Chapter Thirteen: What's Done Is Done

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My ears were ringing. I was falling in and out of consciousness. Trying to keep my eyes open, I seen Luca hovering over me. I could see that he was angry and yelling at a gentleman who seemed to be a doctor, but I could barely hear what's being said. I couldn't keep awake much longer, I started feeling my eyelids become heavy again. I fell into a deep dark slumber.


I was awoken by a sound of some sort. My eyes opened as the first thing I seen was a ceiling. The beeping sounded like I was somewhere near a heart monitor. I lifted my arm and seen that I had an IV in my arm and I was hooked up to other machines. I hated hospitals. I realized that I had an oxygen mask on too, it didn't take me long to remove that off. I looked to the far corner and seen that Luca was sleeping on the hospital chair. I tried to sit up in bed, but then I yelped at a feeling of a sharp pain in my back. Luca quickly woke up and came to my side.

"Hey there, take it easy," he said. "My back hurts so much." He gave me a weary grin, "Well you did get shot in back, twice." Luca caressed my cheek, "You went through surgery because you were losing a lot of blood, they needed blood for you." Luca rolled up his sleeves and shown me the bandaids on his arms. "You gave me blood? Luca you shouldn't have.."

"I've done a lot of bad things in my years. My parents had always taught me that if there's something that needs correcting, do IT. I've done the right thing here Esme." I didn't know if I should cry or be happy. I swiftly pulled Luca in for a hug. A tear rolled down my cheek and I whispered in his ear, "Thank you." The doctor walked in and we quickly broke off the hug. "Oh, sorry to interrupt, but I'm Dr. Taunton. I did your surgery and I was just going to check and make sure that the procedure went well and that there's no infection." I nodded my head. "Okay my nurse should be here any minute to assist me. Would you mind if your husband steps out for a moment?" Luca and I looked at each other, and I looked at the doctor. "Please, can I just have him stay here with me?" I asked. I could feel Luca watching me at the corner of my eye. He was a bit stunned that I didn't correct the doctor and also that I want him to stay.

"Very well then my dear. Nurse, could you please assist me with lifting up the back of our patient's gown?" The nurse and the doctor had gloves on as they examined the procedure. After a few minutes, they were done. "Well Esme, you seem to be patched up pretty well and everything seems just fine. If it wasn't for your husband, you wouldn't have made it out here alive," said Dr.Taunton. "Do you know when I'm able to go home?" I asked.

Before the doctor spoke, Luca jumped into the conversation, "I'll promise to have an at-home nurse to take care of her." Dr.Taunton thought carefully, "Well in that case, it shouldn't be a problem. BUT promise me that if something's wrong and your nurse isn't able to handle the situation of her condition, please don't hesitate and come back to me immediately!" Luca and I nodded our heads in agreement. "Great, I'll have the front desk and the nurses know that she'll be out tomorrow morning. So I'll have them prepare her papers for discharge." Luca shook the doctor's hand, thanking him.

The doctor left, leaving Luca and I alone again. Luca came close to my again, but this time, holding my hands in his. "Listen Esme, I'm sorry that this happened. I didn't expect it to happen so quick. I fucked up and I should've sent you with more guards, I could've prevented any of this from happening to you..." I put my fingers on his lips, hushing him. I gave Luca a weary smile. "It's alright Luca. What's done is done and you can't do anything to change that," I said, running my fingers through his hair. "...Well, I'll pick you up in the morning," he said. "Oh. Okay." Luca left without another word. That was weird, it's like his whole mood changed.

The next morning I was getting ready to be discharged from the hospital. As I walked out the front entrance of the hospital, I seen Isabella and Callie waiting for me, but no Luca. "H-hey. Um where's-..." Callie interrupted me, "...-Luca?" I nodded. Isabella and Callie exchanged looks with one another. "He said that'd he would be here to pick me up," I said. "Maybe he's just busy, that's why he sent us to come. C'mon, get in," said Isabella. I felt a bit crushed that Luca wasn't here to come and get me. We got into the car and drove back to the mansion.

The car ride was relaxing, talking to the girls about girl stuff. As we reached the mansion, Callie had to leave. "Sorry guys, duty calls." Isabella rolled her eyes, "You suck." I giggled. but Isabella stayed with me and helped me get to my room. "Are you sure you don't need anything girlfriend?" Asked Isabella. "No I'm totally fine 'Bella," I assured her. "Alright, catch you later!" she said as she left. I closed the door behind her. And I walked to my bed, carefully trying to sit. I still couldn't wrap my mind around what Luca did. I almost died and he saved me. I know Luca and I don't have the best relationship in terms of being friends, but maybe this is so much more. The thought of him made me smile. I just didn't know how to explain the way I feel for him right now. I was startled by the swiftness of my door opening. In came a woman wrapped in a robe. I was a bit confused. "Oh! Sorry I thought-..."

I interrupted her, "...-That's okay, you must be the at-home nurse for me." She looked at me just as confused as I was. "Sorry sweetie, you must be mistaken. I'm not a nurse," she said, sounding offended. "Then who are you and what are you doing in my room?" I asked. She stood there with one hand on her hip. "I'm Luca's number one girl. I stayed the night with him. I was just looking for a bathroom because he's in his own." For some reason my heart felt extremely heavy. Is that why his mood changed and he was such in a hurry at the hospital? He doesn't really care about me, he only cares about his contracts...

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