Chapter 32

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I grunted loudly as I set down the last heavy box into the somewhat tiny trunk of my car. "Alright, pretty sure that's the last of it." I huffed, placing my hands on my hips. "Sorry I had so much stuff, hopefully the paint cans don't explode in there." Lapis, who was standing next to me, said in an apologetic tone. "If I open a box and there's blue all over my clothes, I will turn around and drive you back here." I replied, furrowing my eyebrows. But Lapis only responded with a light chuckle, and I rolled my eyes.

The haul trucks had already moved a majority of our stuff out to Empire City, and we were just taking the smaller extra stuff left over now - this would be the last trip in other words. We ended up finding a spacey apartment that was affordable. I also finally managed to buy another pair of glasses with my prescription after I had broken my last ones, so I adjusted them so the sunlight's beam wasn't blinding my eyes. "You guys got everything? Need any more help at all?" Steven's father asked us, stepping down the steps of the patio. "Nah, I think we're good now, thanks Greg." Lapis replied with a wide smile.

I had caught myself staring a bit too long at Lapis, so I quickly switched my gaze down to the ground. I was startled by the sound of Steven's chuckle, and I could see from my peripheral vision that the boy had witnessed the whole thing. Goddammit. He then sprinted towards Lapis, and I cocked my eyebrows in confusion. He wrapped his arms around Lapis's shoulders tightly and his head was resting snugly on her chest as though he were still shorter than her - he was just very hunched over. Lapis looked surprised at first, but then she giggled as she embraced the not-so-small-anymore boy.

She buried her face into his black curly hair for a moment as they hugged. It definitely was a cute sight - they looked like two close siblings almost. "I can't thank you guys enough for how much you've helped me." the bluenette then said as Steven reluctantly let go. "Of course, Lapis! We're always here for you!" the sweet boy exclaimed, and Lapis's cheeks were tinted pink.

I looked away for a split second, and I nearly screeched out loud as I then felt two strong arms wrap around me now. "...and I'll miss you too, Peridot! I wish we could've spent more time together while you were here." Steven said, his voice muffled in my shirt. He then quickly released me, and took a few steps back. My face was now beet red at this point, and I cleared my throat anxiously. "I-I mean..." "Speaking of...will I ever see you guys again?" he then asked in a sadder tone of voice this time.

"Pffft, don't be so dramatic, Universe. Of course. Even if it's just me...I'll still come to see you, 'kay?" Lapis replied, crossing her arms. "A-are you sure?" Steven asked, fidgeting with his fingers. "Dude, we're Beach Summer Fun Buddies. That'd be messed up if I didn't." the bluenette deadpanned, and Steven chuckled in response.

. . . .

I could see Steven waving manically through the rear view mirror as we slowly drove away from the driveway. Lazuli had been waving back the entire time, and I shook my head. "That boy. Not a negative bone in his body." I murmured. "That's his best quality." Lapis said quietly, finally turning around and facing the front. "Did you say bye to Jasper?" I then asked, and she seemed to tense up. "Yesss..." she groaned, leaning her head against the window beside her. "Still not really understanding why you didn't tell me that you were talking to him. It's not like I'd throw a bitch fit." I said, keeping my eyes on the road.

"'t's what you did last time." Lapis replied, in a monotone voice.

"H-hey, that was a very different situation!"

"Not really."

"Do you really think I'd be that upset that you two happen to be acquaintances at this point?" I grunted.

"How was I supposed to know you had changed your point of view on something like that?" Lapis asked in a high-pitched voice.

"You underestimate my patience." I deadpanned.

"You overestimate your patience." she shot back.

I groaned, rolling my eyes and gripping the steering wheel tighter. Lapis only giggled, and my heart skipped a beat, and my face started to feel warmer again. I hated the instinctive reactions I had to anything Lapis did, but I couldn't help them in the slightest. She really is something else.

"Ah, shut up already."

A/N: HEEEyyyy guys how are you liking the story so far? I've got about one more chapter for this book til I'm closing it up. I appreciate all of the positive feedback and support this book has gotten and I just wanted to remind yall how grateful I am for you guys! Your comments and votes keep me going strong in this story! :))))


Sorry, still bad at this. (SEQUEL) (LAPIDOT HUMAN AU)Where stories live. Discover now