I am One of the Heroes of Olympus, Right?

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Percy went missing.
Uh huh.
Annabeth went wild.
Uh huh.
Sally went... Worrisome? Is that a word? (The irony. I have lived with her highness, the god of poetry for two freaking thousand years and I'm still making up weird words.)

Jason, Piper and Leo came to Camp Half Blood and then everything went ballistic because Rachel announced that the second Big Prophecy had begun.
It didn't take me or Chiron long to realise that Jason was Roman and something was terribly wrong here.

Then the three of them went to free Hera, of all gods, and though I really wanted to help these new demigods on their first mission, I didn't want anything to do with Hera.

So I stayed with Annabeth and Tyson, searching for my stupid brother.


That's when I remembered disapperating.
Months after we REALLY needed it? Yep. Then and only then did my brain decide to work. Inconsiderate brain.

I appeared right in front of Percy when he was on a boat with two other people and the boat was being steered by a... Whale?

I rushed up to him and gave my brother a bear hug. After two tense seconds, he hugged me back, tight. I pulled back confused and he told me he lost his memories, but recognised me anyways.
He said he woke up remembering mothing but Annabeth and my heart neatly melted into a puddle of "aww!!" before solidifying into a 'Percabeth' shape.

He introduced me to Frank and Hazel, they seemed like nice people. Although Hazel was a bit green and seemed as if she would throw up on me any second. Sea sickness,I figured.

Percy begged me to bring Annabeth to him and I had tearfully opposed it saying that now is not the time. Trust me, living with the god of prophecy taught me a thing or two about the future and not meddling with it in any way.

Days after was the first time I met Thanatos and he was as unattractive as hell. He was well built and humble.
Which is SO not my type!
It didn't take long to defeat him, and Percy jumped off the cliff. Frank and Hazel panicked, but I just yawned.

"PERCY FREAKING JACKSON DOUCEBAG! You better bring back a shell for me!" I screamed down the edge of the cliff. Frank and Hazel looked at me funny.
"You'll see," I answered and just to back up my point, Percy landed on his feet in front of us by a gigantic wave.

"Why did you want a shell?" He asked while handing me a beautiful peach one. "It's Poseidon's birthday in a few days." I answered.
He didn't look convinced. Or amused, for that matter.

"Oh, who am I kidding! I just wanted to say something cool."

Percy got his memories back on the four hour ride to Camp Jupiter on the fastest horse in the world - Arion.
He was also made praetor when we got back, after I met Reyna and the doofus Octavian. He seemed like bad news.

We got a video letter from Leo a little while later saying that he was coming with a large ship and Annabeth would be on it.
Because the second Big Prophecy had started and was seriously going to kick ass.


Percy and Annabeth's reunion would HAVE to go up to the Guinness World of Records Book for Cutest Couple Alive on Earth. It was sooo adorable watching them!
(Honestly, I kind of freaked when I realised I was thinking about Apollo. I don't like that idiot. Do I?)

We had a huge discussion and a banquet where Jason was made praetor again and Octavian was burned by him and Percy.
Then Leo went ballistic and started attacking the Camp.
We had to leave immediately, bringing Coach Hedge with us.

I won't go into detail about that whole ride because what matters, is that Annabeth had to follow the Mark of Athena to find the Athena Parthenos and face the goddess Arachnid herself.
Hazel had to save her brother Nico from the giant twins Otis and Ephialtes before he died.
In the end, we saved Nico but Annabeth and Percy fell into Tartarus together.
I had prayed at the moment Nico came with the news to every god I knew. Every one of them. To keep the two most incredible people alive and safe.


The next few days were a blur, because there was no Percy or Annabeth. I remember accompanying Hazel to go to my teacher, Hecate to learn some basic magic and us becoming awesome magical sisters.
I remember Jason stepping down from praetorship and Frank taking up the new title.

Other things happened too. Reyna came and offered to bring the Athena Parthenos to the hill at Camp Half Blood.
Leo met Calypso and became head over heels in love with her which finally resolved matters between him, Frank and Hazel.

But most importantly, I got Annabeth and Percy back from Tartarus.
I really wanted to ask them what it was like, to compare it to my time in the Eternal Forest and see how much worse Tartarus was.
But I couldn't. They looked relieved to be able to see the sun again. I couldn't ask them.


The next few days of our quest was journeying to Greece.
I met Apollo and Artemis at Delos, where they were born, because the transformations from Greek to Roman was too much to bare for them.
I would've just forced Apollo to give us the information we needed, but I decided to let 'ze master' handle it.
Who had to bribe the god with a made up instrument. The Valdezinator. The name is so cringy that it's hard not to flinch.

Fast forward to a few days later when Percy got a nosebleed which triggered the rise of Mother Earth. Then Annabeth's blood spilt on the ground and Leo, the idiot, sacrificed his skinny self to save the world.

I hate him so much right now.

That was the worst part, but the second worse part was Zeus punishing Apollo and blaming him for all this because he made Rachel sprout out this prophecy.

I would've stalked up to him and slapped his unworthy face for all I cared of it wasn't for Piper and Annabeth pulling me back.
How dare he?!?
It's not Apollo's fault!
He can't control the prophecy!!

Wtf does Zeus want him to do?

Everybody was rejoicing the union of the Romans and Greeks after that, but I couldn't really. Not with Apollo probably suffering and in pain without anyone with him.
How dare Zeus?

Four months later, I was still worried sick because he was not at his house in Olympus, nor did ant other god hear of him. I must've looked like a zombie at Sally's, my second home, I was so worried. I slept late, searching the earth for him and woke early to go find him.
With no luck.

After that, I had to go help Annabeth's cousin, Magnus cope with the Norse deities because I know more about them and because Annabeth could only know about them when Magnus chose to tell her.

So I went, all the way to Boston, to help another demigod, still worried to death about my bestest friend.


Hey guys! I just wanted to say sorry for the these two chapters, I know they were crap, but I had to write them.
I did try to make them a bit more
bear-able, but I don't think I made much of a difference.

Anywho, I PROMISE that the next few chapter are going to be MUCH  better because I am going into the Trials of Apollo and the climax of my story is set in the Trials of Apollo books.

I need to write them out because I'm changing the plot a tiny bit, which means the prophecy they got won't be in order for my little book.

Thank you SO much everyone who added my book to their library! I love all my readers so much! And I'm really glad people appreciate my story!

XX Purpleunicornwhat 😊😊

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