2. "Get close to Annabella"

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'New boys are cute" Piper observes as they sit in their most boring lesson, history. Due to the girls smarts, they were brought up a year,  joining Audrey and the new vks. "And cool" Bella adds as the teacher asks a question. Knowing the answer, she puts her hand up. Getting the answer correct she sits back and smirks. Audrey shoots her a glare. She sticks her tongues out at her causing her big sister to roll her eyes. "I love annoying my sister" she giggles. "I know" piper sighs. 

"Bellas smart" Carlos says. Jay nods. "Dont get attached, shes an auradonian" he warns. "Shes not like everyone else though" carlos sighs. "I know but.. mal" jay replies seeing the look on his face. "i get it" he nods, still staring at the beautiful girl who sat in front of him.

 "New boys staring at you" piper says nudging her best friend. 'What" bella asks spinning around making eye contact with carlos. He goes slightly red and Bella just smiles. "Hes cute" she mumbles. ''Hes not a prince" piper states, knowing how much it meant to her family. "I know....but audrey has a prince" she says, hopeful. Piper shrugs and turns her attention to the boy sat to Carlos' left. "Someone likes jay" Bella teases. Piper kicks her under the table with a evil smirk on her face. "I hate you" Bella mutters. 

"Carlos, i have a plan for you" Mal smiles wickedly. He nods, his mind on someone different. Someone with golden hair and brown eyes. "Get close to Annabella, she could be useful. The rest of us will work on getting the wand" she says, maliciously. Carlos's face lights up. An excuse to hang out with her. Perfect.  

"Hey bella" he spots her wandering around the gardens, alone. "Oh hi" she smiles stopping so he can join her. "Often come here?" he asks. "Yeah, it sounds stupid, its like my happy place, slightly away from everyone" she laughs slightly looking down. "Its beautiful, nothing like the isle" carlos takes in the views. "whats the isle like?" She asks, innocently. "Never been?" he looks at her. She shakes her head. "Its dark, a dump really, but its my home" carlos says, smiling at the end. She nods. "You'll have to come one day" he smiles. "Sounds fun" She says picking a flower. She reached up and places it behind his ear with a smirk. "Beautiful" she laughs. He shakes his head at her still smiling though. "I'm going to find one for you" he says and laughs at her face. She runs away, laughing. "You can't run forever princess" he smirks, running after her. She stops and hides behind a tree, thinking she was clever. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up. "Hey!" she protested as he carried her toward a bench. He put her and and pulled a flower from the bush next to them. Carlos placed it behind her ear earning a glare from the girl sat in front of him. "Chill, it looks nice" he says. She keeps her glare until he smiles at her. It was impossible to hate him when he hate that smile. 

They walk around the gardens, hand in hand, just talking about themsklevs, life and everything in between. "Oh look, my baby sister had gotten herself a boyfriend... wait" audrey smirks. "Audrey, just go away" Bella glares. "Granny will hate this" Audrey grins, snapping a photo before walking off. "I hate her!" Bella exclaims. "Hate is a strong word" carlos says. "Still, she has to be better than me at everything. I'm expected to do everything as well as audrey does. I'm meant to marry a prince and be the perfect little princess. I hate it!" she rants, walking back and worth. She felt hands on her shoulders, softly massaging them to calm her down. "who says you have to be like everyone else, Create your own fairytale" he cringes at the word 'fairytale' but he meant it. "Its not that easy" she sighs. "you can always try" he says as they begin to walk back to the school. "My parents would kill me... wait they are going to kill me" she frets. He raises an eyebrow at her. "They wouldnt approve of us being... friends... audrey has to ruin evetything for me" she sighs. "It'll be okay... i'll protect you" he smiles pulling her into a hug. She feels all her worries melt away when shes with him. Something shes never felt before. Not with any of her friends, or boyfriends.

A  few weeks later 

 Bella wandered around, waiting for Piper to finish at her meeting with a teacher. "Annabella!" she hears the annoying voice of Chad Charming. "What do you want chad?" she rolls her eyes at him. "Just saying hello and asking you on a date?" he asks, hopefully. "In your dreams" she says, walking away from him. "We are meant to be! I'm a prince, you're a princess, fate" he tries his luck. "Just go away" she says, annoyed. "One day you'll fall for me" he says before walking away. 

Piper bounces up to her friend and smiles. "Jay asked me to go to the coronation with him" she squeals. "Aw yay" Bella smiles halfheartedly. "Who are you going with?" she asks. "It's not a ball, i'll just go alone" bella shrugs making piper shake her head. "You can stand with jay and i, i think someone special will be there" she teases. "Oh shut up, he's just a friend" bella rolls her eyes. "Dress shopping at 5?" Piper aska, needing to go to her next class. "Sure" bella smiles before walking into her maths class, surprised to see carlos sat in the seat next to where she sat.

 "Hey" she smiles sitting down. "hey, sir moved me here, apparently we will work well together" he smirks. She nods and gets out her things. "So the coronation is on sunday?" he half asks, half states. "Mhm" she says. "What happens?" he asks, trying to get some information to help mal. "Ben will get swished or whatever with fairy godmothers wand. My sister stands with him. I dont know nor care to be honest" she says. "Wait the wand?" he asks, intrigued. She nods. "Who gets to be near it?" he questions. "You have some weird fascination with this wand, but it'll be ben, his parents, audrey aka his girlfriend, fairy g and jane probably" she shrugs. "Not you?" he asks. "I have no need, i'll be up with you all, the peasants as my sister likes to call us" she smiles. He nods. 

"Also is it true that mal and ben are on a date?" she asks. "yeah" he says. Bella was shocked. She may not get along with her sister but she loved her, deep deep down. "Audreys going to be heartbroken" she mumbles looking down. "So you dont hate your sister" he says. "Oh shut up" She rolls her eyes. She knew how much it would hurt. she hated seeing her hurt. Audrey and ben were meant to be. How could he do this to her? 

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