Chapter 13

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~~~And the more she ignores me the more I adore her~~~

"So I guess we're stuck here, huh?" (Y/N) said, pushing herself against the wall next to Tadashi. Tadashi sighed.

"More or less. I'm not really sure what he's planning," he said despondently.

"Wait, okay, so you never explained who 'he' was," (Y/N) interrupted.

"'He' is Professor Callaghan," Tadashi explained.


"Why?! Why would Callaghan kidnap--for the lack of a better term--us? Why here?" (Y/N) asked, utterly confused with it all.

"Whoah there, calm down," Tadashi said, a little scared. Seeing a girl like (Y/N) flip her shit was not a pleasant experience. "Callaghan is the guy in the mask."

"No way," (Y/N) said incredulously. "Wait wait wait. I forgot about something." She felt around her forehead--helmet. She felt around in her pocket. The cube-shaped microbots were still there, thank god.

She focused on trying to move the microbots. She fiddled with her earrings, a new pair of studs that matched her suit. She fiddled with jewelry when she was thinking. Suddenly, a tiny 'click' was heard, and the microbots began to move around.

"Why do you have Hiro's microbots?" Tadashi asked, intrigued. (Y/N) smirked.

"I know how we're getting out of here."


Hiro, Baymax, and the rest of his team flew through the air and across the San Fransokyo Bay towards the island (Y/N) had flown towards.

"Alright guys, remember the plan?" Hiro inquired. Everyone nodded, except Wasabi who was kind of having a mental breakdown.

"If I wasn't terrified of heights, I would probably love this. But I'm terrified of heights, so I dot love it!" Wasabi exclaimed. Gogo rolled her eyes.

"We get his mask, and he's defenseless. Then, we find (Y/N). Finally, we get out of there, preferably without any explosions," Hiro stated.

"Alright, let's go find (Y/N)!" Honey Lemon cheered as they descended towards the island.

When they landed, they noticed a door in the side of the building. Wasabi walked up to it, cutting open the section of wall next to it with his laser hands.

Gogo popped her bubblegum and walked through the unlocked door. "Dude, the door was open," she said, leaving everyone in the dust.

Soon enough, the team found a room with a seemingly destroyed portal. After watching a video documenting what had happened to them--one portal had become destabilized while a test pilot was inside, stranding her there--Hiro was certain Krei was the one who had stolen his microbots.

And the one who had killed his brother.

"C'mon guy's, let's g--"


A giant piece of wall was thrown at the group, only to be stopped by the immense strength of Baymax. Honey Lemon, Gogo, Wasabi, Fred, and Hiro scrambled to their feet to fight the attacker, who was now standing on too of a column of microbots.

"Everybody, go! Get them mask!" Hiro said, rushing over to Baymax. Just then, Hiro caught sight of a lone figure.

"Hiro, watch out!" He heard a familiar voice call.

"(Y/N)?" Hiro asked, confused.

"Hiro, Tadashi is--" her voice was cut off by the sound of clacking microbots. Hiro could only stand and watch as his friend was lifted into the air by his own invention.

"Sorry it had to end this way," the man in the mask said, voice still unrecognizable. The iron grip around (Y/N) tightened, making it harder for her to breathe. Frantically, she looked over to Hiro.

"'s Callaghan...agh...s-stop him, Hiro...AGH!" she cried out, a sharp pain in her side as one of her ribs cracked. The microbots climbed up her body, snaking towards her mouth and nose.

How could her plan have gone so wrong?

With a flash of (f/c) quickly covered by black, microbots covered her nose and mouth so that she couldn't breathe. Coupled with the crushing of the microbots around her and her already cracked rib, it was almost to much. She was getting dizzy; her lungs felt as if they would burst.

Hiro couldn't do anything, paralyzed by fear. He watched as his friend, his crush--no, it wasn't a crush. It couldn't be as simple as that--was thrown aside. Her body flopped to the ground, limbs lifeless, eyes vacant.

"(Y/N)!" He screamed. But she could no longer hear him.

( •-• )


Tadashi waited in the hall outside the portal room, waiting for (Y/N)'a signal.

He knew something was wrong when he heard his little brother yell, "(Y/N)!" at the top of his lungs.

He bit his lip, trying to keep in his sobs as he walked away and out of the compound.

You could build a robot that heals people, but you could never invent one that brings people back from the dead.

So. Uh. Kind of a dark chapter...


Anyways, sorry if I 'tri99ered' anyone with this chapter, I'm just really good at writing angst :3

(Besides, I've only got, what, six chapters? Six chapters to finish this lil' guy up. Well, that's what I'm aiming for, anyways.)

Until next time, Reader-chan!

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