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June 2013

"I love you Boo Bear," Harry kisses my nose.

"I love you too Hazza," I reply smiling up at him. It's a summer night and we're looking at the stars outside at 2 am. 

"Hey Lou."


"I know this is corny-"

"You're great at that." 

"Oh shut up." We both laugh and he lays down. "But do you think we'll be together forever?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know, get married, have kids, and maybe come out?"

"Well I think so but it depends what happens, why?"

"I don't know these last couple of months have been hard with stunts and all."

"Ya I know, but hey we promised that wouldn't get in the way right?"

"Right." Then he looks up at me. "Why are you so far away?"

"You were the one who moved away from me Harry." I laugh a little. He grabs my waist and pulls me on top of him. He kisses me and I rest my head on his chest. The moon is glistening on the pool water. 

"Night Bear," he whispers kissing my head.

"Night Haz," I tilt my head up and kiss his lips. He kisses back and then we're both drifting off to sleep.


March 2016

"God I was stupid," I mumble closing my eyes at 12pm.

I Want to Write you a Song ~ Larry Stylinson fanfiction ~DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now