Chapter Thirty-Three: For Real This Time

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My heart fluttered and my cheeks turned rosey. "You what?" I asked. He smirked. "Do I really have to repeat myself? I said I love you Esme," he said. "I love you too," I said, smiling. Hearing Luca admit that he loves me was the best feeling in the world. Over the next 2 months things were different for Luca and I. We're getting along so well and we're so in love. Alesia and Alivia decided to plan a gender reveal baby shower for me.

"Mia figlia, how are you feeling?" asked Alesia as she finished doing my hair. "Heavy," I chuckled. She laughed. I looked at myself in the mirror as she looked at me. "You're absolutely glowing, my love," she said. I turned around and looked at her. "You know, ever since you've walked into Luca's life, I've seen such a different side to him. A side I haven't seen him show and with anyone else. You've done something to him Esme and I've never seen so happy," she continued, cupping my face.

"MA!" yelled Alivia as she burst through the doors. "It's time for the baby shower!" she continued, excitedly. Alesia looked at me and smiled. "See you downstairs," she said. Alesia and Alivia left the room. I looked at myself in the mirror and reflected on the past events that happened between Luca and I. I headed towards the door and out the room.

Looking down at the top of the stairs, I could see a crowd of people. Luca looked up and I seen his smile from ear to ear. I made my way down the stairs and everyone cheered and clapped. I couldn't help, but smile. Luca took my hand at the end of the stairs and walked me towards the family room. It was decorated so beautifully. The decor was stunning. "You look absolutely beautiful," whispered Luca. I blushed.

After playing a few games, eating brunch, interacting with family members and friends, it was finally time to reveal the baby's gender. Dr. Taughton was there with the box of balloons that held the baby's gender inside. He set it down infront of us. I gave him a warm smile, thanking him. "Ok everyone, on the count of 3," said Luca. Everyone began to count. 1...2....3!

Luca and I opened the box and out popped an adorable, blue teddy bear balloon that said "It's a BOY!" but what also caught everyone's attention was the second ballon that arised. It was the same teddy bear balloon, but this one was in pink and said "It's a GIRL!" Everyone looked at each other confused. I looked at Dr. Taughton, "I don't understand?-"

"-Well Esme, while we did your check up for these past few months, it seemed that the doctors in Oregon seem to have been mistaken," said the doctor. I looked at everyone and then looked at Luca, "So wait, that means-" The doctor smiled, "Indeed Mrs Salvatore. Boy and girl.. You're having twins." Everyone was elated. Luca hugged me and I cried. Suddenly Luca slipped down slowly getting on one knee. While everyone was still celebrating, I looked down at Luca, and my eyes widened, "Luca what are you doing?—" Suddenly I held my stomach.

Luca facial expression changed and he looked at me, concerned. "What's wrong Esme?" I looked down, "My water broke!" Everyone stopped celebrating and started rushing me into down the hall, out the front door and into the car. I was rushed to the hospital and immediately put into a special room as they prepped for my labor. The room had a window because although not everyone was able to be in the room with me, they were still able to look through the large window to see what was going on.

The only two people who were in the room with me was Alesia and Luca. Luca looked towards the window and seen someone out of the ordinary, standing and watching with the others. It was his father, Giovanni. Alesia and I looked at Luca and encouraged him to go talk to his father.


As I held Esme's hand in support, I looked over to the window and spotted someone out of the ordinary. It was my father. I looked to my mother and Esme with some guidance and they encouraged me to go speak to him. I walked out the room and turned to my father. "I heard my Nipoti were coming," said Giovanni. He broke down in tears and I hugged him. "Mio figlio, I'm so sorry. It was dumb of me to get angry over something to small," he continued. "It's okay dad, we can talk about this later. Right now, Esme needs me," I said.

Before I went back into the room, my father called my name, "Luca?" I turned to look at him. "She's definitely a keeper. Don't let her go," he continued. I smiled and headed back to the room. Everyone behind the window, eyes were plastered into the delivery room.


Luca held onto my hand. "Ready?," he asked. "Ready as I'll ever be," I replied. I spent the next 3 hours pushing. "Okay Mrs. Salvatore, I need you to breathe and then push," instructed the nurse. I pushed and screamed. "You're doing great, figlia," said Alesia. I turned to Luca with tears in my eyes. He wiped away the tears and kissed my forehead while still holding my hand. 12 hours later, I finally had both of the twins. They moved me into a private, but bigger room, where family and friends can reunite with us. I held the twins in my arms with Luca beside me.

"Have you came up with names for the twins?" asked Isabella. "I think we should name the boy, Cardo Jr."said Cardo. Nico and Rocco snickered. Luca smirked. "I think I came up with names for the both of them," I announced. Luca stopped me. "Before you decide to announce that, I wanted to give you this," he said as he pulled a velvet box out his pocket. Everyone was quiet. Luca opened the box and it revealed a gorgeous, princess-cut diamond ring. Everyone gasped. I looked at Luca confused.

"I thought you deserved a proper proposal. They say, you know you've found love, when you can't find your way back. And I've found you. I've lost myself for so long Esme, until I met you. When I met you, I didn't know what to expect going into the crazy days ahead of us. At first, it was all based on lies. Us being engaged, having a wedding, just for me to get something that I've wanted for so long, but I feel like now that I've got what I wanted, it wasn't as satisfying as I thought it would be. I felt like, it wasn't what I wanted. I know what I wanted, what I wanted was you. I thought that if I sent you away, it would keep you safe. But I was wrong. The only way, that I could've kept you safe, was with me. I felt weak. Now you're back here with me, and you gave birth to two healthy babies, our babies. You complete me Esme, and I thought life couldn't get any better than this—," he said as he placed his finger in one of the baby's tiny, soft hands.

"—But it has," he continued. I looked at Luca with teary eyes. Everyone in the room smiled. Luca smirked and chuckled. "What I'm trying to say is that, Emse Sianna Salvator.. Will you marry me, again? For real this time?" he asked. The tears rolled down my face and I replied to him "Yes, Luca Gianni Salvatore, I will marry you for real this time." Luca leaned over and kissed me, everyone was elated.

Over the next 2 months, Luca and I decided to get married. We planned it accordingly to how I actually wanted my wedding to be. We decided to have the wedding in the garden of the mansion. From the centrepieces to the  wedding decor, everything was gorgeous. Gold and white. Luca's parents had the twins while Luca and I sat at the head table enjoying out special day. Night had fallen and everyone was enjoying themselves.

"May I have this dance Mrs. Salvatore?" asked Luca. I giggled and nodded. Luca took my hand and we swayed on the dance floor. "Enjoying yourself baby?" he asked. "This is possibly one of the best days of my life. Aside from the twins," I smiled. Luca smirked. He looked deep into my eyes. I blushed. "What is it?" I asked. "I love you so much Esme, I'd do anything to protect you and our twins," he said. I looked around and seen that everyone was enjoying themselves, family and friends. There was so much love here.

I laid my head on his chest, "And we love you, Luca. You and the twins are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I wouldn't have it any other way."

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