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This girl was beautiful in every aspect. I knew noticed it before but wow she was.

We ended up eating the bread from the bakery and talking nonsense all day until it got to night.
"Hey wanna go swimming?"

"You go swimming this late? It's to cold Jeong"

"No it's not. Your just a baby" She pouted at me. Her arms crossed. "Fine. If I get frostbite you better save me"

"Of course. Anything for you~" did I just say that.

Her face got red again. "Wait I don't want to swim. I'm kinda tired..."

"Tired of what?"

"You. Your eyes"

"What do you mean?"

"You've been looking at me all day" duh. "That's what people do am I wrong"

"No I mean you...you've been looking to long and earlier" She put her head down. "You were just fine a second ago. I don't understand you"

"Me either. My brains just all messed up" I moved next to her. She moved away. "What?" Her face was red she was trying her hardest not to look at me in the eyes. Am I just the one to not get flustered. She still had the kiss on her mind. It was nice. Very nice. I wish I could feel like that everyday.


Something was wrong with me. My heart never stopped beating fast after the kiss. I thought it was just a stupid moment both of us had like the last one but my stupid heart wasn't stoping.

You liked it Nayeon.

No that's impossible. Ugh.


She leaned in. "You look pale"

"No I'm not." She put her hand on my forehead. Ugh she was so caring and cute.

"Your not hot or anything"

"I liked it!"

She tilted her head. "What?"

"The kiss.." I looked down avoiding her eyes. She moved back a little bit.


God how am I supposed to react to that. I liked it too but like what does that even mean. So she liked it. Does she like me?

I had no idea how to do things like this. Of course I'd make my first friend and something crazy would happen.

She looked back up at me. "Uh. What now? Nayeon I don't know..I liked it to. Is this like..something"

"Like more then friends you mean?" I didn't mean that! Hold up.

"Wait you want to be like?" I leaned my head against the wall and looked up. This wasn't real.

"I've never dated before."

"Me either or kissed anyone except you Nayeon"

"I never also never felt like this. My heart hasn't stopped." Mine either. I guess I'm better at ignoring it. I couldn't imagine dating her. That would be crazy but fun.

"I think I like you jeongyeon. In the beginning this was just gonna be helping out out but now its like woah I think I'm feeling something for you"

The way Nayeon has changed me. I think I feel the same. We connected so much just this week. Being in the lake with her made everything really fun and exciting.

"I like you too. The kiss was nice. The times in the lake were nice. Every moment is just different. I needed you"

"I make you happy?" She moved in putting her hand on my face and rubbing her thumb against my cheek. "The only one who has"

I leaned in and kissed her once again. The feeling of want taking over. She wrapped her arms around my neck.

"So does this mean?" She nodded slowly, placing kiss after kiss on my cheeks.

"Ah stop!"

"No! Let me be happy!"

"Your killing my insides"

"Mine are already dead. Ah I'm dating you. This is crazy"

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