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Gemma: What the hell happened at the pub?!

Louis: Nothing

Gemma: Liar, Niall rushed up to me asking why you and Harry were fighting in the middle of the pub!

Louis: Well you put me in a situation with my ex, what do you think is gonna happen ??

Gemma: Omg you two I swear

Louis: Whatever Gemma, see you later

Gemma: Bye

I turn off my phone and lay down on the mattress. I was resting until my phone dinged again.

Niall: Hey

Louis: Hey man, sorry bout last night.

Niall: It's ok, you were angry

Louis: I know but I was acting like a dick.

Niall: Wanna meet up and talk?

I sigh at the screen. It's not like I hate Niall, just, he can be invasive at times. But none the less.

Louis: Sure, where ??

Niall: My house?

Louis: Sure

Niall: Ok bye!

Louis: Bye

This time I turn off my phone for good and step into the shower. I wash my hair and use body soap. I usually don't take showers, but I didn't want Niall thinking there was something wrong with me. 


"Hey," I say when Niall opened the door.

"Hi," he lets me in. "You can sit down." I sit down on the couch soon him joining. "So let's just get right into this. What happened with Harry?" 

"Well, we broke up."


"Erm, personal?"

"Louis, I'm in your personal life."

"I guess, but you know Kendell?"


"Well he slept with her the whole time he knew her."



"Did you tell anyone?"

"No, you're the first person."

"Wow, I just lost so much respect for him."

"I did too."

"When did you guys break up?" Niall turns a bit so his legs are facing me. 


"Really? Why did you wait so long?"

"I thought we could work it out, but things just got worse." There was a little silence before I realized he wanted me to continue. "We got into fights and most of the time we wouldn't even sleep together. Our relationship at some points just seemed like sex."

"Oh Louis, that's terrible."

"It's fine, part of the fighting was my part. I was just kinda pissed off."

"With good reason, he cheated on you Lou."

"Ya, I guess, but the main reason I stayed is because I didn't know what to do without him."

"Well you don't need him, you're a strong independent woman!"

"Heh, thanks Nialler."

"No problem Lou, wanna watch a movie?"



I wake up the next morning on the floor of Niall's house. I stretch my arms and yawn. I see Niall on the couch with the remote in his hand. I wait a few minutes before he's awake. "Morning," I say.

"Ugh, what time is it."

"Erm." I fumble my phone out of my pocket. "2 pm."

"Oh boy."

"Ya I know." I stand up tucking my phone back into my pocket. "We should hang out sometime, you up?"


"Mk I'll text you, or you can text me whenever we're ready."

"Alright then."


"See you." I walk out his door smiling. I get out of the apartments and see someone by my car. 


About the coronavirus

Hey everyone stay safe during this time. Make sure to wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds at much as you can! Stay away from anyone who is sneezing or couching. All we can really do as citizens is wait this out. It'll get better promise! I am a little worried though because my state is the 3rd most concerned state. They canceled state games her unless you're a family member or part of the school's staff. 

Have a nice day and stay safe !!


Noah :)

I Want to Write you a Song ~ Larry Stylinson fanfiction ~DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now