Chapter Three - "Is the glass half empty or half full?"

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The Jocks all stared at me as I sat next down to Connor Bradley, and pulled out my iPhone. Connor smiled slightly, and put his arm around my shoulder. I stiffened for a minute, but then I relaxed.

"Selfie?" I asked Connor, blushing slightly.

Connor laughed. "Sure thing babe."

I gulped. "Why did you call me babe?"

Connor laughed and looked into my eyes. "Because you are the most beautiful girl I've met."

I smiled, and stared over at Lucas and Lucy. Why did this have to happen to me?

I opened the camera app, and got close to Connor. "Smile!" Click

Connor smiled, and kissed me on the cheek. "So adorable."

"Connor, seriously?" I said, laughing. "I am not even popular, I am a valedictorian and I am a total nerd."

The guys at the table cracked up, and smiled at their girlfriends at the table right next to them. I wish I had a billion hot guys smiling at me, and I was wearing the cheerleading uniform.

I stood up, and walked over to where the girls were sitting. They all gave me curious looks, then got back to eating their salads and gossiping about someone. I pulled out my lunch, which I hadn't touched, and ate it cautiously. Why were they staring at me? Did I have something on my shirt?

"Hey Lacey," I said, making sure I didn't have any food in my mouth, "can I try out to get on the team?"

Lacey gave me a sympathetic smile. "Sorry, we can't let anyone else on the team. But you can fill in for Cindy while she's out."

I smiled. "When do we start?"

Lacey and the girls nodded their heads in approval, and she handed me a Victoria Secret bag. Inside was a uniform, and undergarments. Despite the disturbing look I gave the girls, I felt at peace.

"Girls?" Lacey motioned the other girls to stand up, "time to go help our newest member."

I grabbed my bags, and followed the girls. This was the life, except the fact that Lucas gave everything up for popularity... And hit on my best friend, behind my back. It broke up heart, but in spite of my heartache I continued walking with the girls to the locker room... Screw Lucas, and everyone else who broke me.

In the locker room, the girls all sat at their lockers, and got on their shoes. Lacey was in the dressing room with me, getting my hair up in a high pony tail, and getting me ready for the big game in about an hour.

"Get dressed." Lacey pointed to the Victoria Secret bag sitting on the bench.

"Okay." I said, grabbing the bag.

This was it. Everything was about to change, and I had everything in my hands.

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