Chapter 8

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~~~She's a mystery, she's too much for me~~~
(F/C) = favorite color
"Okay, first I need to upgrade all of you," Hiro began.

"Way to sound like we're all robots, Hiro," (Y/N) said sarcastically. "No offense, Baymax."

"I am a robot. I cannot be offended," Baymax said. Hiro had activated him when he led the rest of the group to his nerd garage.

Hiro scanned everyone, instantly getting sizes and data. Using everyone's majors, he created awesome superpowers for each.

"Omg, this is so cool!" Honey Lemon exclaimed as she got her chemical-infused purse.

"It's fast, but not fast enough," Gogo said when she tried out her new wheels. Hiro just rolled his eyes as (Y/N) tried(and failed) to keep from laughing.

"AAGH!" Wasabi yelled as he was almost pelted with tennis balls--almost. His laser-blade hands cut them as fast as he could move.

"This. Is so. COOL!" Fred exclaimed as (Y/N) helped him put on the top of his suit. His was definitely the most...creative of the group.

Finally, it was time for (Y/N) to get her own gear. Hiro brought it to her, showing her a small changing curtain. "Just come on out when you're ready," Hiro grinned, that adorable tooth gap making (Y/N)'s face flush a little too much for her liking.

She quickly ducked behind the curtain and examined her gear. It was (F/C)--she made a mental note to thank Hiro later--and utilized her strengths as a bot fighter. Like Fred, she wasn't a genius; her friends were. Instantly depressed, she quickly pulled on her gear and walked out of the closet.

Hiro's jaw dropped the moment he saw (Y/N). He quickly shut it and started stuttering.

"Y-you look great, (Y/N)," Hiro said, beaming. She smiled back at him. "Now let's work on your moves!"

He tugged her over to an empty space. "Think you can work microbots?" he questioned.

It was (Y/N)'s jaw's turn to drop this time as dark (f/c) microbots flew out of containers and skidded towards her. She realized that the neurotransmitter must've been in her helmet; where else would it be?

"This is way too cool," (Y/N) said with excitement. Hiro looked at her, realizing that this was the first time he had seen her this excited.

He smiled to himself. Catching this guy was doing good for everyone.

Now it was time to upgrade himself and Baymax.

( •-• ) I am an author. Damn right I can be offended. ( •-• )


Gogo spit out her gum and stuck it to the side of her helmet while adjusting her wheels.

Wasabi was personally offended.

I guess you guys have guessed that at the end of each chapter there's a ( •-• ) Baymax with a slightly edited quote.

I'm not actually offended by anyone, it's just funny to me :3

Also, I changed the title because I'm kinda planning this out as I go along as opposed to hoarding my chapters and publishing them week by week, so there isn't a set-in-stone storyline. I think of a general outline and it flows onto the screen. I changed the title because Reader-chan isn't agent? More like a policewoman with a lot of time on her hands.

Anyways, sayonara, Reader-chan!

Fred: *in the background* That's French for front door!

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