Chapter Sixteen

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Fili's P.O.V.

Most of the town was safely ashore when Smaug fell on the town. Everything around us was pitch black except for the distant glow of the burning town. "What are we going to do now?" Many of the towns folk cried out.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Aeremys climb up onto a big rock in the middle of the group. "Everyone! Listen up! I know that you are all frightened by what just happened, but we all need to make it to Erebor. It is your only chance at survival. With the dragon dead, it is just a matter of time before more enemies are at our door steps. It is a long way to go, but if we stick together, we can all make it." Her words echoed through the open field. No one here knew her, but her words inspired them to keep moving towards safety.

It was nearing dawn when we had made it about halfway to Erebor. "Are you going to profess your love to Vamorys when we get there?" Kili asked as he hobbled beside me. "If you don't tell her soon, I will tell her for you. You are giving me no other choice. She is a beautiful girl, and sooner or later another man will court her if you do not." His words kept running through my head as we made haste to the mountain.

At almost nightfall we finally made it to the entrance of the mountain. "Everyone wait here! It is best if we send in someone to alert her of our arrival before we enter." Gandalf said, stopping the group of people right outside of the gates. "I will go." I said, stepping forward. Gandalf nodded his head and stepped aside.

The inside of Erebor was eerie and still stank of dragon. Only a few lights showed the way to the throne room. My footsteps echoed off of the halls and made it seem like a thousand men were behind me. As I neared the room I could hear Dynir let out a low warning growl before her sweet voice filled my ears. "Who goes there?"

I stepped through the entrance and made my way to the throne that she sat upon. "It is Fili. Gandalf sent me in to let you know that all of the lake people are waiting outside." She stood from the throne and made her way down the steps towards me. She was wearing a long grey gown built to be elegant but also built for war. It had a chest plate, shoulder, and neck guards all made from black dragon scales. She wore a crown atop her head with two dragons facing each other. She looked magnificent.

"Did he send you or did you volunteer?" She asked. At this point she was standing right in front of me, looking down and meeting her eyes with mine. "I volunteered." I said, finding it hard to use the correct words. She let out a small smile and said, "Shall we go meet our guests?"


Bard's P.O.V.

My clothes were still damp from the swim to shore and I could feel a sickness coming on. "I'm cold Da. When are we going to go inside?" Tilda asked me as she clutched my hand. "Soon my love. Soon." I said to her through chattering teeth.

After a couple of moments the ground started to shake again and we could hear the deep breaths of a dragon.

The whole group let out a gasp as a huge blue dragon emerged from the entrance. "They've led us to our deaths!" Some of the townspeople cried out. For most everyone here, it was their first time seeing a dragon. For others it was the first time seeing one this close. The dragon moved to the side and the dwarf stepped out with a beautiful lady that looked like a Queen.

"Welcome!" Her voice rang out over the crowd and silenced everyone. "I am Vamorys of Easthaven, or more well known as the Dragon Queen. I do apologise about your homes, but I have sent word to my people in Easthaven and they are on their way to restore the city of Dale to its old glory. It will take a while, but in the meantime, you all will be staying here." She gestured to the mountain behind her. "Unless you would rather sleep out in the cold." With that everyone started to move inside.

Tilda tugged at the hem of my shirt as we were walking in and said, "Da. Da. I want to touch the dragon. Can you ask her if I can touch the dragon?" I looked up at Bain and Sigrid and said, "You two go on inside, we will meet you there." The two made their way inside and we made our way to the Dragon Queen.

Tilda was jumping with excitement as we got closer to the dragon. "Da! Da! Ask her! Ask her!" She said with every jump. I knelt down and held her shoulders to keep her still. "I will, but you need to settle down first. You don't want to spook the dragon." Before I could stand to my feet I heard a voice coming from behind me. "You must be Bard. I do appreciate your help in the slaughtering of Smaug. If there is anything I can do for you, just let me know." I stood to my feet and said, "Well, there actually is one thing. My daughter wanted me to ask you if she could pet your dragon." She smiled down at Tilda and said, "Of course."

She turned towards the dragon and said, "Dynir, come." The dragon stood from his spot and moved towards us. Tilda hid behind my leg as he got closer to us. He came to a stop beside his Queen and laid back down on the ground. Vamorys crouched down by her dragon and reached out towards Tilda. "There's no reason to be afraid. See." She said as she placed a hand on the dragon's head right behind his horns and started scratching. The dragon let out a sound that was almost like the purring of a cat.

Tilda let out a giggle and said, "He's like a big kitty cat." Vamorys smiled and said, "Yes. He's just like a big kitty cat. All that he wants is a little love." Tilda stepped towards her and the dragon with an outstretched hand. "Let him come to you." Vamorys said as she crouched down by Tilda facing the dragon.

Dynir lifted his head and smelled the air around them before pushing his snout into the palm of Tilda's hand. "Look Da! I'm touching a dragon! Look!" She squealed out before hugging his snout. "I love you dragon." She said, probably a bit louder than she meant to. "Can I ride him?" She eagerly asked Vamorys. She placed a hand on her face and said, "That is not for me to decide little one. You must ask your father." Tilda turned towards me and put on her begging eyes that she knew I couldn't resist. "Maybe tomorrow when the sun is out so you can see everything that is beautiful." I told my daughter as I grabbed ahold of her hand to lead her inside to find Bain and Sigrid. "Thank you again my Queen." I said before turning to head inside the mountain.


Vamorys' P.O.V.

When I entered the mountain, I found that some of the men and dwarves had gotten the furnaces up and running again. People were huddled together trying to give each other hope.

I made my way up to the throne and sat down with Salaera and Aeremys on either side of me. Aeremys was dressed in her gold armored dress of Nuxvar and Salaera was dressed in a long black gown from Aredale with a golden snake slithering its way up her back. "Our time here is almost done. Is there anything else that you two wish you could do before we head back to our kingdoms?" I asked my sisters. Aeremys sighed and said, "No. I'm just ready to be home already. I'm sure the Dires miss me." I laughed a little and said, "You and your dogs. What about you Salaera? Anything that you would like to do." She looked over at Zestari and then back at me. "I would like to ask for Zestari's hand in marriage and then I would like to be wed in these halls." I raised my eyebrows at her statement before saying, "My baby sister is going to be wed before I am. I wish Ma and Da were here to see how far we have come." Before the silence between us became too awkward I asked, " Do you have a ring yet? I assume that she will be the one wearing the dress in this relationship." She nodded her head and pulled out a beautiful gold ring with an emerald stone placed right in the middle. On either side of the emerald sat an onyx gem as well. "Do you think she is going to like it?" Salaera asked as she put the ring away before Zestari could see it. "She's going to love it." Both Aeremys and I said at the same time.

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