>Don't Know Her<

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I found her. She was sitting alone looking out of a window. She looked beautiful from afar. Every feature shinning in the light.

I walked over jumping in front of her with excitement. She looked up not to amused. "Sorry I took longer then two minutes but I'm back!"

"I can see that. Class has started"

"Let's skip. Wanna go to the bakery again?" She nodded and held out her hand. I took it immediately liking the feeling of her hand in mine. I was still wearing the necklace. I hadn't seen her even have a glance at it.

Her hand squeezed mine. She looked straight ahead. Something was bothering her. I could just tell. Like when she was jealous of Jin. Was she still jealous or mad that I went to go see him. "Are you mad" her brows furrowed. "No im not"

"You seem mad"

"Just thinking. Do you ever think. You know the deep thought you get after watching something. It just turns something on in your head for who knows how long but for that time you feel changed. Different.."

"Like after a movie?"

"Yeah like that" I wondered what was on her mind then. "Are you ok?"


The rest of the walk was silent. I looked around. The world shinning bright today. My phone buzzed in my pocket. My friends wanting to know were I was. Jeongyeons eyes followed my hands as I texted something like feeling sick sorry. I knew they wouldn't believe me. Soon I would tell them the truth about me.

"I don't see why you tell him but not your friends. They are like family right?"

More then family. "Yes. I'm not ready yet"

She stopped. The trail was almost over. So close to are destination.


Not ready yet. I felt a weird feeling hit me like my thoughts from earlier were right. If I had been Jin they would know but something about me put her on edge. I wasn't good enough.

Wasn't good enough. Just like I was to all of them.
The shadow creeped over me. I felt my mood change. I just stared at her wondering what I was doing wrong or how I even got into this situation. Someone like me making a girl like her say the three words that I hadn't ever had.


She walked up to me taking my hand back in hers. "I'm sorry for not telling them. I will soon I promise" would she make more promises. Like that one with Jin.

Stay safe with Yoo.

She was safe. Right? I had no idea anymore. I was able to be ok when I was alone but now something was always on my mind like back then. I always kept my brain working thinking of things to come. Things just tortured my head and never left it.

He said I would combust one day and he was probably right. I didn't believe that something could get me out of the thoughts. Find it yourself. I doubt I could. It was to big to forget. I would probably do it again.

The Combust part. It got so bad I snapped. It was due to happen again. When? I wouldn't know because even then I didn't know. It was a dark shadow hanging over me and that day it took over. I don't want that ever again. Did I miss them yes but I didn't deserve to miss them. I belonged here no matter how much I fought with myself in suicidal thoughts.


After we finished getting a bite to eat she wanted to go back to the lake. She said it cleared up her mind. The water.

I agreed. Usually the act of doing something made my brain blank out. I did that with many things. I spent most of my time watching or reading. It took me away. Away from the reality of this world but I understand now swimming in the lake was a better way to forget. The coldness distracts and the beautifulness of the area around you made everything good.

She floated at the surface with her eyes closed. She was mine. My girlfriend and I knew nothing of what was on her mind. I guessed.

We talked and had fun but I didn't know the true Yoo Jeongyeon yet. The one behind whatever she was.

She didn't really even know me and my past. Was that the way to connect with some though. Talking about the worst things. Are pasts.

I hated mine. It hurt so bad sometimes I would go up to momo and just cry for hours in her arms. She was everything to me in times of need now Jeongyeon was supposed to fill that gap right? As a girlfriend that's her job, my job too.

I swam back to the shore my body not getting used to the coldness of the lake today. She followed me smiling on her way to.

"Jeongyeon I was thinking"

She got on the rocks and sat next to me. "We don't know anything about each other."

"Your right about that. What do you want to know?"

The things Jin said came to mind. Why would she hurt his friends?

"Did you hurt jins friends?"



"I had gotten angry. They were being boys end of story"

"Did they touch you?" She shook her head leaning back on her elbows. "Now a question from me"

"Where are your parents?"

My parents. I don't even remember their faces.
"I have no idea. I grew up with momo"

"In that case. I think you should go home. Go be with them. I've held you here for a week"

"No come with me. We could..tell them the truth. I need you there to do it"


"Yes really. Let's go"

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