Page 2 - Friday

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Hello lovelies Yes that is Zane. I like that pic for him! Continue reading and enjoy! Any questions you have ask away!

The bell rang for lunch to be over which meant holding his hand was over.
Everyone moved so slowly. Some slower than others.

I recognize the ones who were moving too slow, to be the ones in my class, then I remembered the subject we had next, physics.

No wonder they moved listlessly. I hated physics. Zane on the other hand had a ball with the tedious subject taught by the tedious teacher. Ms. Wally.

I seriously need a tutor. My grades suck and if I don't pass, I have to go through another year in this hell hole!

Zane was Infront of me walking to his normal pace, a medium speed. I loved when he walked Infront of me. I could stare at that ass all day, and to make it better usually I would take cursory glances but since the bell rang not much people were in the hall, which meant I could stay there as long as I wanted.

That's totally normal too. Nothing wrong with checking out you best friend's ass.

This ass makes me happy, weird I know, but as they say, "Whatever makes you happy".

I was feeling despondent.

My grades in school were getting lower and lower each term, I had to fight and fend my way through these ugly school days.

No one really talked to me or liked me. Some of them used me. Like the girls, who took a bet on me that I was easy to get, and me being the fool had my first girlfriend, which was a fraud and a total gold digger.

Like the guys, who only wanted to be my friend so I could "help" with there homework and assignment, then once I'm done, they toss me aside like last week's dinner, which was some delicious spaghetti and meatballs with lasagna if I might add.

The teachers didn't like me all that much either. Most times I gazed into nothing or pretended to pay attention in their class and because of this my grades are trash.

I hated how my life was going, not to mention, the worst part and person in my life. That night........I just........

The movement of my feet stopped. My heart suddenly became heavy, the tears almost broke free...but it didn't thanks to his warm, embracing hug. I also loved when those strong arms wrapped around me.

He was just a bit taller than me. My head rested on his shoulder.

Before I knew it, a tear escaped the cage of strength I provided in my eyes.


He spoke my name. He smiled so gorgeously. An automatic smile appeared on my face too.


I said his name back. He knew I need that hug, and he gave me another one this time his hands rubbed my hair.

"I love you"

There is that sentence I missed so much.

"You can get through this. I know how strong you are, and how capable"

He stopped hugging me and looked into my eyes.

"Remember, you're not alone. You always have me, 'no matter what I will love you always'"

I began pondering where I have heard that sentence from. 'No matter what I will love you always'......then it hit me, I gasped and shouted at him in shock.

"THAT'S FROM NARUTO! When Itachi told Sasuke that before he disappeared!"

He laughed, his laugh was cute too. The quickest of it had me smiling.

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