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Apollo's POV

When I first met the Spartan prince, Hyacinthus, I knew that he would be the one person I would love more than anyone I ever had, and ever will.

I went down to Sparta every day because I couldn't bare be apart from him for more than a day. We were inseparable.
I slept at night thinking about him and daydreamed all day long.

I was almost completely ignorant to the world around me. Even Aria thought it was unusual.

"So," she said cheerfully while cleaning up my chambers. I was sitting at my desk with my face I'm one hand and a lovestruck expression.

"How is Hyacinthus doing?" She asked.

I sighed blissfully and imagined him. "Oh, just perfect Aria! Everything about him is perfect! Hair, eyes -"

"I meant 'how is he doing' in wellbeing terms," she frowned, straightening up from picking up all my clothes off the floor.

"Oh, good. Actually, I'm going to see him right now!"

"What?!" She spluttered, baffled.


"It's six in the morning!"

"So? There's nothing like seeing your loved one first thing in the morning!" I chirped, shooting off my chair.

She wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Ugh, you're gross, Apollo. When I fall in love, I assure you that I ain't gonna be as sappy as you are," she sneered.

"Is that a challenge?" I reply.

"No, it's a promise."

"That promise will only come into effect if someone ever has enough pity on you to actually fall in love with you," I tease.
She scoffed and stuck her tongue out at me before getting back to work.


Aria handed me a golden disc as Hyacinthus was getting ready to run and catch it.
We were in a huge field and Aria was holding all the picnic stuff on her arms. Why she had brought a disc in the middle of a picnic, I don't know.
But it's good because Hyacinthus really loved to catch them.

I flung the disc out as far as I could to make it hard for him but he was an extremely fast runner. He sprinted after it and left me in amazement.

That was when the wind changed and my source of happiness was snatched away from me.

The wind made the disc turn around and before Hyacinthus could stop himself, the disc slashed his head from the side, leaving his head half split in two.

"Hyacinthus!" I yelled and bolted for him, Aria at my heels. I couldn't see anything but him. Everything else faded in a moment of panic as I fell down next to him and cradled him in my arms.

"Hyacinthus," I sobbed as his brown eyes stared ahead, glassed over with death.

I felt a hand on my shoulder but I ignored it. I held his corpse closer to me and sobbed until the day was over.

The comforting hand stayed there the whole time. I knew I could count on that person to be there every time I needed them.

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