Chapter Seventeen: I'm Ready

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My heart broke into a million pieces, but I knew this was too good to be true. I could feel myself building up just to break down in front of him, but I knew I couldn't show him that I cared for him. I couldn't show him that I love him. I put on a fake smile and looked at him, "You're absolutely right Luca. That kiss shouldn't have happened. On the bright side, our wedding is a week away. Soon everything will go back to normal."

Luca looked at me confused, "Oh. Uh, I'm glad we're on the same page." I smiled putting out my hand for him to shake, "After all, this is just business." Luca looked hesitant, but shook my hand. That honestly made me die a little inside. Luca walked out of the room and I went to make sure the door was locked. I took off the dress and hung it back up on the little rack. I called Katie and gave her the DL on what had happened. "What! He kissed you?!" She said surprised. "Yeah and you know what's worse? I'm in love with him." Katie stayed silent on the phone. "Uh, Katie?" I called out to her. "I knew it," she said. "Knew what?" Katie began to giggle, "I knew you were in love with him." I began to blush, but sadness overcame me.

"I just want you to be happy Es, but he even said it himself.. it can't work between the two of you." I knew that was going to come from her, "I know, that's why I'm just not going to care. He doesn't feel the same, so I should just put my feelings aside." After awhile of talking to Katie, we said our goodbyes and hung up. I wish I was able to fall asleep, but I couldn't.

I stared at the moon shining bright through my window. I have to remember why I'm really here. I have to hold up my end of the deal. The next few days flew by pretty fast. Even though we're having such a small wedding, there sure was a lot of planning. Tomorrow was the big day. I shouldn't feel nervous because this isn't a real wedding, but for some reason I do. Luca's parents and sister are staying at the mansion tonight for the big day tomorrow. I was disturbed by a knock at the door, "Come in." The door opened and in popped Alesia.

"Can we talk bella?" She asked. I nodded. She walked in holding a little box behind her back. She came and sat down on my bed. "Nervous?" I fiddled with my fingers, "Just a little." She gave me a soft smile, "Mia bella figlia, my beautiful daughter.. don't be nervous. Believe it or not, Luca is a good person with a heart made of gold. He'll take care of you." I smiled at Alesia. "Oh, I'm not suppose to show you this but..."

Alesia opened the little box and inside showed a beautiful diamond ring. I gasped, "Wow. It's beautiful." She closes the box and took my hand, placing it on top of it, "It was Luca's grandmother's ring. Although she's not with us anymore, she has always told me that the day Luca gets married, have him place this ring on his wife's finger." Great, now this just makes everything harder. "Does Luca knows about this ring Alesia?" She nodded. My eyes grew wide. Luca knows about this? Isn't this ring suppose to be sentimental to him? I mean, he shouldn't just place this ring on any girl's finger. It should be on a finger of the woman he actually loves.

"Well bella, it's getting late. You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow. Get some rest," she said as she caressed my cheek and smiled. I softly smiled back and Alesia left the room. I laid back, resting my head on my pillow. "Well, let's see how tomorrow goes..."

It was finally the day of the wedding. My stomach was turning, I was sitting up in bed when my door burst opened. In came, Alivia, Katie, Isabella and Callie, excited as ever. "Today's the day you marry my brother! Sono eccitato!" I giggled at Alivia. The girls are started chatting excitedly when Katie pulled me aside, "Hey girl, are you ready?" I nodded. All the girls got dressed and helped me get dressed. We had professional makeup and hair artists come in and worked on us. The girls went downstairs to the gardens and I was left alone in the room. I stared at the finish product in the mirror. I can't believe I'm getting married, what surprises me more is that none of this is real. After today, Gio will sign the business contract over to Luca, I'll receive $500,000.00 and disappear forever. I knew I had to do this.

I was startled by a knock at the door. Giovanni came in and you could see the twinkle in his eyes. "Mia figlia, you make me the happiest of happiest today." I couldn't helped but smiled at Gio's comment. Being around them, you slowly start to catch on what they're saying in Italian and truth be told, I've been learning a bit of Italian myself. I knew that "mia figlia" meant 'my daughter' and "bella/bellezza" meant 'beautiful/beauty'. "Esme, I really thought that I'd never see mio figlio get married. But then you came along and changed him," he said, I looked into Giovanni's eyes, "I changed him?" Gio nodded, "You did my dear. I've never seen Luca so in love with someone as much as you."

I felt the tears welling up in my eyes, but I had to hold them back. As much as I would love to believe Gio, I don't. Only if he knew what happened a few days ago, he wouldn't have said that. Giovanni wiped his eyes, "Oh, there must be something in my eye." I smiled shaking my head. "Esme, We're elated that you're apart of our family," he said. I held his hand and his eyes were filled with love and satisfaction. "See you in the garden, my dear." Gio kissed my forehead and left. I looked at myself back in the mirror.

"Well, I guess I'm ready..."

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