Chapter Fourteen - A Whole New World

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Luke drove to Rosemary's Hospital, and then parked in the parking lot. We both stepped out of the car, and walked towards the entrance. I saw Jason sitting on his iPhone with his family and sister. I walked towards Jason, and sat down next to him. Jason smiled, and then went back to looking at his iPhone. I grabbed his iPhone, and stood up.

"Where the hell is Johnny?" I asked, holding Jason's iPhone.

"Waiting for you Anna, and I can't believe you are willing to sleep with Mr. Grey." Jason said, grabbing his iPhone from my hand.

My jaw dropped, and I almost started to cry. "You have no flipping idea Jason, no idea at all. Terry, or whatever you call him, Mr. Grey is a lying coward Jason."

Luke took my arm, and stared at Jason. "Jason, don't listen to Mr. Grey, okay?"

Jason nodded, and then followed Luke and I to Johnny's room. Johnny was sleeping, and he looked so peaceful. Jason and Luke waited outside of the room, leaving Johnny and I alone. I pulled a chair up next to Johnny's bed, and held his hand. Johnny held my hand, and turned his head. His eyes opened, and he smiled. Could he really see me?

"Anna," Johnny said, "you are SO beautiful."

I giggled. "Well now you won't be a blind fish in water Johnny."

Johnny laughed and sat up. "I prayed to god that I would see your face, weird but true."

I smiled, and hugged Johnny. Johnny hugged me back, and then kissed me on the forehead. I sat on the bed, and Johnny wrapped his arms around me. I started to cry, and I fell into his arms. Jason had actually believed Terry, James was afraid of losing me, and Johnny could see. I didn't know what to think, and I felt like like my whole world was caving in. Johnny kissed my cheek, and wiped away the tears. My body was shaking, and I couldn't stop crying. Luke came into the room, and walked me back to the car. Jason hugged me tightly, and let Luke and I go home.

On the way home, Luke suggested that I go see someone to make sure I was okay. I shook him off, and stared out the window. The sun was beginning to set, and you could see the moon. It was so beautiful, and I was so glad Johnny could finally see again.

"Luke, what am I going to do now?" I asked as we were walking into the house.

"Go to school, and pray to god nothing happens." Luke said, picking me up into his arms.

Luke carried me up into his room, and put me down onto his bed. He hopped into bed next to me, and pulled up the blankets. We watched The Fault in our Stars, and then headed downstairs for dinner. Melissa had made pizza, and salad. I polished off my pizza and salad, and then stood up.

Jacob smiled, and patted the table. "Sit down Anna, we need to have a family discussion."

I sat down, and fiddled with my fingers. "What do we need to talk about?"

"Anna, Luke, James, and Lizzie?" Jacob asked.

We all nodded our heads.

"Melissa and I have some news." Jacob said, looking at Melissa.

"Well, we didn't want make this a big deal." Melissa said, trying to hid the grin appearing on her face. "We are adopting a puppy."

Everyone laughed, and giggled. Lizzie smiled, and hugged Melissa and Jacob. I stood up, and walked outside down to the beach. No one followed me, so I was alone. I took off my flip flops, and went onto the dock. I jumped into the water, and started swimming. I treaded water until I felt something pull on my foot, I quickly swam back to shore and ran out of the water. Had something bitten my foot? I saw a dark figure appear from the lighthouse, and then realized it was Johnny.

"Johnny!" I shouted, running towards him.

Johnny picked me up, and span me around. "I missed you Anna!"

I smiled, and then led Johnny towards the dock. "Come on, let's sit."

Johnny and I sat on the dock, and I snuggled in his arms. Johnny held me in his arms, and kissed my forehead. I smiled, and then kissed Johnny. Johnny kissed me back, and embraced me in his arms. The kiss seemed to last forever until Johnny pulled away, and put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Anna," Johnny said, "I love you."

I smiled. "I don't know what to say."

"Then don't say anything," Johnny said, "be mute and just let the silence answer for you."

I stroked Johnny's face with my hand, and he smiled. "I love you Johnny, and I don't need silence to answer that."

Johnny hugged me once more, and then stood up. He helped me up, and we walked back to my house. "I believe this is where we say our goodbye's my love."

A tear appeared in my eye, and I wiped it away. "I believe so, but we will meet again."

Johnny kissed my forehead, and walked away. I walked inside, and closed the door behind me. Melissa was standing in the kitchen cleaning the dishes, and Jacob was typing on his computer. I slowly walked towards the stairs, but Melissa had called my name. Dammit.

"Well Anna," Melissa said, "who was that boy you kissed?"

I looked Melissa straight in the eyes. "That boy was Johnny, my friend who had eye surgery. I visited him earlier, and he just ran into me when I was coming back from a late night swim, Melissa."

"The attitude missy is not acceptable in this household." Melissa said, setting down the towel she was holding.

"I'm sorry mother, but I don't appreciate the way you have been treating me." I said, walking closer to Melissa. "Every since I got to this GODDAMNED HOUSE!"

"Watch your tone Anna Marie Wolfe." Melissa said, standing in her same position.

"Well I don't think I really belong here, so I'm leaving." I said, walking up to my room.

I grabbed my bags, and packed some clothing and makeup for the road. I grabbed Luke's car keys, which he had accidentally left in my room, and I grabbed my purse and iPhone. I ran down the stairs, out the front door and got into the car. I closed the door, and started to drive off. I had no clue where I was going, but all I knew was I had to get as far away as I could from that house. Luke ran after the car, and finally he stood in front of the car. I stepped on the brakes, and stopped the car.

I got out of the car, and walked over to Luke. I was furious, and really mad. "What the hell!"

"You need to come home Anna, please." Luke said, stroking my hair.

I batted away Luke's hand, and got back into the car. I rolled down the window, and spat at Luke. "Bye Luke."

I rolled up the window and drove off, not knowing where the hell I would go.

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