5. "Everything works out in the end"

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Contains d2 spoilers <3

"Bella?" He knocked. She froze. They were talking about her. She stood up and walked to the door. "hey" she smiles as he walks in. "Hey..I um..I wanted.." he mumbles. "Just say it!" Piper exclaims from outside. "Shush" jay mutters and he pulled her away from the room. "I wanted to know if you wanted to to got cotillion with me.. and maybe if you don't hate me by the end of it.. maybe be my girlfriend?" he says, looking down. Carlos was extremely nervous. Bella grinned and took his hand. "like be your girlfriend like jay and piper girlfriend?" she says, in shock. He smiles and nods. She wraps her arms around him and he pulls her into a hug. "Thats a yes?" he says. "Maybe" she smirks. He rolls his eyes and takes her hand. 

"So did you fight hook?" Bella drags Carlos towards piper and jay. "Jay did" piper shrugs. "Ill get him next time" her evil smirk came back. "Thats my girl" Bella leaned out too high five her.  "How do you know there will be a next time" Jay asks. "You lot have so much drama, we will be back there soon enough" piper shrugs leaning her head onto his shoulder. " I remember you saying something like that to me" Carlos smiles. "Must be right, I'm never wrong" She smirks. "Now come, we have a cotillion to get ready for" Piper grabs Bella hand. They bid goodbye and head to get ready. 

"Tonight will be amazing" Bella smiles as she finishes the last curl of her hair. "Weird how around six months ago we were sat in history talking about them and now we are going to cotillion with them" Piper says. "Everything works out in the end" She smiles and stands up. "you're perfect" Her best friend smiles. "that must make two of us" Bella smiles, grabbing pipers hand. "lets enjoy tonight" they say in unison.  This causes them both to erupt into giggles. "Lets go" Bella tries to stay serious but just ends up in more giggles. They eventually get out of their room and find their boys. Carlos raises an eyebrow at her. "Don't ask" She giggles taking his arm. "You look stunning" he smiles. "Why thank you" she curtseys. "So do you" she kisses his cheek and they make their way there. 

"She's coming!" Bella says, holding pipers hand. Carlos and jay stood slightly in front of them with Evie. "Wow. She looks amazing" Piper breathes earning a look from jay. "What?" she says sassily. "Nothing" he mutters. "True love" Bella teases. Piper glares at her playfully but doesn't say anything. "you didn't object" Bella singsongs. "Shut up, here comes ben" Piper changes.

Gasp. Everyone stood there in shock. "Uma" Carlos muttered. "Who is she?" Bella leans on his shoulder. "She's from the isle, the one who had ben trapped," He answers, his eyes moving over to see mal. Bella nods and steps back to piper. "so if she's close to hook, in theory if I hurt her it would hurt him" she hears her mutter to jay. "Don't. Stay there" he warns. "Never lets me have any fun" she rolls her eyes turning to Bella. "Shush" Bella says, watching mals face drop. The pair might not exactly be close friends, but Bella hated seeing her hurt. She hates seeing anyone hurt. 

Carlos and Evie stand with her. "Not too thrilled I risked my life for him" he exclaims making his girlfriend look at him. "You could have died!?" She exclaims. "Ill explain later" he mutters. "He was fine, don't worry" piper puts a hand on her arm and smiles. Bella returns her smile, halfheartedly, but it was still a smile. 

They all walk towards the stairs. Piper glaring at Uma as she walked. "If she hurts one of my friends she's going to get it" she says through gritted teeth. "Chill" Bella pulls her along. "Unveil the gift!" Jane shouts. Everyone turns to her. At the front of the boat, a masterpiece is unveiled. "He loves the real you" Bella smiles up to mal. Uma is furious. Carlos grabs her arm, pulling her back as uma walks towards them. Piper gives her a look and Bella rolls her eyes. Piper grabbed jays arm, slightly scared of what could go down. 

"So as my gift to her...I'm bringing down the barrier once and for all" Another gasp. Carlos freezes. Bella squeezes his hand. "It'll be okay... I'll protect you" she smiles. He nods. Both of them remembered that day. The day when he said those exact words to her. He looked at her and smiles softly. 

"Bens been spelled" Mal says causing bellas eyes to widen. "I knew I had a reason to hate her" piper mutters to jay. "You need to chill with this hatred" jay says. Piper rolls her eyes but only steps closer to him. "Come on mal, break the spell" Carlos mumbles. Bella places her head on his shoulder. He squeezes her hand again, trying to find anything to calm himself down. He was terrified. His mum could come here.  She could find out he had a dog. She could find put he had a girlfriend who was a princess. She could hurt her. 

"Stay with piper over there, please" Carlos says as the scene between mal and uma breaks out. She nods. "Ill be okay" he sees the worry in her eyes. She nods again and runs towards her best friend. "Jay told be to stop with the hatred but all I'm going to say is, I see why harry is friends with her" Piper starts before pausing to breathe. "Both evil" They say in unison. Bella lets out a small giggle. The boat tips causing them to falls down. They grab each others arms as they tumble into the water.  "My dress!" Bella complains. "Everyones wet love, deal with it" piper teases but helps her up. They talk amongst themselves, trying to distract themselves from the drama. They were the youngest on the boat and out showed, a lot.  "She's gone!" someone shouts. Both girls heads turn sharply. Ben gets back up, soaking. "They did it" Bella smiles. "Everything works out in the end" piper repeats what her best friend said earlier. 

Piper puts her hand out. Bella takes it and they run towards their boyfriends. "See I did as I was told this time" piper smirks up at him. "Proud of you" he plays along. Carlos wraps his arms around her waist. "Is that the end of the drama?" he asks. She thinks for a minute. "Nope, you lot come with drama, it's like a package deal" she shakes her head. "But I wouldn't change you for the world" she smiles before standing on her tippytoes to kiss him. "You guys are sickening" jay and piper se in unison. Bella rolls her eyes. "Very funny" Carlos kicks some water at jay.

Everyone starts dancing. Each and everyone of them soaked but no-one cared. "I said this night would be amazing" Bella grins. "Not exactly what you thought would happen though" he smirks. "Obviously, but its safe to say I'm never bored when I'm with you" she giggles. "why thank you" he spins her around. Piper watches her best friend. "Im happy she's found someone" she says to jay. "Im happy he's found someone" he smiles, wrapping his arms around her. "Im happy I've found someone" she spins around. 

Everyone was happy. Everyone was in love. No one knew what was to come. Audrey was sickened by everyones happiness. It angered her that her little sister had someone, even if he was a villain. She wanted someone. She wanted something to make her happy. And she knew exactly what that would be. 

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