12. "And she's back"

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Bella woke up, feeling relatively happy until she realised. She got herself out of bed and noticed piper wasn't there. As usual there was a note on the side. 

Ben is sending us all out for breakfast, probably to get rid of us whilst hades comes.                            I probably left a while ago but I thought id let you sleep in.                                                               Hopefully you feel okay despite the circumstances.                                                                                        Love you!                                                                                                                                                                                Xoxo Piper

That put a smile on bellas face. They were told hades was arriving at 9 am sharp. It was already quarter past eight. She quickly changed into one of her casual pink dresses and combed through her hair. She debated whether or not to do makeup but she decided against it. Her everyday tiara stared at her mockingly until she put it on. She felt sick with nerves. What if it didn't work? What if Audrey never woke up?  She dint want to loose her. She shook her head at the thoughts and looked up at her jackets. Noticing Carlos' jacket was still in her room she pulled it on. It went nicely with her dress and it made her feel that in some way, he was with her through this whole thing.

Hesitantly she walked towards Audreys room. Mal opened the door and smiled weakly at her. "He's on his way" she says quietly and Bella nods. Her granny was sat at Audreys side and gave Bella a smile as she walked in.  She stood up and embraced her granddaughter and as they pulled away she looked at the jacket. "We will talk about this later" She says, disapprovingly. Bella rolled her eyes. She knew her family wouldn't approve of Carlos, they wouldn't even give him deciding to be good a thought.  They wanted her to marry a prince.Audrey was the one who could marry a prince, why did she have to? But her family cant change true love, can they?

The door opens. Everyone has a large intake of breath as he walks in. Her granny reaches for her hand. Bellas breathing becomes shaky.  He was someone they told horror stories about as kids. She hopes that he can do something. But what if he cant. Her thoughts argued in her head as Mal hands over the ember. Her grandmother steps back, causing Bella to be backed into the wall. She mumbles an "ouch" but is either unheard or ignored. No body was paying attention to her at this moment, it was quite nice to escape the constant attention she had for the past 24 hours.  

The room glows blue. Bellas breathing stops. mal gives her a look to assure she is okay. Bella nods hesitantly and runs a hand through her hair. Audrey shoots up. Her eyes open and soften as she sees her little sister. Her eyes sparkle in the sunlight, turning golden. She was alive. She immediately touches her head to assure her hair was okay. She smiled at the tiara placed on her head before her face drops to show remorse.  "And she's back" Bella mumbles.  "I'm sorry" she turns to mal and ben. Bellas breathing pace returns to normal and she grins at her sister. They have a series of apologies, Bella growing more and more impatient as they went on. She just wanted to hug her big sister. 

Everyone turns to the door as hades leaves. "Anna! I am so so so so so sorry" Audrey rambles. Bella notices the remorse in her eyes. Bella shakes her head and gives her a hug. "I don't know what I was thinking! After I did it I felt awful but something was telling me not to care!" Audrey continues as Bella sits down next to her. "Its okay, you were in a trance" Bella puts her hand onto of Audreys and smiles softly. Audrey nods before her smile turns into a smirk. "So my little sister has found true love" she teases. Bellas face goes red and she rolls her eyes. "Shut up, why cant we talk about you?" Bella asks. "We already have, but I'm happy for you, honestly" Audrey smiles, their bond rebuilding with every word said. "Thank you" Bella smiles honestly. "And piper, who'd have seen her getting a boyfriend?" Audrey laughs. "She loves him" Bella replies in a singsong tone. "Did she get to fight harry?" Audrey asks. Bella shakes her head. "Jay wouldn't let her" Bella giggles. They continue to talk and gossip, just as normal sisters do. Their bond was coming back, it wasn't fully rebuilt but it was reappearing. 

Bella heads out, giving Audrey one last smile. She was going to meet her friends, as her big sister had instructed. She was to tell them the good news.  She avoided her granny and walked towards her room. She walked into her room and saw piper anxiously sat on the bed. "is she okay?" she jumps up, startling Bella slightly. "She alive, and very very sorry" Bella smiles. Piper grins and gives her best friend a hug. "Soo did you tell him?" Bella asks, sitting on her bed. Piper looks down and shakes her head. "He hasn't noticed yet" piper tries to make up an excuse.

 As if on cue jay comes to the door. "Piper?" he asks.  She giggles and jumps up. "You have to tell him" Bella singsongs, lying back on her pillows. Piper glares at her and walks to the door. "Hello my dearest boyfriend, what can I do for you on this fine day?" she says, trying to keep a straight face. She pulls his jacket she is wearing closer to her, smiling up at him.  He shakes his head at her and also tries to keep a straight face. "How do I get rid of it?" he asks. "I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about" she twirls some of her hair around her finger. "Just tell me" he rolls his eyes. "you need to say magic words" she shrugs. "Which are?" he asks, hopeful. She laughs. "I shall tell you when I'm ready" she opens her door. "What does that mean?" he grabs her hand to pull her back softly. "It means I need to tell you something but I'm not ready yet" she mumbles looking down. Jay gives up. He kisses her forehead and smiles. "Fine, I'll see you later yeah?" he says. He notices how she went quiet. What she wants to tell him must really be important. He doesn't want to push her.  She nods. He goes to walk away but just before he turns the corner. she shouts "I believe it looks better with it to be honest" He laughs. "And she's back" he mutters, walking to get ready. She walks back  in giggling.  "No I didn't tell him, I have a plan" piper says. "whatever" Bella mumbles. Piper rolls her eyes but they grin at each other. That described their friendship perfectly. 

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