Chapter Eighteen: The Wedding

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It was either now or never. I left my room carefully making my way to the back of the mansion's garden. Below the stairs waited Landon. "Wow, you look beautiful Es-.. ahem I mean 'Boss'," he said. I giggled and smacked his arm playfully. He lend me his arm, "Shall we?" I took his arm and he walked me out to the back of the mansion. Luca's father Giovanni and mother Alesia were waiting for me behind a tall, fenced rose bush. Alesia was filled with joy seeing me, "Oh Esme, you look beautiful as ever." I smiled and kissed her on the cheek. I peaked around the corner and seen the scenery.

To be honest, I've been to the garden often and it's beautiful, but seeing the garden like this left me absolutely speechless. If anyone would have seen this they would say that this is a dream, but sadly it is a dream because none of this is real. Looks can be deceiving and this is a garden filled with lies and secrets. "Ready kiddo?" Asked Giovanni. I nodded nervously. I looped each side of my arm with Giovanni and Alesia. There was a woman playing a harp as we began slowly walking toward a white sheet rolled out and scattered with rose petals all over.

Luca's POV:

As soon as I seen Esme walking down the isle with my parents, my heart skipped a beat. I've seen Esme in the dress before and she looked beautiful, but this, this was different. She was radiating with absolute beauty, like a complete goddess. In that moment, I was weak.

But a deal is a deal. As much as it hurts me to watch her go after tonight, she'll be safe. If she's smart, she will take the money I give her and leave LA. Leave for good and never look back. I've slept with multiple woman and they've meant nothing to me. When I met Esme, at first she was just a stupid girl who got on my nerves, but I never had this urge to sleep with her. If anything, all I wanted to do was protect her annoying ass. This woman risked her life for me after being shot and coming out the hospital. I would consider that to be pretty stupid. But she has done something no other woman has done to me. She changed me. And without a doubt, I'm in love with her. I wish I wasn't, but I am. I have to keep her safe and far away from me as possible.


As Giovanni and Alesia walked me down the isle, we reached the front of the alter. Giovanni shook Luca's hand and Alesia kissed him on the head before handing me over to him. As Luca took my hand I followed standing right before him. We were finally face to face. The pastor began to preach. "You look beautiful," whispered Luca. I smiled at him nervously, but deep down I wanted to break down and cry.

Everyone knew what the deal was except Luca's family. "Do you, Luca Salvatore, take Esme Sianna Cole as your lawfully wedded wife?" Luca smiled before answering, "I do." The pastor turned to me, "Do you Esme Sianna Cole, take Luca Gianni Salvatore as your lawfully wedded husband?" I looked at Luca hesitantly. I looked at Luca's men who seemed confused, then his parents who seemed quite concerned that I'm taking long to answer. I looked at the girls, Alivia looked worried, Isabella and Callie looked at each other and Katie is the only person who knew how I felt.

I looked at Luca who seemed a bit worried and concerned. I put my head down trying to hold back my tears. I shook my head and put on a fake smile. I looked up at Luca and then the pastor. "I do," I answered. You could hear the relief from everyone. "The rings," called the pastor. Katie presented me with Luca's ring and Luca's mom presented Luca with the ring that his grandmother saved for him. I placed the ring on Luca's finger first. Finally, Luca slid the gorgeous ring through my finger.

"I now pronounce you, Husband and Wife. Luca Salvatore, you may kiss your bride." Luca grabbed my waist and dipped me. His lips crashed down onto mine. It was just like the first time, soft and sweet, but this time with a bit of passion. While everyone cheered and clapped, he looked at me smiling. Suddenly gun shots went off. Everyone ducked down and one of Luca's men came running to us, "Boss! The White Snakes are here!" Even though I was crouched down, I looked up and see that Luca was hovering above me.

Everything seemed to happened in slow motion as Luca opened his tuxedo jacket and pulled out a gun. I could hear yelling and screaming, but everything sounded so far away. My ears were ringing. Luca looked down at me and grabbed my arm. Everything resumed to normal speed as he pulled me up. He pushed me into Rocco and Nico as I fell back into their arms, "Take her away from here and keep her safe!" My eyes widened and began to water, "What?! No Luca!" Rocco and Nico held my arms as I tried to break free. "Go!" He yelled. "No Luca! Please! Don't leave me!" I cried as Rocco and Nico dragged me away. I could see the hurt in Luca's eyes.

Suddenly a bullet flew into Nico's arm and I screamed. "Nico!" Yelled Rocco as he became distracted. One of the Snakes came and punched Rocco as he let go of me and fell to the ground. Another Snake came and grabbed me by my neck, he started choking me and I was gasping for air. I fell on my knees and the tears started rolling down my face. I could hear Luca screaming my name. Everyone around me was fighting. I started feeling dizzy and my vision was getting blurry. This was it, I was going to die.

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