Chapter 23

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A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the late update, I'm trying to stay consistent for y'all. Hope you like this chapter, and lemme know what u think :)))

Steven approaches the door, and seemingly hesitates before actually opening it for the guest. I wonder who it is? I took a couple steps further just to see who was at the door better out of pure curiosity. I had to hold back a gasp as I finally saw who it was - there stood the same intern from work earlier today. Spinel, was it? "Hi, Spinel! I'm glad you're here!" Steven immediately exclaimed as soon as the woman nervously waved. "Y-you are? I mean-yeah! So am I!" she terribly stuttered anxiously, shaking her head.

I heard a tiny gasp from Connie behind me, most likely due to Spinel's peculiar appearance. Oh my...she wasn't wearing that at work. She was wearing a black choker with a bright pink upside down heart charm attached to it. Her messy mascara seemed to be fixed, and she seemed to be wearing...fishnets...with converse? She had torn jean short-shorts, and her baggy hoodie's rolled up sleeves revealed a few tattoos on each arm. This girl straight up looked like she worked at Hot Topic, and her eyes still had that intriguing pink color...are those contacts or not?!

Despite her timid mannerisms, her resting face was admittedly a bit intimidating to say the least. I then heard Lapis's footsteps next to me, and I could spot her staring at me from the corner of my eye. I side-glanced her, and her previously...scowling expression turned away from me in a hurry. I arched an eyebrow and pursed my lips. "H-hey! I know you!" Spinel then exclaimed, pointing straight at me. I tensed up, and switched my gaze back and forth quickly. "You know my little brother?! Awesome!" she beamed, looking past Steven at me. "You know her?" Lapis then asked.

"I-I just met her today..." I whispered, shoving my hands into my pockets. I then realized that this is literally a coworker...from my work. I had to keep my formality around this girl or there could be possible consequences. I adjusted my tie quickly and brought a serious expression upon my face. "Ah. Yes I remember you. You're the intern?" I asked in a calm tone of voice. "Yeah! I was actually gonna ask your mot-I-I mean the boss if you could possibly be my mentor!" Spinel grinned, folding her hands behind her back. I tilted my head, trying my best not to convey a sense of confusion through my face.

"Mentor?" I asked. "Well, sure. I-if you're up for that, of course. It's more pay on your part...and I promise I wouldn't be that much trouble, heh." Spinel explained, nervously poking at her several piercings on her ear...strange girl. "Then I'll definitely consider it." I replied shortly. "You guys work together?! Wow!" Steven beamed, grinning widely. I turned around to look back at Connie, and she still seemed unsure about this entire situation. "Please excuse me for asking b-but much older are you than Steven...?" she then asked, taking a step forward.

"Oh! I'm gonna be 26 in august." Spinel replied. "You're 25?!" Steven and Connie both asked in unison, and we all tensed up at this surprising answer. Turns out Rose left her at a MUCH younger age than we thought. How did she even do that? Why wasn't she arrested? Did she put her up for adoption? Stars, this is a weird situation. So fucking weird. "Yeah, you're like 14 or 15, right Steven?" she then asked, turning to the boy. "I'm actually 16, heh. My birthday is in august too!" Steven replied, scratching his cheek.

"Yeah. Is that not what you were expecting?" Spinel chuckled. "Not...exactly. But don't worry about it! You're just younger than we thought!" Steven responded in a positive tone of voice. "I have to get going. It's getting late." I stated, adjusting my glasses. "W-wait why? You don't have to go right now, do you?" Lapis suddenly asked, placing a hand on my arm. I bit the inside of my cheek harshly at the feeling of Lapis's gentle touch. "Y-yes I do. I have to prepare for work tomorrow." I said in a monotonous tone, attempting to keep my composure in front of Spinel.

"You know you can just sleep over, right?" Lapis then asked, and I immediately bristled. "N-NO! Uh n-no wh-why would I do that?" I asked, scratching my brow and looking away. My face began to heat up. "Right...'cause of the alcoh-" "H-hey um I think I forgot something in the kitchen actually, Lazuli. Can you please help me find it?" I asked, quickly cutting her off. I took her wrist and rushed her into the kitchen, leaving Steven, Connie, and Spinel to talk alone. "What was that?!" Lapis whisper-shouted. "Listen, Lapis. The alcohol absolutely cannot be mentioned around Spinel." I whispered back anxiously.

"Why not?" she then asked, furrowing her eyebrows. "Nothing about my outside life can be gone into too much detail around that girl." I stressed through gritted teeth. Lapis looked taken aback, and her eyebrows furrowed deeper. "What?" she asked in a confused tone. "She works with me, Lapis. I am already on thin ice at work. She can't know anything about what I do outside of work, because there could be potential rumors around the building. I really don't need that on my rep right now, Lapis." I explained urgently. Her expression softened, and she huffed. "Right...I didn't realize. Does that won't be coming over as often anymore because she's gonna be living here?" she then asked...and her voice sounded more glum.

I couldn't hold back the pained expression on my face, and that was my only response. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked down, biting the inside of my cheek once again. "You can't even be more...human around her? You don't have to act like a robot around your coworkers! Being outgoing and emotional is good for business too! Especially if you're gonna be her mentor and making her more comfortable." the bluenette argued, and I sighed. "Not in my mother's business." I deadpanned. "Is that really the reason you're being cold?" she asked, which stopped me from walking for a moment.

I really couldn't do this right now. I continued to walk out anyways without another word. I was terribly startled when I ran straight into Spinel herself. "Ah! I-I'm so sorry!" she quickly apologized, holding her hands up in defense. "Sorry." I said also, and proceeded to walk around her. However, she stopped me. She gave me a strange look after she stopped me, and I tried to maintain my blank expression. " don't live here?" she asked, tilting her head. "O-oh no, not at all. I have my own apartment. Steven is simply an acquaintance of mine." I explained, closing my eyes.

"What about her? Does she live here?" Spinel then nodded towards Lapis, who was still standing in the kitchen. "Yes." I simply replied. "Is she Steven's girlfriend?" she suddenly asked, and my heart skipped a beat. "NO!" I said in a bit of a loud tone, and my face heated up rapidly. "I-I...gah sorry that was a bit loud. Just surprise." I murmured. "No, she's not." "Her step sister...?" she then asked, and I was already getting tired of this conversation. "No. I don't know too much about this household, though. So Steven is the best to ask these questions." I added, running my fingers through my hair.

"This place is a bit snug, don't you think? H-has Lapis been t-taking my place this entire t-time or...?" I could tell Spinel began to feel insecure about every word coming out of her mouth, but I pretended not to notice. Why would she ask something like that? Why is she not afraid to appear...vulnerable? "Hey, Spinel! I'll show you around, okay?" Steven then interrupted us, which I thanked the stars for. I quickly took this opportunity to leave, and head straight for the door. "I-I'll see you at work Ms. Greene!" Spinel exclaimed, waving at me. "Yes yes, of course." I muttered in reply, looking back at Lapis once more.

Lapis was giving me a somewhat blank expression, and said nothing. I felt a slight ache in my chest, and my chest felt nearly too heavy to even inhale properly. My stomach lurched, and I just quickly exited the beach house.

Sorry, still bad at this. (SEQUEL) (LAPIDOT HUMAN AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ