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There was a loud clap of thunder before the lights flickered. The storm outside was relentless, rain pounding against the windows, wind wildly shaking the trees—I could see lightning zipping through the sky every now and then, and I wasn’t sure if it was to blame for the lights flickering or the wind. All I know is the power better stay the fuck on. If the power goes out, the lights go out, meaning Archie’s nightlight will go out, also meaning I’ll have a mini foot in my face as I try to sleep tonight. So for the sake of my good night’s sleep, I need these lights to stay on.

My phone vibrated, distracting me from the email I was reading as Archie and I sat on the couch, Spongebob playing in the background. It was a text from Connie.

Connie: I hate storms :(

A cute text.

Instead of texting back, I called her. “Why?” She laughed on the other end.

“They’re loud. I’m not a fan of loud noises.”

“I could’ve guessed that,” I chuckled. The storm sounded louder wherever she was. “Where are you?”

“Bucky and I are on our way back from the train station, but we pulled over to wait for the rain to lighten up. We can barely see anything—Jesus.” She sighed, “I’m about to have a panic attack from this lightning and the fact that I have so much work to do. Oh god, I have so much to do. Buck, just stick your head out the window to see as you’re driving.”

I laughed as I heard Bucky scoff, “You’re insane if you think I’m doing that. You need to be patient Constance.”

“I have to work! I swear to God is the power is out I’m going to—did you see that?! Bucky we have to move! It almost struck the car! I am not dying tonight, Bucknell! I—”

“Bucknell?” I snorted. “His full name is Bucknell?”

Connie’s rant came to an abrupt halt as she chuckled along with me. “Yeah, you should call him Bucknell from now on—”

“You better not, Niall!” Bucky shouted in the background.

“You used to love when people called you by your full name. It was some kind of weird fetish, wasn’t it?”

“I’m going to fucking kill you.”

She giggled, bringing a smile to my face through I was just barely in the conversation. “Love you too, Buck.” There was a quick pause, “Oh look, I can see. Drive! Get us, home.” Buck grumbled something I couldn’t understand but whatever it was made Connie laugh again. “Niall, are you still there?”


“Okay…do storms scare Archie?”

I snorted, “No, he loves them. He thinks the lightning is cool.” I looked down at him to see he’d moved from the couch to the window. Archie always liked storms, but I don’t think it was just some little kid’s version of thinking something was cool. He wouldn’t scream or jump around with excitement. During storms he would just sit by the window, staring up at the sky, like he was contemplating his life. It was a strangely adult thing he did—weird honestly—but I’ve come to just accept it.

“He’s braver than I am,” Connie muttered, probably shaking her head.

“Basically.” I smiled, “Well, I’m also doing a bit of work Connie, and you’re distracting me.”

“My sincerest apologies, babe.”

“This only means I’ll have to call you later when you’re neck deep in work’s ass.”

My Buddy Archie [1]Where stories live. Discover now