Chapter 12

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I was definitely a lot more loosened up after those drinks, and despite my ways normally, I wasn't complaining. I was laughing more, and my speech was less formal as though I were more comfortable at that point. "Yeahh, I need to touch this shit up a little more." Lapis said, pointing to the top of her head. "The roots?" I asked, trying to focus on what she was pointing to. "Yeah. Look how nasty it looks just growing out like this." she groaned. "I think they look pretty cool, Lapis. The dramatic contrast seems more eccentric." I commented.

"That's not always a good thing. You just called my hair quirky." she chuckled, furrowing her eyebrows. "No really, Lapis. I assure you it looks pretty. It's a strange thing you never really see too often in people around these parts. Besides...I've never actually seen what you look like with your natural color." I explained. "It's just plain black. Nothing really special." she shrugged, taking another sip of alcohol. "Still. It would be a bizarre sight to with your natural black hair. In a good way, of course." I replied slowly. "You think so?" she asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Yeahhhh, it would definitely be weird. But I bet you look great with your natural color." I said, slightly smiling. "I dunno, I really like it blue. It feels, I guess." she said, closing her eyes. "Fair enough." I murmured, looking back down at my drink. "Your hair looks bleached. Is that your actual natural hair color?" she then asked, and I looked back at her, slightly surprised. "Of course it is. I'd never do such an absurd thing like dye my entire head." I argued, placing a hand on my chest. Lazuli then stared at me with a blank expression, pursing her lips.

"Ugh, okay I've been too afraid to dye my entire head. I don't have the boldness to do something like that." I said, sighing and rolling my eyes. "I'm sure you do. All that work just probably made you a big ol' posh who wouldn't dare step out of line, hm?" she inquired, scooting closer to me. "I-it's not that I-I'm afraid to step out of line! I-I can d-do that whenever I want!" I assured her, glaring. "I just choose not to. Why would I want to, anyways?" I asked, feeling the need to brush off my blazer. "I dunno. It's just fun to step out of line sometimes." Lapis said, scooting even closer to me. I felt sweat begin to form on the back of my neck, and I swallowed dryly.

If I were completely sober, I most definitely would have scooted away (maybe even gotten off the couch altogether) with Lapis being this close, but I just remained still. I didn't bother to move away, and I just stayed within this small radius of Lapis'. "That's a very conditional statement, Lapis." I said, staring her straight in the eyes. "How so?" she asked, and I swore I saw a sparkle in those ocean blue eyes. "There are certain times where you can step out of line..." my eyes trailed down to Lapis' hand placed on the couch beside me. "...and the consequences would be pretty bad. And there are other times..." I can sense Lapis coming a bit closer. "...where the consequences wouldn't be too much of a loss." I finished, looking back into her eyes.

Her eyes were so captivating, and I didn't dare look away. She was always the one to break away from the eye contact, but this time...she didn't. My gaze switched very quickly down to her lips, then back up to her eyes. I slightly perked up when I felt Lapis' fingertips brush against my own. My sense of hearing heightened suddenly when I heard the familiar sound of an early 2000's song playing on the bluenette's speaker. I involuntarily gasped, and stood straight up from the couch. Being much more intoxicated, my confidence was dramatically amplified, and I felt an urge to just dance. "OOOOOOOooooOoo I remember this song!" I howled, twirling slowly.

Lapis looked taken aback by my abrupt behavior, but I didn't care at this point. I grabbed her hand, and pulled her up from the couch. Her eyes widened, and her cheeks flushed rapidly. I pulled her to a more open space in the living room, and began to sway back and forth to the sleazy beat. We were now sloppily dancing around the room, swaying back and forth and side to side. I would occasionally twirl her, and every time I did I would hear a tiny giggle from her. This encouraged me, and hearing her giggle again made me grin widely.

I sang loudly to the words, throwing my head back and intensifying the swaying. Lapis was smiling widely, and sang along with me here and there. This was the goofiest I'd acted in a very long time, and I for once felt a lot freer. I felt as though nothing could stop me, and it didn't even feel like there was a roof over us. I just wanted to surge through the sky into outer space, and dance violently with the stars. For once I felt...truly happy. I was actually having fun. Right here with Lapis Lazuli. I smiled at her, and laughed loudly as she couldn't hold back her chuckles.

Though we were completely goofing off, Lapis still managed to move gracefully. Her messy dyed hair was swaying back and forth with her movements, and the dim lights from the over-the-counter kitchen illuminated her lightly tanned skin. Her grin was so pretty, and it was so contagious. Whenever she smiled that big, it automatically made me smile bigger. I didn't catch myself staring at her this time, which meant that Lapis herself did. A smirk then stretched across her lips, and she leaned in closer ever so slightly. I looked straight into her eyes once more, not caring where they took me. I was actually excited by the idea that where they would take me was still unknown. I just wanted to dive deeper. I wanted to see how much longer she would stare back.

Before I knew it, our noses were nearly touching, and the music became less important to listen to. Her pupils were very big, and no doubt mine were probably the same exact way. We only inched closer and closer to each other, and our hands were previously loosely holding onto each other. Now, they were tightly interlocked, and our bodies were much closer as well. The connection was unbelievably strong, and I felt as though an old feeling just sparked again. A flame that was burnt out for so long, some how flared up again. The pace of my heart beating became faster, and I felt my face burn up.

Lapis' pink tinted cheeks were now a bright red, and I slightly parted my lips. What's happening? What's going on? What is this feeling? So many different questions began to flood my mind, and I soon started becoming overwhelmed. What am I doing? Wh-why are we so close? Why did I let this happen? Everything seemed to be so colorful and bright through my vision, and soon things began to eerily become grayer and grayer once again. The colors were fading, and I don't know whether it was the alcohol that was making me hallucinate, or if this was a reality. There was a queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I began to breathe harder. Tears pricked my eyes, and this soon felt humiliating.

The music was echoing so loudly in my ears, and it was almost painful how loud it was. What are you doing? You can't let her see you cry! STOP! I then gasped, and loosened my grip on Lapis' hands. I scrunched up my eyebrows, and jerked my head back, away from Lapis. I eventually released her hands altogether, to which Lapis appeared incredibly confused. I placed my hands firmly on my hips, and bit the inside of my cheek so hard that I'm pretty sure the inside of my mouth began to bleed. My breath hitched, and I whipped around, to where my back was facing Lapis. "Peridot?" Lapis sounded worried, but I didn't reply.

I gritted my teeth, and felt the tears welled up in my eyes now spilling down my cheeks. I then covered my face with my hands quickly. "Peridot, what's wrong?! Are you okay?!" she asked frantically, attempting to see my face. I kept turning away from her, and I groaned loudly. "I'm fine." I muttered, wiping my tears away and panting hard. I can't do this. "What's going on?" she asked. "N-nothing. I...I-I think I should go." "S-so soon? " she asked with a sadness in her voice. "Y-yes. I have to go." I deadpanned, heading straight for the door.

Sorry, still bad at this. (SEQUEL) (LAPIDOT HUMAN AU)Where stories live. Discover now