Chapter Eighteen

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After nearly a month of preparation, it was finally time for a royal wedding fit for two Queens. It was nearly dusk as Salaera stood under an arch of two trees woven together, awaiting the love of her life. She wore a black jacket with black pants dressed in golden buttons and chains. Her hair was done up in a loose bun, allowing some strands to fly free with the wind. She was radiating happiness, and even though she had wanted this her whole life, she was still trembling.

As the guests started to file into the forest, stars started to fall from the sky to light the path for Zestari. They each let off a little twinkle, giving the forest a magical feel. And even though Salaera's parents could not be here for this day, she could have sworn that she felt two forces around her the whole time, giving her hugs and pecks on her cheeks. So far this wedding was everything that she had ever wanted and she hasn't even seen her beautiful bride yet.

A quiet hum started up as the wedding party started to walk down the aisle. Vamorys was first, followed by Aeremys and Sigrid. The girls were dressed in long golden gown that drug the ground and shown in the starlight. Each one of them carried a small lantern with a flickering star in it.

Next was the flower girl, Tilda. She wore a small golden dress that looked like a cloud. She carried a basket of flower seeds that bloomed into small blue flowers as soon as they touched the forest floor. She took her time, making sure to throw all of the seeds, making the aisle a brilliant blue color. Finally, it was time for Zestari.

So far everything about this wedding was magical, and everyone was on the edges of their seats, awaiting the beautiful bride. "You got this." Vamorys whispered to her sister as the bride stood at the end of the aisle, ready to make her way to the altar.

She wore a long white dress that blew around in the slight breeze that was in the forest that night. The bottom was a cloud-like material, but the top was made of a shimmering white plant that moved along her shoulders and upper arms. Stardust fell from above, trapping itself in her beautiful dress, making her glow more than she already was. She wore her hair in long loose curls that gently brushed against her skin. A crown sat atop her head, holding her vale in place.

All of the guests stood from their seats and faced the stunning bride as she started to make her way down the aisle. The quiet hum of the forest started to become louder as Zestari slowly made her way to Salaera.


Salaera's P.O.V.

There she was. My bride. A tear escaped my eye and ran down my cheek. I quickly wiped it off of my cheek as she stood in front of me. I took her vale and put it behind her head, revealing her face. She wore just enough makeup to make her grey eyes pop against her pale white skin. She was stunning and I was finding it hard not to kiss her right then.

"You may all be seated." Gandalf's voice boomed throughout the quiet forest, silencing the hum that was there. Everyone took their seats and Zestari passed her bouquet to Vamorys. I took her hands in mine as Gandalf started to read from the book of matrimony.

Time seemed to slow to almost a stop as Gandalf read from the book, but finally he asked, "Zestari, do you take Salaera to be your lawfully wedded wife through sickness and health, richer or poorer, til death do you part?" Her eyes lit up as she smiled and let out a quiet, "I do." He turned to me and repeated the same thing. I squeezed her hands and said, "I do." Gandalf closed the book and said, "I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss the bride."

I leaned in and placed a soft his upon her rosy lips. Everyone stood from their chairs and started applauding as we made our way down the aisle as a wed couple for the first time.

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