>Tell Me<

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I will find out what Yoo Jeongyeon did to her family. Nayeon just doesn't give a shit that she's hurt people. My friend she's hurt. She belongs in a mental hospital not with Nayeon.

I walked out to the field. I heard yelling.
"Your crazy! Fucking bitch!"
"I didn't know you were like this. A killer!

"I'm not! It was a mistake!"

"Just when I was starting to like you too."

I went behind a tree. One of my friends had been eyeing Jeongyeon for a while. He became closer to her everyday. Then her parents died yesterday. She still showed up to school. Didn't even seem affected by it. "I didn't do it"

"You caused it. You were the reason. You think I'm going to still be your friend. No one knows you. Once you lose me you'll have nothing. Good" he spit in her face. That's when I saw her change. The eyes of a quite girl now turned evil. She lunged at him with full force. Punching him repeatedly in the face until blood started poring out of it. "I DIDN'T MURDER THEM!"

She got up hands shaking. "Fuck. Fuck. FUCK YOU!"

He was the one who knew but I wasn't that close to him. Didn't mean I didn't care about him. He was in the hospital for a couple of days and then his parents had him go to America so he could learn there. I never got an answer.

If she really killed them then she'd be in jail. He said she caused it. How can you cause your whole house to die.

I finally walked up on the lake. I saw the two immediately but hid before I could give myself away.
They were swimming. It's fucking cold out. How can you swim at this time of year.

Nayeon had a big smile on her face while Jeongyeon was splashing water at her. "Stop it!"
She seemed normal. No no way could I believe that. Why was Nayeon falling for her. She's nothing special.


Nayeon went home after an hour of us hanging out in the lake. Like always she got cold. I headed back to my place.

I could feel eyes on my back. "Stop following me"
I turned around. Jin was there. My ok mood turned to shit. I didn't want to see him after the shit he said. I know he witnessed what I did. I didn't feel sorry for it either. That kid was right afterwards. I caused it. They died because of me. So I'm a murderer.

"Hello. I was going for a swim earlier but you and Nayeon were in there so I thought I'd keep an eye on you two"

"Why" fuck you.

"So you don't hurt her"
I laughed. Hurt her. I wouldn't even lay a finger on her.

"Unlike your little friend she's not yelling in my face saying I was the one who killed my family, not the fact they drove into a fucking tree"

"Tell me why?"

"I didn't kill them"

"Prove it then"


I left my phone with Jeongyeon. I turned around and hurried to meet up with her.

Jin. Fuck

He stood arms crossed. "Come on tell me the truth Yoo" Jeongyeon glared at him. "You wanna know big boy?"

"Yeah tell me"

"Ok. See unlike you mr family my family payed zero attention to me. I was lucky if one of them even said one word to me in a week. Now imagine in your small brain how that must've felt" she got fidgety.
"Pretty shitty I bet"

"Yeah...so I booked it. I fucking ran. Ran to get away from the shit life I was living. Sometimes they wouldn't even feed me. I left but they followed. They fucking followed and you know what happened next. They almost hit a car but nope instead they turned the wheel and drove right into a tree at full speed. Everyone dead. My life gone"

Jins eyes grew. He stepped back. Tears staining his cheeks, her words killing him. Jeongyeon walked up to him and shoved him to the ground. "My life gone. GONE! they never showed me they cared. NEVER but then they came back for me. I was so confused. Left in a state of confusion for the rest of my life and you think I'm going to hurt the person who is finally giving me life. Jin there is life in her eyes. The life that I never had. Fuck you for thinking I'd ever hurt Nayeon. FUCK YOU!"

She started running back to the lake and saw me right away stoping in her tracks immediately. "Nayeon..dont tell me your heard all of that"


Fuck fuck FUCK. I needed out. Get away from me. I'm a monster. No no. Am I?

What the hell am I doing with her.

My vision got blurry and I felt hot. I could feel Nayeon trying to hold me up. "Jeongyeon. It's ok"
"No no it's not. You weren't supposed to hear that. Fuck"

I felt another person lift me up. "Nayeon get him away from me!" I was gonna go crazy. Anger was one of the things I had no control over. "Jin leave. I got this"

"No im not leaving you with her like this"


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