Chapter 1

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(Y/N) = your first name
(F/N) = your bot fighter name
(L/N) = your last name

~~~She's cold and she's cruel but she knows what she's doing~~~
(Y/N) leaned against the cold brick wall at the side of the alley. Nothing was out of the ordinary: just another illegal bot fight that she had found. There were way too many in this city.
She rolled her eyes as the crowd burst into cheers as one of the competitors' robot was beaten to a pulp. All of this seemed like a waste of time to her; why should you be fighting robots when you could be making the world a better place?
At least, that was (Y/N)'a philosophy since she quit not fighting herself. She had been one of the top-ranking fighters in the world just a year ago. That was before she was apprehended and the mysterious (F/N) was unveiled to be just a thirteen-year-old.
Now she infiltrated events like these, so the authorities could arrive and stop the crimes. It was quite easy actually.
(Y/N) was snapped out of her little bubble when she heard a shy, shaky voice say, "I-I'll fight."
(Y/N) was pretty sure her jaw hit the ground.
A kid who couldn't be older than her had stepped into the ring with a small, fragile-looking robot. He had extremely messy hair, dark eyes, and wore a navy sweatshirt and red t-shirt.
"That kid's gonna get the living daylights beat out of him," (Y/N) muttered to herself, turning out the kid's stuttering and the crowd's jeering as she dialed her contacts.
"Found another, Agent (L/N)?" your boss asked.
"Yep. Some poor little kid just stepped into a fight, so things might get ugly here if you guys don't hurry up," she answered.
"Be careful, Agent (L/N). You know very well that appearances can be deceiving."
(Y/N) snorted. The last thing she needed was an adult telling her what to expect. She hung up and leaned back against the wall just in time to see the boy's robot get demolished just a few seconds after the beginning of the fight. You were right; that kid was an amateur.
"That was my first fight. Can I try again?" he pleaded. When the surrounding adults sneered at him, he simply said, "I have more money." He pulled a was of cash out of his pocket and set it in the betting tray.
You almost walked away then and there, but you still had some of your bot fighting spirit left in you. There was always a bit of joy in seeing an opponent getting absolutely demolished, especially with one hit.
Suddenly, the boy's controller extended. The smiley face on his robot turned angry, and the pieces put themselves back together. You looked on with interest as the match began.
The boy won without his robot attaining a single scratch.
You gaped at him. How the heck did he program his robot like that?! The boy pocketed the cash and started to walk smugly away.
"Who do you think you are, little boy?" his defeated opponent said angrily. Oh great, things were about to get violent.
You glanced at the entrance to the alley. Still no sign of the police. You sighed and stalked over to the group of enraged men about to attack the poor kid.
"Hey, leave the kid alone," you called out, taking you righting stance. The men whirled around, took one look at you, and laughed.
"Who's this, little guy? Is it your girlfriend?" one of them asked. "We like her a lot better--"
You punched him in the nose, making him stumble backward. There were four of them ganging up on the boy. You guessed it was now your job to keep him safe, one bot fighting prodigy to another.
Besides, that ridiculous hair was actually kind of adorable.
Another man lunged for you and you roundhouse kicked him in the stomach. A third stupid one ran at you, receiving a swift kick where the sun doesn't shine. The final one was smart enough to run away, leaving his three injured friends behind.
You ran up to the boy and grabbed his hand. "Run, you idiot," you hissed. The boy looked as awestruck as possible, but still followed you out of the alley and towards safety am as fast as possible.
"What's your name, kid?" you asked when you thought you were a good enough distance away.
"Hiro, Hiro Hamada," the boy said. "Thanks for that. Can I get your name, too?"
"You can call me Special Agent (Y/N)," you replied. "And you're lucky I was there to keep you from getting beaten to a pulp. Now let's get you home."
( •-• )I am Baymax, your personal healthcare assistant.( •-• )
Hey everyone! It's official: I've jumped on the Big Hero 6 train and ridden off into the sunset.
Anyways, I wanted to take a different approach to this, as most people create the reader to be a Mary-Sue Girl Next Door.
I mean, reader-chan in those is still cool, but I wanted to be ahead of the curve. B)
*is an idiot*
Anyways, I hope you liked it! I'll post as often as I decide to write, which isn't very consistent, so hang in there! Bye for now, reader-chan~!
/Also every chapter will begin with a phrase from Just the Girl because I feel like it describes the relationship between Hiro and Reader quite well. Go listen to Patty Walters' cover :3/

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