Chapter Ten: So What's The Plan?

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I was still standing in the room with blood slowly drying all over me and silently staring at Luca feeling terrified and shocked at the same time. I heard foot steps running towards us and in popped Cardo and Dante. "What the fuck happened? We heard a gun shot!" said Cardo. Dante looked at me, "Esme! You're covered in blood." Dante looked down and seen the body on the floor. He used his arm covering his nose, "Holy shit, is that Kelly? Esme shot Kelly?!" Luca turned to the both of them, "I shot Kelly." Cardo and Dante stood there in shock. "Why?" asked Cardo.

"She pulled her gun out on Esme. So I shot her," said Luca. Dante looked at me, "Yikes. Are you okay Esme?" I could barely open my mouth to say anything. I felt tears streaming down my face. Luca frowned. "Alright boys, you know what to do. Get rid of it," he said pointing at the body. Luca stepped over the body and came closer to me. He took me into his arms and hugged me tight. I didn't react to the hug by hugging him back, I made no movement. I watched over his shoulder and seen Cardo and Dante carrying Kelly's body out the room before disappearing. Luca slowly released me and reached in his back pocket pulling out a handkerchief. I stared into his eyes as he carefully wiped the blood off my face.

"Are you okay?" he whispered. I could hear my ears still ringing from the gunshot and Luca's voice sounded farther and farther away. Everything started happening in slow motion as my eyes began to close. I could feel myself falling and I swore I could hear Luca yelling my name. Before I knew it, I blacked out.

I felt a warm cloth on my forehead. I slowly opened my eyes, but my vision still seemed a bit blurred. My eyes started focusing and there I seen a pretty young girl, no more than 17 years old. She sort of looked like Luca. "Luca! She's awake!" Luca was sitting on the bed and he turned toward me. "Ciao bella, how are you feeling?" He said taking the cloth off my forehead and gently stroking my hair. I slowly shuffled myself to sit up on the bed with Luca's help.

"What happened?" I asked. "You were in shock and fainted," he answered. That's when I remembered the reason why I fainted. My eyes grew wide. "Kelly!" I said. The girl who was beside Luca and I gave us a confused look. Luca squeezed my hand and turned to look at her. I followed looking at her and looked back at him. I think he was signalling me not to say anything, at least not in front of her. He turned to me, "Esme, I'd like you to meet my little sister. Alivia." Alivia took my hand and gently placed it in hers, "Wow fratello! Mom and dad were right, she is very beautiful." I smiled. "Why thank you Alivia," I said.

"I'll let mom and dad know you'll be joining us for dinner after all?" Luca nodded. Alivia smiled leaving the room behind us, closing the door. I looked at Luca, feeling a bit confused. "You didn't say your parents and sister were coming over today," I said. Luca caressed my cheek, "I didn't. They decided to come over just as you passed out. Bad timing, huh?" I giggled. Looking around the room, everything seemed different. I realized I wasn't in my room. "Where am I?" I asked. "You're in my room. I didn't want my parents to think that we were staying in separate rooms."

I nodded letting him know I understood. When I was about to get up out of bed I also realized that I was wearing pyjamas. "Uh Luca?" His attention was now on me. "Yeah?" He answered. "Um, did you change me?" Luca smirked, "What if I said I did?" I start feeling disgusted, how dare he? "Are you fucking kidding me? You're such a disgusting pig!" Luca laughed, "Relax princess. I made Isabella change you. My maids were busy cleaning up the mess." Thank god he wasn't the one that changed me. "Well we have to meet my parents for dinner downstairs. Go take a shower or do you need me to join you?" I rolled my eyes and walked to his bathroom door. "No! Ugh, you're such a pig." Luca laughed. As Luca and I were finished getting dressed, we made our way down to the dining room. There we met Giovanni, Alesia and Alivia. "Mia bellissima nuora e figlio. My beautiful daughter-in-law and son," said Giovanni welcoming us to the table. I went and hugged Giovanni and Alesia, while Luca did the same. "How are you sweetheart? Luca said you weren't feeling very well," said Alesia.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking Alesia." Giovanni stopped me and wagged his finger back and forth. "Mia nuora. Please, darling. You are apart of the family now, famiglia." Alesia gently rubbed my arm, "Gio is right, dear. You can call us Mom and Dad." The thought of calling them Mom and Dad made me feel like I was right at home. I smiled. "Oh Esme, Alivia was so excited to meet you," said Alesia. "Have you gone dress shopping yet?" Luca and I looked at each other, "No I haven't, but would you like to come with Alivia?" Her smile lit up the entire room. "Of course!" She exclaimed.

Luca turned towards his parents, "I don't mean to sound rude, but why are you all here?" Gio and Alesia looked at one another. Their facial expression changed and became more serious. "Dolcezza, can you please take our daughter into the other room?" Alesia nodded her head. "Sul serio, seriously Dad? You know that I'm apart of this mafia family just as much as Luca is. I'm old enough to understand what's going on. You didn't train me at a young age to protect myself for nothing." Luca looked at his father rubbing his chin, "She does have a point dad. She's ready." Giovanni sighed and looked at Alivia, "Alright mia figlia."

"So Dad what happened?" Asked Luca. "I've received confirmation that The Snakes have been active. They're planning to ambush our shipments at the docks tomorrow night." Luca slammed his fist down on the dining room table, "Those fucking Snakes!"

"Figlio, language," said Alesia. "Sorry Ma, but this can't be happening!"

"From what I also heard is that they're no longer known as The Golden Snakes. Marco's son has officially rebuild his father's clan and joined them. They are now known as The White Snakes." Luca crossed his arms in disgust, "It doesn't matter to me, they're all still a bunch of snakes."

"So what's the plan?" I asked. Everyone turned to me facing my direction. Giovanni seemed pleased. "I knew I liked her. She's ready to get down to business."

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