13. "Its the way he looks at you"

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Bella changes into a dress she made with Evie. Her normal dress shape and length but with a few added touches. The waistband was a golden shimmer with crowns going all around. On her feet were her signature baby pink converse which she was barely ever seen without. Her hair was straight for once and was in a half up half down style. On her head was a tiara, one that dizzy had designed for her when she arrived in Auradon. It was small and golden with a pink heart in the middle. It matched her outfit perfectly. 

Piper changed Into a dress Bella had designed. Light green and Knee length. It had a ruby red waistband. Her hair was in a low ponytail . Her  dressed matched perfectly with her ginger hair and greenish brown eyes. She wore small black boots on her feet, as she often did. Bella had tried to force something onto her head but she was having none of it. Piper was never seen with a crown or headband, she wasn't about to start now.  She liked her outfit just the way she had it. 

"Bella?" A voice came from the door. Bella looked up from her phone and smiled at the girl at the door. "Dizzy hi!" she smiled. "Could you help me pick something to wear?" dizzy asked, shyly. "Of course, let's go to your room" Bella grabbed her phone and gave piper a small wave. "Usually i'd ask Evie but she was with Doug and I didn't want to disturb them" Dizzy says. "I don't mind" Bella smiled. She loved fashion. Her and Evie worked together a lot to design clothes. It was one of her passions which kept her smiling.

 "So I was thinking this dress" Dizzy held up a dress, presumably made by Evie. "I think you should wear that dress, your hair in buns and this in your hair" Bella adds as she walk around dizzy room. Dizzy bods and runs into the bathroom to change. Bella noses around the room. Celias side was still decorated how Celia liked it. Some of her things remained. She smirked and her eyes traveled to one of her sisters bracelets. Celia had managed to keep it. Bella knew even would disapprove but Bella had a tiny feeling of pride. She picked it up and slide it onto her wrist. It matched her outfit perfectly, and it would wind her sister up. 

"What do you think?" dizzy pops out of the bathroom and twirls. Bella smiled at the girl infant of her. "Beautiful, now sit so I can do your hair" Bella instructs. As Bella forms buns in dizzys hair dizzys looks around. "What was it like when Audrey was being, you know,  evil" she asks innocently. "It was scary to be honest with you. I didn't know what was going to happen and if Auradon would survive" Bella says honestly. "I was asleep for most of it" dizzy giggles. "I know, I was asleep for some of it" Bella nods as she completes the hairstyle. "makeup?" Bella asks, "Yep, second draw down" dizzy smiles as she looks in the mirror. Bella looks at dizzy for a minute  before deciding what to do, Within ten minutes dizzys look was completed. "Wow I look..." dizzy says. "You look beautiful" Bella hugs dizzy from behind. "Now I shall see you down there" Bella walks towards the door and gives dizzy a wave. "Okay, thank you" dizzy waves back. "Your welcome" Bella smiles whilst walking back to her room.

"Jay I just wanted to tell you something... no thats sounds stupid...I just felt like I should say this.... why cant I get it right!" Piper paces up and down their room. She wanted to tell him in the right way. Piper never ever thought this would happen to her. When she was young, she was adamant that she would never ever have a boyfriend. She didn't need one. She had her best friends and her family, thats all she needed to be happy. Then jay popped up and out of nowhere swept piper off her feet and now she was in love.  He brought more happiness than piper knew she could have. She wanted to tell him how she felt. There was just one tiny problem, She didn't know how to say it. She was terrified in case he didn't love her back. What if she was wrong? What if love wasn't what she was feeling. She has to show true emotion, something she wasn't fond off. She never told anyone but Bella her true feelings. 

Sensitive subjects

She grew up with only her dad and brothers. She had one sister who she didn't see much of anymore.  She lost her mother when she was only 5. Her older brothers got her through it a lot. She has two older brothers. They were both very close to piper, resulting in her growing up without much of a girly side. She has a younger sister, product of  short term lover her dad found 4 years back. She didn't really see her grow up. Her dad had moved back to Neverland when piper started auradon prep, Its coming up to 6 years now. They started at 11 and left at 17. Next year piper and Bella would leave. It just hit her. Jay was leaving this year. How would she cope without seeing him everyday. She mentally added it to the list of things to talk to jay about. 

Bella walked in, interrupting her thoughts. "Ready?" she asks softly. "Yeah one second" piper grabbed her phone and walked to the door. They walked down in practically silence. "You're quiet" Bella observes. "Yeah well...I'm nervous" she admits. Bella looks at her confused. "Im going to tell him, cant put it off forever" Piper expands. Bella friend at her best friend and takes her hand. "Don't stress, I can tell he loves you" She says, truthfully. "How?" piper rolls her eyes playfully. "It's way he looks at you, it's the way my dad looks at mum" Bella smiles. "The way Carlos looks at you?" piper adds to the list. "I don't see that but you do" Bella shrugs. Both girls smile at each other before walking out to find their boys.  

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