46- Silence can be deadly

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Jesse's POV

Makena, I love you so much, more than you will ever know. Please just stay with me, I'm calling for help!" I murmur into her ear as I glance up at Marcel's smug face. I have never hated someone so much as I hated this man right now, at this moment. I pulled out a little pistol I had hidden in my shoe and pointed it straight at his head, lining it in the middle of his eyes. 

I pull the trigger, watching as his body falls to the ground. Fearing retaliation, I then turn the gun on Charlie, pulling the trigger once more, watching as she too falls to the floor. Then, after deciding it was safe, I pulled out my cell phone and called 911, and then the only person I could trust... JAKE!

"Hello?" I hear his tired voice come over the phone.

"Hey, Jake... I need your help." I said so quickly that I worried he didn't hear me.

"Why, what happened? Something is wrong!" he speculated.

"I'm waiting for an ambulance to arrive, I think she's going to die, Jake... if she's not already dead. Hurry, Jake! I need your help!" I pleaded with him before rattling off the address. "Jake I need you here as I messed up and I really, really need some help. I'll explain everything to you when you get here. Please bring your captain because I was involved in a major crime here." I knew I sounded scared. I was scared. I didn't want to lose the only person I loved in this world.

"Okay dude, I'm on my way!" he says before hanging up. I sit there holding her in my arms as I decide to wait for an ambulance at the front door. I heard her shallow breathing, but I knew it was serious, and I knew she needed assistance. 

I knew it was a big possibility that I was going to lose her right here in front of me, and that scared me more than going to jail for Marcel and Charlie's murders. The only thing that mattered to me was getting help for Makena and our son, they needed help and they needed it soon. I didn't know if Charlie was dead, probably just passed out as I had only hit her with my shoulder.

The ambulance's sirens were audible as they approached the house, I could hear multiple sirens as I stared out towards the gravel driveway through the open door of the house. I watched as the ambulance pulled to a stop and the EMTs all got out to start treating her. I watched as they strapped her body down on the gurney, I couldn't believe this had happened. I realized I was going to lose her now, my tears welling up as I prayed for her and the unborn child's life. Maybe I deserved it for everything I did to her, God knows I didn't deserve a happily ever after now did I?

As the man approaches me, I glance up to him, I had let myself fall to my knees as I watched the EMTs wheel her into the ambulance. Hopefully, they could save her, I was hopeful. "Jesse, what happened to her?" Jake whispered in my ear, but I couldn't answer him. I was frozen with fear of losing my beautiful wife. 

The cut on her belly looked pretty bad and I was covered in her blood. I knew that didn't look good, but I couldn't help it I wasn't going to leave her there with her own blood all over the ground. I turned to the man standing there full of concern and questions. I knew I needed to answer those questions, sooner rather than later if I were to have any hope of being exonerated of the murder charge. I turn and walk him through the house telling him what happened in this room, "If what you just said is true Jesse, this is not murder! It's still classified as self-defense since you were trying to protect and save the lives of your wife and child." Jake told me.

"I certainly hope so," I answer him as I show him the two bodies that were still laying on the floor. Jake's Captain joined us shortly after as I gave him my statement regarding the events of that night. 

"Hey there Captain. What have we determined so far?" Jake asks after hearing over what I had told him. I can see the anger in his eyes as he stares around the room at all of the gadgets and tables, and chairs designed to hold a person in place. He knew what this meant, it meant that when I admitted to kidnapping Makena, I was telling the truth.

The Captain looks at us, "Well, as far as I can tell from this scene, this was an interesting encounter. But everything lines up with what Jesse said, and I called for another ambulance as the girl is still alive and needs some help. I have ordered an officer to be present at all times, as she is under arrest right now!" he declares to us. I glance over at Jake.

"Why would I lie to you guys? I have already admitted to kidnapping her, why would I lie now?" I say to the Captain, looking back at Jake. 

"I believe you," Jake says, turning towards me.

"Well, what about Makena? Do you guys have any idea whether she'll be okay?" I asked, trying to keep my emotions in check, I needed to be strong for her. I needed to figure this out.

"When I know, you'll know. But to be completely honest with you dude, it's likely they'll call you first because you're her husband. I'm just her brother-in-law through the bond of best friends." he said so calmly. I thought about what he said and it made a lot of sense.

"Well that's true, so what do I do now?" I ask seriously, my only focus being Makena. I was determined to get to her, to stand with her during this time. I wanted to ensure that she was okay.

I hear him clear his throat and glance over at him, "Jesse, you go be with your wife, I will finish this here." He turns back to Marcel's body laying on the ground and says, "Get to the hospital, I hope for the best for you."

"I'll take him, she's family to me as well." Jake offers.

"Thank you." I said as we rushed out of the house, and he climbed behind the wheel as I jumped into the passenger seat. He floored the gas and we took off as fast as we could to the hospital where they would have taken Makena and possibly even Charlie. I wish I would have known about the baby, even if I had already left I would have taken care of the baby and stood by her because of little Ella. 

I watch him pull the car into an empty spot and we both rush out through the lobby. "Makena Campbell please!" I scream as I head straight for the information desk..."

"Sorry, I can't give out any information about the patient unless your family." She says through a fake friendly smile, and I just want to smack her upside the head.

"I'm her Fucking husband. Is that family enough for you?" I inquired of her as she gave me a look.

"Sorry sir, but she's currently in surgery right now. You can wait in the waiting room and the doctor will follow up with you afterward to let you know how she's doing." She says motioning to a practically empty waiting room. I growl in anger as I storm over to a chair. I cross my arms over my chest and stare at the receptionist, not caring that she was just doing her job.

"Hey Jesse," he says as he sits in the chair next to mine, "I called Suri and told her what's going on." 

She can't come right now due too little Jackson and Bree, but she'd like us to let her know as soon as we find out how Makena is doing." he says through a reassuring smile. 


So we sat there in silence and wait...

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