Page 16 - Saturday Morning

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Scott's View Point

We came back that Saturday morning and went to my room. I slept peaceful cuddled in his arms. I felt so good.

I can't believe he loves me.


I woke first and stared at his sleeping face.
Damn. He is so adorable, and he's mine....well I don't know. We didn't officially say 'oh yes let's be together!'

His hypnotic orbs opened slowly. He smiled at my face once he saw it and kissed my forehead.

"Good morning"

"Good morning"

"Did you sleep well..... finally?"

"With you, always"

We just stayed there in the cuddling position.
I wasn't feeling tense, or awkward and he wasn't either.

I felt so relieved and fucking good. I was happy with him, just him, only him......but I still needed to know if we were together.

" we together?"

"Do you want us together?"

"More than anything in the world"

"I'd love to be with you too. You're my boyfriend now, and I don't feel weird saying that at all. I love you Scott, so much"

"I love you too Zane"

"How long have you anyway?"

"Well, I was denying it for a year but now I noticed and accepted it was for a year"

"Waw....a year..... that I have you and love you...... I realized it was just you all along"

"God. I still can't believe you're mine"

"Well I am and I'm so happy I have you as my boyfriend.....I like saying it"

"I like hearing it"

I had a smirk on my face as I asked,

"......did you apologize to her yet though"


I laughed and spoke again.

"Well as much as I have my differences with her, you know you have too"

"I know" he kissed my forehead and squeezed me, as though I were to disappear in a few minutes.


We made that Saturday our first date. Even if we're together, we didn't stop acting like best friends.

He still insulted me sometimes. I still ate his food when he wasn't looking. He still made jokes with me and I with him.

Our first destination was the mall. We watch  my favourite movie. Maleficent, Mistress of Evil.

"The way she transformed into a dragon, that was the most epic part!"

"I loved it too! It was a phenix"

"Do not correct me MORTAL!"

"You're a mortal too!"

That was a wonderful time. We were hungry and ate a burger meal and left for the arcade. His place.

As usual he beat me in most. I won barely any.

"You're such a cheater"

"You just can't accept the fact that I'm better than you"


Our last stop was the forest. My place. We didn't do any picnic or any cliché thing like that. We just layed in the grass in each other's arms. We climbed, well....tired to climb the trees.

I found some flowers and connected them. I pretended I was some kind of king and made him king of the Knights by placing a stick on each side of his shoulder and placing the flower crown on his head.

"Thank you my king, I shall protect who you deem worthy, such an honour"

"You better, or else you shall be punished"

"Ohhhh, how will I be pushed my king?"

He winked at me.

"By death"

"Yuh know, we were just playing?"

His face was dumbfounded.

"I will kill your mouth with my-"

"OK! Scottie that's enough!"

I just stared at him.


"You....called me.....Scottie..."

"I can't"

His face was so sad after.

"No no! I didn't mean that....I mean yes you can....I like it"

"Good, I like it too"

"Then that means I get to call you Zaneie" I smiled coyly and he laughed.

"If it's you and no one else, whatever"

He kissed me. I could never get enough of those lips on mines. Long life goal completed. The only life goal left to complete is getting to have sex with him...let's exclude the whole being successful stuff.

Finally we laid on the forest floor again in each other's arms. I wouldn't mind if just laying with him was our date.

He's such a good guy.....I don't know but I thought I didn't deserve him. I'm not anyone special, my grade in school are trash. I'm lazy, introverted and a procrastinator.

"Hey, what Yuh thinking?"

"Zane. I feel like I'm not good enough for you. I don't do that well in school, I'm lazy, introverted and quite the procrastinator. Don't you think I'll bring you down? I don't want your future to suffer because of me..."

"Nope, not one bit. Scott, you being me up everyday, that's when you're happy that is. You're so special to me and I wouldn't want anyone else. In my eyes you're the perfect partner for me, even if you're a guy, I still love you, all of you, even if you think you have flaws, and my future will suffer if you're not there."

"I love you"

We stayed there for a while. Listening to the running water of the river, the rustling leaves in the trees, and the beating silence inundated with love that floated around us.

It was perfect for me, and perfect for him.
I felt we were perfect together.

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