Chapter 18

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~~~But I keep coming back for more~~~

After a while, Hiro fell asleep at his desk, watching the two dots move slightly every now and then. Only a soft pat on his shoulder forced him to open his eyes, quickly finding the time to be 3 am.

"B-Baymax?" Hiro asked, spinning around and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He became instantly aware when he saw that (Y/N) wasn't with him. "Hey, where's (Y/N)?" Hiro asked fearfully. What if...she was actually gone? He shook the thought from his head, refusing to believe that the girl he loved had dropped out of his life forever.

Baymax continued to stare at Hiro blankly for a full twenty seconds, just enough time for Hiro to begin having trouble swallowing. "Baymax?" Hiro asked, hoping to get the large robot to talk to him.

Suddenly, Baymax's video projection device flickered on in the dimly lit workshop.

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N), and this is d-day eleven of my video diary," (Y/N) said weakly, trying to keep her voice from cracking. She wasn't doing a very good job. She looked like she had just gotten into a fight with someone and lost; there was a large bandage on her forehead, along with several bruises an more injuries that he probably couldn't see.

"This will be my last video diary with Baymax, at least for now. This is another message for Hiro Hamada," she began after taking a few deep breaths and looking at her shoes. When she looked back up, there were glistening tears brimming on her eyes.

"Hiro, I am so, so sorry things had to end this way between us," (Y/N) said, sounding like she was about to burst into tears.

"What?" Hiro mumbled, confused.

"When you kissed me on that fan--this one, actually," she said, motioning to the starry sky behind her, "I shouldn't have reacted like that." She took another deep breath. The next words filled Hiro with simultaneous feelings of dread and warmth.

"I really like you, Hiro. I love you. And I know it hasn't been that long since we met, but I have to trust my heart on this one," she continued. "And it says that you're the one for me." Just as Hiro started to feel lightheaded, he saw a tear slip down (Y/N)'s cheek.

"And that's why doing this is so hard," she said, trying in vain to hold back tears. "I picked up information about my parents, Hiro. They're alive, and so is Tadashi."

"Tadashi!" Hiro exclaimed happily. Everyone he cared about was finally coming back to him!

"But my parents are still missing. That's why I'm leaving," she explained.

That last sentence hit him like a ton of bricks. She was leaving? Didn't she know he could help?

"I've got to track them down on my own. I don't know if I'll ever see you again--hell, I don't know if I'll even come back in one piece," (Y/N) said. "But I just wanted you to know that these have been the best weeks of my life, and I'll never forget you. That's a promise," she said, smiling at the camera.

"Bye, Baymax. I am satisfied with my care."

The video clicked off, leaving a heartbroken teenaged prodigy staring blankly into the white expanse where the girl he loved had been only moments before.

( •-• ) ... ( •-• )

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