24. "Who's having a party?"

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"Hello dear sister" Audrey arrives In Bella and pipers rooms doorway. Bella doesn't even bother to look up. "Hi Audrey, what can I do for you on this fine day?" she says mockingly. Audrey rolls her eyes and comes in. "It's your birthdays coming up, and I would like to ask some questions about the party" Audrey sots herself on Bella bed opposite her sister. "Who said we were having a party?" Bella asks. "Who's having a party?" Piper walks in and sits next to Audrey intrigued. "You two, we had one every year when we were kids, plus you're tuning sixteen" Audrey lists. "Cool, sounds fun" Piper gets up and lies on her bed. Bella turns to her and glares. In return piper shrugs and smiles.  Audrey continues to ask questions, mainly to Bella but piper buts in every now and again whenever she doesn't agree with the answer Bella gave. This resulted in things being almost exactly how Audrey imagined it. Guess she knows the girls way too well.  "And that is it, it's on the day of your birth by the way" Audrey stands up.  She points at her sister whilst saying her previous statement. Piper and bellas birthdays were so close they were practically twins. Piper was four days older, her birthday falling on the 12th of July, bellas falling on the 16th. As children they had joint parties every year, planned by aurora and as they grew up Audrey liked to help as well. Bella nodded and pointed to the door. "Goodbye" she said. "Bye Piper, bye Bella" Audrey smiles before leaving the girls in peace much to bellas enjoyment. 

Audrey wanders out and sees someone walking down the corridor. "Hey" she smiles as he takes his headphone out. "Audrey" he grins. "I haven't seen you in forever" Audrey says, changing her direction to walk along with him. "Five years" Parker says. He notices a notepad Audrey was holding. "What's this?" he points to it. "Birthday party plans" She smiles, showing him a random page. He notices a chocolate fountain in the corner of the sketch. "Piper?" He laughs. "a personal request" Audrey laughs. They discuss the party before Parker gets an idea. "Do you think we could organise a surprise for piper?"

The best friends lay on their beds, exhausted from their interactions with audrey. "I can not believe we are 16 this year" Piper states. "I still remember our sixth birthday" Bella smiles.


Young Piper spins around, admiring her dress spinning around her. Young Bella runs up to her and grabs her arm. "Fairy godmother is here! and her daughter!" She squeals. Piper rolls her eyes. "What?" Bella asks confused. "Her daughters probably boring" Piper rolls her eyes. "Be nice" Bella hisses as Jane approaches the pair. "Happy birthday" The timid girl smiles. Piper smiles softly as does her partner in crime. "Thank you" Bella says. The trio head to dance. They dance in a little group. Fairy godmother stands with aurora and they watch the girls. "How's piper holding up?" she asks. Aurora looks at the little girl before turning two the woman beside her. "She's not normal but she will be okay, she's strong" Aurora smiles. She promised to protect piper and be there for her if ever needed. Their attention goes back to the girls. They get through one song before Piper notices something in the corner. "Oh my...I need to find parks, i'll be back" The little girl smiles, running off to find her big brother. As she expected he was pestering Audrey, he had a little crush on the princess. "Theres a chocolate thingy" piper exclaims. Parker turns to where his sister was pointing. "Let's go" He grabs her arm and they run towards it. Long story short both girls dresses were ruined by chocolate, and aurora said no more chocolate fountains at their parties anymore. 

"Whatcha thinking?" The princess smiles. "Get my dad and siblings here, surprise her" He says simply. Audrey thinks before a plan formulates in her head. "That would literally make her year" Audrey turns to him and grins. "You get in touch with him, tell him the date, if he can come, text me and we will sort out transport" Audrey lists. Parker hesitates. "Oh yeah" Audrey says, ripping some paper from her notebook. She scribbled her number down and handed it to him. "Here, I have to go but text me" She smiles before heading in the other direction. Parker stood there still. The girl he had had a little crush on since the age of 5 had just given him her number. Maybe he did have a chance. 

Somehow, the boys knew about the party. Carlos had a plan. He had wanted to do it for a couple of days but never found the right opportunity. This was the perfect time. He just needed pipers help. "Jay, where do you reckon piper will be?" He asks standing up. "Her dorm, homework before we go for out daily walk at seven" Jay says, quicker than Carlos thought. As the white haired boy walked towards the door jay narrowed his eyes at his friend. "Why?" he questions. "I need her help with something" and with that he left. Luckily he knew bella was with evie working on dresses so piper would be in her room alone. He knocked on the door and sure enough her voice called him in. "Carlos, bellas with evie.." she says, looking up from her homework. "Yeah I know, i'm actually here to see you" He says, sitting down on his girlfriends bed. "why?" Piper pushes a strand of hair behind her ear. "You know how you're having a party?" He starts. Piper nods, wondering what he wanted her help with. It could literally be anything. Logically it would probably be assistance for a gift he wanted to get her. She directed her attention back to the former villain and listened. What he said shocked her. But it also made her smile. At the same time it made alot of thoughts run around in her head. Somehow she found herself smiling. "Of course i'll help, meet me tomorrow to discuss plans" She said. "Okay, thanks" he smiles, getting up and heading to the door. "Oh and tell jay to come help me" She says. Carlos nodded and left feeling happy. Hopefully piper would help make his plan work and she would love it. 

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