Chapter 4

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~~~She laughs at my dreams but I dream about her laughter~~~
(Y/N) fidgeted nervously as she walked down the colorful streets of San Fransokyo, nearing the Lucky Cat Cafe. She might have the job of an adult, but that didn't mean she was one.
Especially when it came to boys.

(Y/N) didn't have much time for romance between running from and/or working for the police. Free time was spent searching for her parents. The closest thing she had for a friend was her coffee machine.

(Y/N) sighed heavily as she opened the door to the cafe. Wasn't this technically a date? Of course not, it's just a 'video game tournament of doom', nothing to worry about. (Y/N)'s mind kept fighting until she came face to face with Cass again.

"Why, hello again, Agent (Y/N)!" She announced rather loudly. (Y/N) quickly shushed her.

"Shh, I'm not Agent (Y/N) outside of work. Just call me (Y/N)," she said, smiling sweetly. Cass grinned and gently grabbed (Y/N)'s arm, pulling her up the stairs located in the corner of the small shop.

"Okay! C'mon, I'm pretty sure Hiro's been waiting for you for eight hours or something," Cass remarked.

She gave (Y/N) directions to Hiro's room and went back to the cash register. (Y/N) knocked on the door to Hiro's bedroom.

"C'mon in," she heard a voice say. (Y/N) opened the door slightly to see one of the most interesting rooms she had ever seen.

Boxes of robotics parts were in random corners, full of small and large parts. Shelves of action figures, little robots, books of varying sizes, and CDs lined the walls. An advanced computer much like her own sat on a partially cluttered desk, which was situated near a small bed. A divider was open, blocking your view of half of the room. Hiro sat on the edge of his bed, controller in hand

"Hey, (Y/N). Ready to play?" He asked, offering her a controller. She smirked and took it.

"You're on, pretty boy."

~( •-• )~

"Wh--how--when did you get so good?!" Hiro exclaimed as his character was beaten up for the forty-eighth time.

"It's the same as bot fighting, except I was skilled at it and you used fancy science," (Y/N) replied, a bit annoyed. She wasn't doing her best. Hiro looked on as his character in the round of Mortal Kombat the two were playing had his head torn off.

"FATALITY," the screen spelled out. Lovely.
Hiro flopped onto his back with an audible groan, dropping his controller. "That loss was so bad it hurts."

A strange beeping and inflation noise was hear from the other side of the divider. (Y/N) didn't wait to ask Hiro what it was before jumping up and crouching behind the divider with lightning speed. She pulled a small tazer out of her pocket and set it to "robot". With this, she could stun a robot for a few seconds.

A large shadow appeared from where the sound was coming from. (Y/N) didn't make a sound as the shadow came closer.

"Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion," it said. "It" really just looked like a giant walking marshmallow. (Y/N) sent Hiro a questioning look.

"(Y/N), this is Baymax. Say hi," he told the robot. It didn't seen to care.

"I was awakened by an expression of distress. Now scanning--"

"Wait, what?!" (Y/N) exclaimed. She hated being x-rayed, no matter what the situation. Luckily, Baymax only took a scan of Hiro.
"You have no physical wounds. However, neurological waves inform me that you are experiencing: mood swings," Baymax stated. "Diagnosis:"


"Pfft," (Y/N) tried her hardest to keep in her laughter, but it was proving quite difficult. Hiro shot her a glare.

"Baymax, I am fine. I am satisfied with my care; you can go back to your charging station now," Hiro told the large robot. Baymax nodded and waddled over to his charging station, shrinking down and starting to charge.
"That's a great AI," (Y/N) remarked. "Did you build him yourself?" With the way Hiro flinched at that comment, you guessed that wasn't right.

"Tadashi built him. He's gonna help a lot of people," Hiro said, trailing off a bit. While you were looking at Baymax, you noticed that Hiro was looking at a picture of him, Tadashi, and Cass together.

"I'm sure he will, Hiro," she said. "I'm sure he will."

( •-• ) I'm finally here whoop whoop ( •-• )


Baymax had scanned (Y/N) for any signs of wounds. Aside from an old bullet wound in her shoulder and an insomnia disorder, he found nothing but painfully retracting muscles in her lower abdomen.

He decided to just leave it alone.

Fourth chapter, woohoo! A bit of a sloppy ending, but that's because I'm literally falling asleep right now and I'm too lazy/homework has incapacitated me.

Goodnight, reader-chan!
Also, song lyrics are back yo B)

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