Riding With Wolves [Removed/Published]

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The author had previously removed this book from Wattpad to publish. It is also partially on Inkitt. However, it has been removed from Amazon for ethical reasons.

Author: GlennHefley 


Tanner is on the run. The man she is running from is a dirty Narcotics Detective in Huston, and she knows far too much to let live. The idea that she took $50k was an incentive to find her as well, but if she couldn't stay where he told her to stay and do what he told her to do, then she had to be put down. They never lasted more than a few years, but he was sure he had at least one more year left in Tanner. 

 Trying to go where he wouldn't suspect, and not leave a trail, Tanner found herself in a Bar and Grill called the Log Cabin in North Huston, which the Night Wolves MC called home. There she met Erik, a man who hated bullies and was raised by a mother who was on the run most of her life with him and his sister. He knew the signs as soon as he saw Tanner. 

 A place to stay and some friends around was more than she could ask for but far less than what she needed. Detective Tomas wasn't playing a game, and before she realized it, she put the Night Wolves inside the crosshairs of some of the meanest, deadliest people in the Huston area. Why Erik is still calm and smiling she can't guess.



Published, but not available

Partially available on Inkitt

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