Koshi Sugawara - A Chance

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Character: Female Reader Insert.

Plot: You and Sugawara have been friends since childhood, but you never knew that Sugawara was hiding something from you.

Requested: Written and thought by me.


Like normal after your club activities, you make your way to meet Sugawara by his club room. You text him to let him know you're waiting outside for him. You were always there before him due to not having to change unlike him.

After a while, Sugawara walks out in a rush as he walks quickly to meet you at the bottom of the stairs, "Sorry, I hmm... I was needing to talk to Daichi about... Something," He tells you.

"That's alright," You smile, "Shall we go?"

"Yeah," He nods and you both start walking.

"Good luck Suga! You little devil!" Tanaka shouts and you both turn to him, he flinches looking at you, "H...Hello Y/N," He awkwardly waved before rushing into the room.

"He's a character," You comment and you look at Sugawara who's blushing a little, "Are you okay? Got a fever?" You reach you and test his forehead for his temperature, "Your temperature is fine."

"Can we go somewhere?" He asks, "Like the park?"

"Sure thing," You nod, you didn't know what was going on but you always gave up time for Sugawara and he for you. Ever since you were children, you always put each other first unless you at a competition or he a match, which neither of you could help.

He nods and as you both walk to the park, he looks down at your hand. He itches his pinky finger closer and closer to yours but ends up thinking against it. You noticed him looking down, you look at your hands to see his pinky finger reaching out to yours, "Suga... What's wrong? The last time you held my hand was when you told me you couldn't hold my hand because it was too girly," You say as you soon reach the park and both sit on the swings.

"Hmm... Do you... Do you a connection with anyone?" Suga asks.

"A connection? What kind?" You ask looking at him.

"Sorry wrong way to word it... Do you have feelings for anyone?" He looks at you, his cheeks pink.

"Hmm... Yeah, I do," You nod and look at him, "Do you?"

"Y...Yeah... I like this girl... I have for ages and we've known each other for years but I'm scared. I'm scared that once I tell her she won't like me back and that the amazing friendship we had would be over," Suga says.

"That's a tough one," You say looking at him still, "You're an amazing guy, any girl would be lucky to have you. Go and confess, if she knows you as I know you, your friendship will never fracture because you're too great a guy to let go of and on top of that, have a nice body to look at," You teased him and giggled.

"Pervert," He chuckles, "Thanks Y/N, I'm going to confess right now!" He stands up.

"Text me the result," You say and stand up, "See you tomorrow," You wave a little and walk off, slightly cursing yourself for your advice.

"I like you Y/N L/N, so, so much. I can't think without you in my life!" He says and you stop walking, "Please, just give me a chance. I know you like someone but please, you're such an amazing girl and I can't think straight without you around me for a day."

"S...Suga?" You slowly turn to him, your face bright red, "Y...You like me?"

"A lot, I could say I even love you," He says walking to you, "Can you please, give me a chance?" He voice sounds like he is begging.

"I...I... Used to think that I liked you as a brother..." You look down, afraid to see his face, "But lately, I've been daydreaming about you and me... Sneaking out of school, going on dates... Holding hands, kissing, cuddles... Sometimes I even dream about you like I do when I daydream, but something that can escalate," You look at him to see him looking at him.

"Y/N?" He tilts his head, "What are you saying?"

"When I don't talk to you for a day, I feel myself going insane but I know I can't interrupt your games and such. Sometimes, just a message from you saying goodnight is all I need to feel whole," You say and take hold of his hands, "I...I've known for a little while, but when I think about how much I actually like you, it makes me nervous, I get butterflies in my stomach when I meet up with you, all the time... I think... No, I know... I've been in love with you for years..."

"So?" He steps closer.

"Yes... Yes... Please treat me well," You say and you let go for his hands as you both hug, pecking each other's lips.

"YAHOO!!" You both flinch and pull away to see Tanaka and Nishinoya together with the team, "Suga and Y/N sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G!!" They sing but Daichi hits them over the head.

"Sorry, these two knuckleheads were worried you'd chicken out Suga," Daichi says with a smile and grabs there collar, "Well, we will be going now," He pulled the loud 2nd years away with the other team members.

"Those two will never change huh?" You question him and look at him.

"I don't think so, but it's all the more fun though, right?" He grins at you, "Let's get home before your parents start wondering where you are."

"Sounds good," You both walk to your house holding hands.


Please feel request in comments or my inbox. I will try to get through all of them! I hope you enjoyed this one-shot and come back for more.

Till next time, bye-bye! 💖💖

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