Page 19 - A Week Later: Saturday

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My eyes drowsily scanned the room I was in.

Where am I?...........ZANE!

I pushed the sheets away. I was in a hospital room.

It all came back. I fell unconscious from the shock, disbelief and fear of it all.

My red shirt had a blood stained on it as well as my gray slim jeans. Before I left the room a note was stuck to the door.

Meghan - Yes, you did get K.Oed. We brought you hear as they carried Zane. We left the note at 8:30pm last week Friday. You were knocked out for a week, call us when you get better. Love you.

Arthur - love you too dude. Please message us.

Luis - we're worried over here so Hurry and call. We miss you two.

I immediately picked up my phone and called them.

"Hi guys..."


"No need to shout..."

"Oops sorry-"


"Miss you too Ar"

"Come on guys, we can't spend long, I'm sure he wants to go to Zane's room right away"

"You're right Lu"

"Ok we will talk to you later, tell Zane I said hi"


The face that Meghan asked me to tell him hi, means.................. HE'S. ALRIGHT!

I ran to his room. He was on the second floor room 27. As I pulled the door, there he was staring out the window sitting up right.

Tears came out my eyes.

When he looked my way, he smiled.

"Hi Scott, I missed you"

"Zane......... you're...."

I walked slowly to his bed side and cried in his shoulder.

"You''re alright......... thank were shot and...........I couldn't handle it...."

"I know, I'm alright now"

I placed both my hand on his face and kissed him. It was such a soft kiss. Not rushed, not hungry, not ravishing. Just slow, soft- touched and sweet.

Literally sweet.

"Hey did you eat honey?"

"Oh, I had honey with KFC biscuits"

"Oh damn that shit is good"

"Yea I know right"

"Zane..........please don't scare me like that again...... please don't ever take a bullet for me.......please don't ever put yourself in danger for me.......your life is filled with opportunities....I see success for you........I don't really see much for me, so I don't want you throwing your life out the window like that"

"Scott. What did I tell life is a success with you by my side. I could never live on fully if you were gone. You. You are my happiest moments"

"And I could never live on fully if you were gone!"

"Ok how about this...we try our best to avoid danger and death. We either live on together or die together. Deal?"


"Good.................I love you"

"I love you too"

He was ok, he was ok.................he was ok.

"I have something to show you"

"Really, what it is?"

From his facial expression, it wasn't good, not good at all.

The doctor said we could leave and so we did. I didn't know where he was taking me but the farther we went the darker his face and the slower we walked.

Then I saw the title at the top.

Front Pure Graveyard

Ironic name for a graveyard.

We now stood Infront a tome stone. Inscribed on was,
Jake Greene, Beloved Uncle And Brother.

24th/6/1952 - 31st/5/2023


"When you were in the coma. He died in his sleep. Took his last breath in front of me....he.......he said.........he loved me........and I told him....I love you....too..."

He sobbed next to the grave. I hugged him as we sank down to the ground. Just as tight as he hugged me those many years ago, so did I.

"I'm so sorry, for your tragic lost and for not being there when you needed me"

"No. When I knew you were alright I knew there was hope for my life, I felt like you were there even if you weren't physically there, I still felt your presence"

"I love you Zane, never forget that"

And this time, I said it as a best friend and his boyfriend.

"I love you too Scott're squeezed me too hard!"


His laugh was still soothing.

"Thanks for the laugh"

"I'll always try my best to make you happy"

"You being mine makes me happy, and I will always try to keep that smile"

"You being mine keeps that smile"

We sat there for a few minutes. I embraced him from the side as he prayed.

He turned to me and with my turn too, our lips met. Kissing him felt like the quintessence of life.

The meaning of life for me, was Zane.


When we went back home, to his house, grandma wasn't already at home. So we had the house to ourselves, and with the pent up hormones, it all was realised on that single night.

And Fuck............He. Was. A. God.

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