Page 17 - Monday To Thursday

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Scott's View Point

We didn't even bother hiding that we weren't together, we just walked into school holding hands.

It's not like we gave a damn about the thoughts of the other students.

Meghan, Arthur and Luis greeted us with smiles.

Meghan spoke first.

"I see you two talked"

Then Arthur.

"I knew it"

And Luis.

"I'm very happy for you did good"

The three of them walked beside us supporting us. Some people stared at us with disgusted eyes while
some stared from curiosity and others just didn't give a fuck.

The teachers were concerned about us. They asked us a whole set of questions. Then we were called into the Principal's office.

Fuck, why, why is it that two opposite genders can be together and it's fine but when the same gender comes together they have a problem?

I mean if Amanda and Jerry were together would they have a problem no they wouldn't.

"So you two are a couple?"

"Yes ma'am"

We both answered.

"Well then I-"

"Principal Evans please wait! Don't separate us. I love him. I love Scott too much to let him go now that I have him. Please don't do this to us!"

"I was going to say I support you two and suppose nothing is wrong with it, but don't get distracted, school is still school, grades are still grades, oh and Scott your grades for all subjects are atrocious now!"

"Yea sorry about that, I was....hiding out....for a while"

"Ok then, just get you grade up to par. Or I'll have to break THIS up"

"Yes ma'am!"

From that morning, I paid attention in all my classes, did all my homework, completed all assignments.

I even did extra work so I can grasp the concepts better and get them stuck in my head. I finally have Zane and I am not letting him go, ever.

He help me study and get all the work I missed.

Everything was going so smoothly at school. Zane apologized to Clare and so did she, but she better keep her distant.

He came by my house on that Monday night and we told Grandma about us.

She didn't mind at all. I mean, she's a 89 year old woman surrounded by a changing world,  so just being together didn't surprise her.
She said as long as I was happy, and I was, and I much.

Zane was right about himself, he is clingy, and I love it, because guess what, I'm clingy too.

It was Thursday.
The more we came into school as a couple the faster students got used to it until they paid us no mind. Even if we kissed.

What I am grateful for is that there were no malicious ass trying to beat me or Zane up just because we were bisexual.....are we bisexual?......I have not a clue about myself much less Zane.

I have had a girlfriend, and I have had lust for other maybe I am.....or maybe I'm full on gay and I'm just into Zane....

Eh, I'll ask him what he is.

"Hey Zane, what is your sexual orientation?"

" think......I'm.....bbbbbbiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssssssssseeexxxxxxxxeeexxxxxxxxxuuuuuaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllll???..... right? I have had girlfriends before and I'm in love with you, a guy, you know what, fuck sexual orientation, I don't care what I am,I just wanna be with you and know that I love you Scott Russle"

"I love you too Zane Greene"


When we went home that Thursday night. It went downhill from there. Not between Zane and I but what we heard and what was about to happen the next day was frightening.

That Friday night. That Night Returned. Where the scent of Death Lingered in the air.

That was the scariest, newest worst memory ever.

Before Friday came, I took my grandmother to Zane's house for protection, from what was about to go down.

On Friday, was the day my dad was gonna visit, and it wasn't gonna be for a family reunion. was for the purpose to finish his long over due 10 year goal, to murder me.

How did we know he was coming Friday? A note was left on the door when I came home that Thursday.

Hi son, long time no kill, but don't worry, you'll join THEM soon. Your mother and your sister. Soon.......your little faggot ass will be dead.
See you tomorrow.

Love, Daddy.

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