when I saw the hurt look come across his face. I was about to cave when the bell rang and class started.


I probably looked like a nerd the way I was paying attention my first two classes. Ignoring Jeydon as best I could turned out to be pretty damn hard. But I made it to art and felt myself relax. One of the only things that calm me down is drawing. Sitting at the table, I looked at my blank paper. I started doodling one of the members from Blood On The Dance Floor, Dahvie Vanity. I soon started doodling all sorts of things; mostly things that are random or that have to do with lyrics from their songs. I stopped and took out my iPod, putting the headphones in I put on my favourite playlist; a mix of all my favourite bands and songs by them. The first song that came on was Kids In Love by Mayday Parade but the acoustic version. I started coloring my drawing and outlining things in marker. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to see Jeydon. I glared and went back to working, but he kept tapping my shoulder. I started getting annoyed and soon stood up slapping his hand away. “Leave me alone Jeydon! I don’t want to talk to you, have you not noticed that yet?!” Glaring at his hurt face he walked away and I sat down, that’s when I noticed the entire class giving me strange looks. “What? Didn’t your mothers ever tell you it’s rude to stare?” That got them all to look back at their work while I got back to mine. I changed the song to G.F.A by Blood On The Dance Floor. I must have been really into my drawing because before I knew it the bell was ringing. The teacher asked to hand in the work we had done and I was the first one to hand it in. I walked as fast as I could out of the room and bumped into someone. “Oh crap! I’m so sorry! I wasn’t watching where I was going and-“ I was cut off by a deep chuckle, I looked up and saw an extremely scary guy. I squeaked and jumped away from him slightly. “Easy, I won’t kill you. I just look scary.” He gave a crooked grin and I blinked. “You have an interesting voice.” I blushed and hit my forehead, “I’m sorry. I’ve been out of it all day. You probably think I’m the creepiest girl alive.” “Actually the creepiest girl I know is my older brother’s girlfriend, Eve. I saw her costume last night and I nearly died.” I looked up at him with wide eyes, “Eve? As in Eve Kensington?” He nodded with a weird look. I laughed and held out my hand, “I’m her little sister, Marie Walsh.” He took it and gave that crooked grin again, “I’m Zane Conway, Derk’s little brother. But I do have a question.” I raised an eyebrow, “And what would that be?” “If you’re her little sister, why is your last name Walsh?” My mood faltered slightly, “Her brother is my best friend.” He saw the change in my mood and looked at me. “How about you tell me what happened with your best friend over lunch?” I smiled softly and linked my arm through his, “That sounds like an excellent idea Z.” He laughed and we walked outside to eat lunch on the field.

ALRIGHT! I fianally updated after much pushing from my 3 best friends (you know who you are :P) 

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