Chapter Twenty-Nine: Escaped

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I couldn't believe it. He was standing right in front of me. Luca Salvatore was here. Although, as I begin to scan his face, he looked tired as if he hadn't been sleeping. I looked down and rubbed my stomach. His eyes followed. "Luca.." I called out softly. His eyes that we once enraged with anger, became soft. He quickly walked over to me and grabbed me into his arms, hugging me.

I broke down and cried softly. Damn these pregnancy hormones. He kissed the top of my head. "I missed you," he said. I suddenly snapped out of it and realized that I was dreaming. Here we stood in silence, staring at one another from across the hall. Our attentions were focused when the door swing open. Luca had his gun held up instantly, ready to shoot.

"Uh- did we come at a bad time?" asked Cardo. It was Isabella and Cardo. "Esme!" yelled Isabella. She ran towards me and gave me the biggest hug. She stepped back and held my stomach, "Oh my God." I looked at her and gave her a small smile, "Amazing, right?" Isabella nodded. "We need to get you out of here, Esme" she said. I nodded.

Isabella took me as we walked right passed Luca and Cardo, everything went in slow motion again as I walked passed him. He was staring back at me without saying a word. Looking behind and seeing the door closed behind us. Nothing, but seeing his face through the little glass window on the door as we got farther and farther from it.


"CARDO!!" I yelled as I pulled out my gun. We were out-numbered, but it wasn't difficult. I had my other men behind us. It was like WWIII in here. We were soldiers on a battlefield to victory. Shooting heads, left, right and centered. We had to save Esme, I had too. "ISABELLA AND CARDO, COVER ME!" I yelled. While the rest of them were in the shoot out. I looked around to see if I can find a door. Then I spotted one near us.

Bingo. I ran over while Isabella and Cardo covered me. I got to the door just in time. Opening it, there were 3 men. I shot the first one. The second man tackled me. I flipped him over and took the knife out my boot, sliding his throat. I did a summer-sault over the second man's body while pulling him over and using him as a shield. I shot the third man in the leg. "FUCK!!!" He screamed in pain.

Falling to the ground and trying to drag himself away from me. I got up and walked over to him. I stepped on his wound and he cried in pain even more. With no remorse, no sympathy; I quickly pulled the trigger shooting him in the chest. In a distance, I heard gun shots coming from a different hallway. Going through, and taking down a few more men. I finally came to another door. I opened it stealthily and seen that there was one of Trish's men.

He seemed to be holding someone up again the wall. I aimed and shot him right in the head. The body dropped and revealed a face. It was Esme. I couldn't believe it was actually her. I just never thought I'd see her again. Knowing Trisha, she would have probably relocated Esme, or kill her. She had blood splattered across her face from the head shot. My eyes scanned her body and I could see the baby bump.

When Esme wiped the blood off her face, I could see how pale she was. She seemed a bit thin, like she hasn't eaten in days. She had a bruise where her cheek is that was under her dark circles of her eyes. She seemed sleep deprived. Her lip was busted and had a small gash that crusted over with dry blood. I was shocked. I didn't know what to say to her. To find her in this condition breaks my heart. Why didn't I find her sooner? I wasted so much time. If I didn't waste time, she wouldn't have been in this condition because of me.

Suddenly I broke focus as I heard the door opened behind us. "Uh- did we come at a bad time?" asked Cardo. It was Isabella and Cardo. "Esme!" yelled Isabella as she ran passed us to hug Esme. My eyes were still glued to Esme. I looked and seen that Isabella was touching Esme's stomach. She smiled a bit when Isabella acknowledged her baby bump. "We need to get you out of her," said Isabella. Esme nodded.

It was at that moment when everything went slow motion for me. Watching Isabella take Esme away to safety. I can see the sadness in Esme's eyes as she looked back. My eyes still focused on Esme, I watched her disappear with Isabella. "Capo, you okay?" asked Cardo. I snapped out of it. My anger began to rise again. "Let's find Trisha and kill that bitch," I said to Cardo as I walked passed him. He followed.

Cardo and I went searching each part of the building for Trisha. "Where the fuck is she?" asked Cardo. We stealthily hit the corner where we seen that Trisha was with 7 of her men. She gets into a big, black SUV and I begin to shoot, along with Cardo. They make an escape.

"CAZZO!" I yelled. "She'll be back, won't she?" asked Cardo. "She will. We won this time, but she'll be prepared Cardo," I said. "You could be right Capo, but I feel like this time, she won't just come back for Esme," Cardo replied.

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