Being Apollo's Servant Sucks... A Little

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Apollo's POV

"Aria!" I call for my servant as soon as I dress myself for the day. She's been serving me for a week now so she knows the routine.
Wake up at the crack of dawn! Oh how lovely!

"Apollo, shut your damn useless mouth and let me sleep," she groaned.

Did I mention she's been here a week?

Zeus decided she should have a room in my villa so that she could serve me. Apparently that room had to be right next to mine.

"Aria, I thought we went over this. I am the sun god and I have to raise the sun!" I called back.

"Oh my gods Apollo, you've never given your sun chariot horses a lie-in? No wonder they hate you so much!" She replied sounding much more awake.
I rolled my eyes. "Get up Aria."
I could hear her begrudgingly get up really slowly.

Aria is a hands down terrible servant. But she makes good company.

--------------- TIME SKIP ---------------

"Aria, where is my dinner?" I demand, sitting at my table, thinking of my next AMAZING song.

"You're a god. You can just snap your fingers and BAM! There's your dinner," she replied nonchalantly.

"You're my servant. You're meant to serve me my food."

"Dude, I know you made a crap child but I'm sure your mother must've taught you some damn manners," she snapped.

"Stop cursing! It's unladylike!"

"Screw that."


She sighed and trudged two steps over to the table from her seat and brought me my dinner.

"What is this?" I ask, disgusted, as I took some in my spoon. It looked like someone literally dropped cut up vegetables in some water and put it in a fancy bowl.
That's probably exactly what she did.

"It's food, Apollo. I knew you were stupid but that's just truly shocking," she answered while slumping back into her seat lazily.

"This isn't PROPER food! It's some kind of... Liquidy... Mess!" I stutter.

"Yeah well proper food required effort and I have none of that crap," she replied bored. She began to read her book again. Probably from Athena's library.

"Aria, I can't eat this. I'm a god. I eat proper stuff. Not baby food."

"Really? Because your behaviour screams, ' I'm a baby!' That, sunny, comes along with baby food."

I huff and wonder if I would ever win an argument with this lady. Ever.


"You don't ever get nervous?" Aria asked me as she carried all my instruments to the concert grounds.
We were walking together in comfortable silence.
Her, carrying my lute, my flute, my drum and my banjo. Me, singing songs, practicing.

"Of course not. I'm the god of music. I don't get nervous when it comes to music," I snorted as we walked further.

"Well good luck anyways."

Her answer surprised me. Usually she would comment on how my terrible music (I'm sure that part's a lie) would mess the whole thing up.
Was she...

Aria? Nice?
No sorry. No match found. English itself does not approve of those two words going together.

"Are you feeling alright?" She asked me, her brown eyes staring at me. I looked back ahead. "Duh, Ari. I will not let myself catch a cold just before a concert."

"Alright sunny, it was just a question," she sighed, smiling and she skipped ahead with her arms full of instruments and her black hair bouncing.

I stared after her realising one thing I never had before.
She was pretty.
In her own unique way.

Pretty, Aria-stylez.

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